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  1. Asked you if it was a fake profile. Wasn’t the only one to notice too. Odd thing to set up a profile, add bots to make it look legitimate and then steal some random persons photograph as your profile picture. All your posts are the same too, pro board, pro FSS, anti foundation. For someone who preaches about the sanctimony of this forum being anonymous , you’ve been quick to try out others or accuse them of being attached to a particular organisation. You are also sharp to accuse people of having an agenda so why not be more open about who you are so your agenda can be questioned or would that put your position in jeopardy of the organisation you represent?
  2. Just glad you have rediscovered your shift key Dude. I find it funny that fully grown adults deliberately try to hide their identity so they can spout abuse about someone. Maybe this is an anonymous forum but Facebook isn’t so find it strange that you peruse Falkirk groups on there using a fake profile. Why would that be?
  3. A bit of witch hunting rearing its head again from the same select few regarding the Foundation. If we are to have a conversation about the Foundation and make accusations about its CEO then why not bring it up on a forum where no-one is hiding behind a username and allow your own character or agenda to be called in to question? Would only seem fair. The club wouldn't have got the grants for the pitch and floodlights if not for the Foundation. As Shadwell said too, the grant for the hub is solely for community use and won't affect any potential 4th and will provide a very useful facility for the community teams, one of which is the first downs syndrome teams. The Foundation have been doing great work and getting recognised for it across the country. Some of the anti-Foundation stuff on here is shameful.
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