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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. You are obviously a much more forgiving person than I could ever be. Lang may yer lum reek.
  2. So why are you giving this ignorant clown the oxygen of publicity via a link to a rag that most folk wouldn't wipe their arse with ?
  3. Nope....... he is an invertebrate when it comes to asking serious questions. As with most of his BBC Scotland comrades, who have their noses in the Pacific Quay trough and their mouths around the OF boaby.
  4. This has to be the Gorgie equivelant of "Chinese to bid £40 million for Morelos". Zoomer Central on Embra's West Side.
  5. Sloppiness, laziness, couldn't give a f*ckness......... and it's not only in their written output, this attitude extends into the studio with their roster of gluepot nag pundits such as Preston, Dodds, Young, English, Cowan, etc...........
  6. Tsk, David, you're slipping........it's Jeffrey.
  7. Just a wee reminder for the P&B Luvvie Massive..... Amadeus is streaming (on YouTube) from 7pm UK time on Thursday 16 July until 7pm UK time on Thursday 23 July 2020. #Amadeus #NationalTheatre #NationalTheatreAtHome
  8. Interesting........ Is this offer available on a P&B-wide basis ?
  9. So you're building a wall to avoid seeing your lovely, friendly, generous neighbours ??
  10. So you finally managed to cancel that standing order for FoH ?
  11. I take your point but it is a series of Rectum headlines with Carlos Fandango-levels of putative worth of your goal machine that I was referring to.
  12. Cheeky Chirpy Chappy Chico is not qualified to comment on any football matter as he is as dumb as carrots.
  13. I take it you are aware that the BBC have a 'Culture In Quarantine' series on iPlayer just now, loads of Shakespeare stuff but the best is undoubtedly Emma Rice's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at The Globe (from 2017). Don't miss it.
  14. Good to see that hearing impaired clientele are being catered for.
  15. A stockade from a John Wayne fillum, a replica "Jim'll Fix It" chair, a couple of park benches and a sandpit for Rubius Hagrid's children. Plus, the tinfoil barbecue will incinerate any carpet. An interesting example of the North Lanarkshire School of Landscape Architecture.
  16. Damn, you're still alive. Was hoping that big spider had found out where you live.
  17. He found it in Elon Musk's wheelie bin. A precursor to the Tesla Model X.
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