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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. I would generally agree with your sentiments GG, but Mr. AJF needs to a) grow a thicker skin and b) develop a sense of cynicism. If a self-confessed supporter of the 8 year-old club comes on here and basically invites posters to add to a word association puzzle that begins "Rangers, father.....", then "sash" is going to appear sharpish, IMHO. However, AJF then goes off on one, accusing folk of "assuming his religion". As if I cared which ludge he attends..............
  2. The movie was shite compared to the stage musical. Can't beat a bit of Sondheim and this thread needs lifting a rung or two due to the Budge arse-kissers.
  3. Good to see your Xanax is working Snifter and the aggression is gone. Greenied for use of 'poinding'. Outstanding.
  4. It's quite the shame that you're now at the "more to be pitied than scolded" stage, Kinky.
  5. There are 2 versions apparently . That version is 'Calm Shagger'. There's also the 'Angry Shagger' version which has the strapline 'Lost The Heid'. Good to see Sports Direct Castore offering the Sevco fans a choice.
  6. Wait till he has a couple of shite games and he'll be known as Match Pillock.
  7. I am genuinely saddened to see that Jambo-slayer-in-waiting Mr. Neil Doncaster (peace be upon him) is no longer referred to by his SPL / FiveWay Agreement / Sevco stitch-up / 2012 nomenclature of "Neil Cockwomble".
  8. It would appear that Successful Business Woman Ann Budge isn't either.
  9. Hearts should've replaced Levein with a and they'd be in a much better place.
  10. Must've eaten the dug's dinner. Greedy bassa.
  11. Dr. Budge's Patented Snake Oil. Well known cure for rectal prolapse.
  12. Thanks for the info. Guess I'll need to do a wee bit of research on this arbitration malarkey.
  13. If the concept of "unfairness" was to be be enshrined in law we'd be in a right feckin' mess, no ? Do you seriously think any arbitrator is going down that rabbit-hole when the globe is in the middle of the biggest health and economic crisis for decades, if not ever ?
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