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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Aha.......Mrs. FP assured me she only paid £18.75........thanks for info.
  2. Morrison's now charging £21 for a litre of Gordon's Gin (up from £18.75 two weeks ago) and wee boxes of Celebrations / Roses are £3, up from £2 in a fortnight. Normally I'd never comment on supermarket prices but the the c*nts are ripping the piss IMHO.
  3. “Pork a grieving munter”.........one of Morrissey’s best lines.......[emoji851]
  4. Shandz, you need to stop posting pics like this. Our A+E depts. will be overwhelmed with middle aged guys showing signs of arrhythmia and carpal tunnel issues. Please consider the oldies. [emoji3525]
  5. Orange marches are banned at this time of national emergency, Vicky.
  6. Let’s not forget the £39 million that London mayor Boris Johnson spunked on the designs / feasibility of a ‘garden bridge’ over the Thames.
  7. Apparently Kinky has but she eventually saw the light and binned the cünt.
  8. Vera Lynn and Capt. Tom will be reunited in front of Buck Palace for a good ‘ol Cockney knees up, followed by a Zimmer frame aided knee-trembler (snapper ?) for old times sake.
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2020/apr/16/exit-the-house-of-karrimor-enter-the-austere-and-unforgiving-house-of-saud?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  10. We obviously need a new dedicated thread - "Throbber's Surrogacy Experience".
  11. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b03jb36z This podcast is on BBC Sounds, however, it was first broadcast in 2013.
  12. Recently started 'The Histories' by Herodotus. It's different.
  13. Just watching Trump’s presser on CNN........it’s like a fûcking chimp’s tea party. The man is a delusional dangerous fool. Batshit crazy doesn’t even come close..........
  14. Well said Vicky. [emoji41][emoji149][emoji149] Pity that the club you follow follow don’t listen, as they’ve been gambling since their creation in 2012 and have been losing millions every year. Which is nice.........
  15. Do you live in a submarine ? “Up periscope.........”
  16. If it’s a choice between Covid 19 and listening to those two roasters spouting shite, I’ll take the [emoji3083].
  17. He's Unspeakably Violent Jack, the Bull Buggering Beast Killer of No Fixed Abode. (one for the oldsters.....)
  18. Throbs, you are a mad bástárd but in these dark, depressing times, you bring a ray of sunshine to the forum.. [emoji2957]
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