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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Of course they’re fūcking essential. You’ll never see those gigantic tarantulas trying to invade your hoose if your windaes are clarty..........
  2. Sorry Throbs, I thought the image would automatically copy too......I’m a bit of a muppet at this modern computer malarkey......[emoji3525]
  3. Her gimp has to be able to breathe, ffs............
  4. Prince Charles is isolating at Balmoral with Covid 19. Prince Andrew is isolating at Windsor with Jennifer, 14.
  5. This has got to be ‘whoosh’, shoorely tae fück ?
  6. I used to get this done also, however, since I’ve discovered the (almost sexual) joys of 6% Hydrogen Peroxide dropped into my lugs a couple of times per annum, no requirement for that syringe pump thingy at the surgery. [emoji41][emoji177]
  7. It’s a sneaky plot by Ol’ Jugears to get his sorry arse on the throne. He’ll now try and pass it on to Brenda and highly unlikely she’d survive. Cùnt.
  8. She was not but he didn’t have the hearth to tell her.
  9. Hope to fück he sings Happy Birthday twice........
  10. Just noticed this on Guardian website.....haven’t listened to any of these but might be of interest to the P&B massive... https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/mar/20/readers-recommend-podcasts-to-binge-on-while-youre-cooped-up-in-self-isolation?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  11. Arsehole Trump is missing a trick here. Should be calling it pandamic. “The Chinese Pandamic.”
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/mar/21/rare-andean-bears-flock-to-cloud-forest-to-feast-on-wild-avocados-aoe?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  13. That was me. Dettol unavailable. Hand gel unavailable. Bleach unavailable. Voddy available.........and drinkable too ! Win win.......
  14. Just in case you'd never heard of Britannia Hotels before..... Also interesting that the media are highlighting that it's a 'Scottish' hotel but can't see them mentioning it's part of an English company. C*nts.......
  15. Ooh.....that doesn't sound right ......................
  16. I would have thought once we get clear of this wee bug, the NHS is going to be inundated for a serious amount of time in a vain attempt to catch up with the massive amount of cancelled electives. Coupled with the amount of staff that have left/will be going due to Brexit, I don’t see the NHS getting back to pre-Coronavirus levels of care/efficiency for a very long time. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/20/boris-johnson-covid-19-prime-minister-brexit?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  17. Just back from the big Lidl in Craigmillar. Not a lot of folk about. Apart from the fresh veg aisles, it basically looks as if it’s been looted. Freezer cabinets pretty much empty. Going to spend the next couple of days cooking and freezing dishes. Sending hugs and kisses to you all from the southside of Capital City. [emoji177][emoji177]
  18. The news we've all been waiting for ................. The Eurovision Song Contest has been cancelled due to the coronavirus outbreak, it has been announced.
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