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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Jason Leitch on Off The Ball. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/scotland/51892264
  2. Actually, it's 'crispy hoisin bat'.........(copyright Throbber)
  3. Kelso races cancelled. Country to follow next week ? https://www.theguardian.com/sport/blog/2020/mar/16/talking-horses-kelso-leads-racings-move-behind-closed-doors?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  4. He’s turned into a bit of a YouTube star. Was even on Fox News in the US on Saturday. More power to his elbow.
  5. Waitrose already experiencing quail egg panic buying. [emoji12]
  6. Trump appears to want to purchase German vaccine firm ..... “For Americans only...” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/15/trump-offers-large-sums-for-exclusive-access-to-coronavirus-vaccine?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other Seriously, is there a bigger cûnt on the planet at present ?
  7. My headvoice prefers ‘Matt Cockhand’. Let’s not get carried away, thank fûck the Coronavirus never appeared when this cünt was around..... https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/nov/11/northern-ireland-edwin-poots-creationist-anti-gay?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  8. For those in self-isolation wishing to self-abuse, my mate recommends a total grot channel called ‘Private Society’ on ygerbil . HTH. [emoji41]
  9. Reporter on BBC news channel saying that a branch of Iceland in Ireland is going to open very early for senior citizens only. (No doubt they’ll then get mugged on the way home).
  10. Howzabout the P&B ‘Football Quilt’ ? I might get in touch with the Hibs bois to see if we can coordinate a 6ft x 6ft panel of Sir David Gray’s injury time Cup Winning Goal in 2016. All of us Hibs fans are dead handy with needles, ken....
  11. Yup.....give the job to Failing Grayling......that’ll get rid of a few thousand coffin dodgers in jig time......[emoji3545]
  12. It’s an absolute cert that before this event is over, we’re going to see supermarket delivery trucks being hijacked.
  13. That is brilliant Moomy.......I had that album on yesterday and I’d like to suggest that the lyric “Well heeled big wheel” be replaced by “Fish tank shitebag”....... Genius.....[emoji41]
  14. I think I saw it on top of the cuckoo clock........
  15. I look forward to the remnants of Scottish ‘journalism’ plummeting to the bowels of Hell. [emoji14]
  16. That’s got me thinking......how about a ‘Sportsound Spelling Bee’ during the crisis ? “Packy, could you please spell ‘epidemiologist’” ? etcetera......
  17. I take it you’ve not been keeping up with the flood of lies and excrement emanating on a regular basis from the Jabba / Jackson / Rectum / Sun / BBC Glasgow pipeline over the piece. ?
  18. @williemillersmoustache was that your joke thar arsehole Cowan just read out? The cant will probably nick it......... [emoji16]
  19. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/mar/13/ba-says-jobs-will-go-as-airline-industry-faces-crisis-worse-than-9-11-coronavirus "In the UK, where the regional carrier Flybe collapsed after the outbreak of coronavirus, fears that the wider aviation industry could follow have been raised further, with news of job cuts at Edinburgh Airport. The Unite trade union warned that Edinburgh, following Southampton airport, was on the brink of collapse without government help."
  20. Hull City are the latest club to donate food ordered for matchday following the suspension of games, with Aston Villa confirming 850 staff packed lunches are being donated to support homeless charities. “With food having already been delivered to the Kcom Stadium for tomorrow’s game, the club was keen to ensure it didn’t go to waste,” read a club statement. “Fresh fruit, vegetables and sandwiches have now been passed over to FareShare Hull & Humber, a charity that redistributes surplus food to over 120 organisations throughout the region. The club are pleased that this surplus food will go to people who really need it.”
  21. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2020/mar/13/wales-v-scotland-six-nations-match-called-off-coronavirus-rugby-union
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