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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. “Ethical vegans” must wander about looking like Mahatma Ghandi. Seriously, he doesn’t use public transport in case the bus kills insects ? He could also kill insects riding a bike, he’ll be killing millions of microbes and bacteria every day......do they qualify as sentient ? Load of shite.
  2. In my younger, i.e. teenage and student years, I was (and still am to an extent) a huge Pink Floyd fan. In the 60’s and 70’s they produced several soundtracks for offbeat / arthouse films such as ‘The Valley Obscured By Clouds’, ‘Zabriskie Point’ and selective Floyd tracks were used e.g. ‘Careful With That Axe, Eugene’ in Antonioni’s “Blow Up” and there was a surfing movie called ‘Crystal Voyager’ which used most of side one from the ‘Meddle’ album. I used to have all of this stuff on vinyl but sold it ages ago but still listen to the music on YouTube/Spotify. It stands the test of time IMHO.
  3. Oh look, the English FA appear to have testicles. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2020/jan/03/football-association-charge-barnsley-sectarian-chanting-james-mcclean?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  4. The NASA link below is to Boris Chertok’s fascinating 4 volume work “Rockets and People” on the history of Soviet rocketry from it’s earliest days . Chertok was one of Korolev’s main collaborators at OKB-1, I read these books a few years ago and are well worth the time. https://www.nasa.gov/connect/ebooks/rockets_people_vol1_detail.html
  5. Mrs.F_P has spent a large part of the Festive Season marking student papers (it’s great, gives me an excuse to have minimal social intercourse) and I am making the tea tonight.....however, I am on my third bottle of Broughton Brewery 6.2 IPA and I suspect that my meringues are all going to turn out like Fanny’s........... Heh, heh...........
  6. Minnie, Ena and me. A threesome for the ages........or maybe that should be aged. Anyhoo, wid and wid. [emoji3]
  7. Clarification required. Did you actually pish into the shower tray ?
  8. From Wiki:-“The roots of the RD-180 rocket engine extend back into the Soviet Energia launch vehicle project. The RD-170, a four-chamber engine, was developed for use on the strap-on boosters for this vehicle, which ultimately was used to lift the Buran orbiter. This engine was scaled down to a two-chamber version by combining the RD-170's combustion devices with half-size turbomachinery. After successful performances in engine tests on a test stand and high-level agreements between the US government and the Russian government, the engines were imported to the US for use on the Lockheed Martin Atlas III, with first flight in 2000. The engine is also used on the United Launch Alliance Atlas V, the successor to the Atlas III.[1] The engine has similar design features to the NK-33, which was developed by a different bureau (Kuznetzov) nearly a decade earlier.” Channel 4’s Equinox did an interesting doc on engine design, how the Soviets mastered the challenges of the closed-cycle and how the NK-33 went to America.
  9. Is it true that it’s the early bird that gets the worm ? The birds in our back greens seem to be celebrating the New Year with behaviour normally seen around March/April. Two big wood doos shagging like there was no tomorrow on the garden wall and a pair of magpies have started nest building in a neighbour’s tree. We’re all doomed.......
  10. Excellent use of the English language. My wife is a Yank and all I get is “New Years”.......doesn’t matter if it’s 31st December or 1st January, it’s just always “New Years”......[emoji37] Seething, so ah am........
  11. Was considering opening a bottle of Broughton Brewery IPA as Santa brought me a mixed case......[emoji1335].......but now have to go to Lidl’s as we now have visitors tonight, they’re staying over so will be a late one with much imbibing. Oh well...........
  12. Ganz genau, Rossmeister...........[emoji41]
  13. Nobody trusts you, you snivelling little gobshite. [emoji149][emoji149][emoji41]
  14. Seriously, you received 2 pm’s enquiring as to the identity of your other half ? Fuxake.......[emoji37]
  15. A man selling “Golden Tickets to Heaven” for $99.99 ? And his name is T.Watts ? Really ? [emoji3]
  16. Two reds in two weeks for Morelos should see another £10m knocked off his transfer price. [emoji7]
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