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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. The use of the definite article always lends that little frisson of exclusivity, don't you think ?
  2. He's not getting a hard time. He's basically being asked to expand on the statements he's making because he's too busy trying to make his posts combative and edgy to see that a lot of them come out looking like troll shite.
  3. Alex Thomson latest blog :- http://blogs.channel4.com/alex-thomsons-view/questions-answered-footballs-governing-bodies/2235
  4. Correctamundo. Back in the good old days of Jim Farry and Ernie Walker, if Lumphinan Violet were playing Young Boys of Cardenden in the Deepest Darkest Fife League Div.3 on a Wednesday night, it meant we couldn't get to see Dundee Yinitit / Aberdeen v. Some Euro Crap on TV. Them were the days.
  5. Dundee Hibernians have Orc support ? Well I never.............. "New scum element". Interesting deduction. Please elucidate.
  6. This is from the Clyde minutes of Doncaster's presentation last week :- The consequential impact on the SFL from the presentation was that the SFL would lose its entitlement to circa £2m per annum from the Settlement Agreement put together to compensate the SFL for the SPL breakaway, this was made very clear by Neil Doncaster. He told the clubs that if the SPL didn't have the money then they could not pay the SFL. The reality however, which was clear from the detailed figures, is that the SPL, whilst losing an enormous amount of funding, would have the cash to make payment; it is just that the SPL would not meet the legal obligation to the SFL as the cash would be used to finance the SPL teams. OK, so the next question has to be if this is true or was Doncaster basically issuing empty threats to try to get Spivco into Div 1 ?
  7. Where is this clause ? In the TV contract ? In the SPL Handbook ? In the SPL Articles of Association ? In the SFA rules ? You appear to be the only person saying that this clause exists.
  8. Agree with your point that Scottish football is effed but it is all relative. I'd actually say that the EPL is more fecked. We've got a duopoly, they've got a quadropoly. They've got Chelsea being used as a high-class front for major money-laundering, Man Utd. being used as a toy for one family's megalomania and hubris, Man. City are just a plaything for a sheikh and all the while the suits at Sky are pulling the levers. If that not f*cked up then I don't know what is. We all know that when the EPL goes PHUT ! (as it surely will), it will make the Spivco fiasco look like a storm in a teacup. The major issue that needs to be addressed apart from the way the spoils are shared is the West Coast religious mediaevalism. Really makes us look like a 3rd world country. That nettle has to be grasped.
  9. Perhaps not but you might be inundated with extra deliveries of milk and mail.
  10. Wrong again, douchebag. As noted just a few posts back, although the shares might have no monetary value they indicate that the holders of said shares have at least an emotional link to SpivCo and cannot be said to be impartial. So please shove your accusations of bias up your Welsh arse. Thank you.
  11. Because there's some piece of sophistry within the SFA rules saying that at long as the shareholding is not "substantial", then it's OK. Feckin' stinks.
  12. There was something posted on KDS to the fact that only ONE member of the Airdrie board was NOT a shareholder of Spivco.
  13. Another interesting article on the Morton Man with a large pair of testicles (and a spine.) http://www.greenocktelegraph.co.uk/sport/roundup/articles/2012/07/10/431790-sfa-untruthful/
  14. From SPL Articles of Association :- No 175364 The Companies Act 1985 The objects for which the Company are established :- (k) to make payments and provide support to the Scottish Football League. http://www.scotprem.com/content/mediaassets/doc/ARTICLES%20%20OF%20ASSOCIATION%20AT%2030%20MAY%202012.pdf
  15. 1. This is a football forum. Expect people to disagree with you and expect some of those opposing views to be expressed in a robust manner. 2. Don't whine like a mummy's boy. Cut those apron strings and roll with the punches. Give as good as you get. 3. Maintain a sense of humour and perspective. We're all winging it to varying degrees. 4. Never forget that Scottish football is governed by corrupt c*nts and reported on by a lickspittle media for the benefit of 2 clubs who glory in bigotry and sectarianism. 5. Never forget that Point 4 is what keeps us diddies at the barricades. 6. Remember your 5-a-day.
  16. A Spartans spokesman said yesterday "As it stands there is no current vacancy in the SFL. But it’s clearly something that is changing on a daily basis and is a real moveable feast. We are watching with interest as we are keen to play at as high a level as we can. Make no bones about it, as a club we are very ambitious and want to get in the league. We will have our licence shortly, our ground meets the criteria and we have three years of accounts so everything is in place. We have space for 3500 fans and once hosted Manchester United. We also have 600 kids wearing our strip every weekend" SPARTANS director of football Andy Nixon ________________________________________________________________________________- This will grow legs. More work for m'learned friends if Spivco 5088 go into the 3rd ?
  17. From today's Herald. Worth a full quote I think :- Tuesday 10 July 2012 Morton chairman launches scathing attack on Scottish football's top brass DOUGLAS RAE, the Morton chairman, has sent a strongly worded letter to the chairmen of each Scottish Football League club criticising what Stewart Regan, the Scottish Football Association chief executive, and his counterpart at the Scottish Premier League, Neil Doncaster, said at last week's SFL meeting. Representatives from the 30 lower-league clubs came together at Hampden last Tuesday and were addressed by Regan and Doncaster regarding the implications of voting Rangers newco into the Irn-Bru First or Third Divisions. In his letter yesterday, Rae lambasted the contribution made by Doncaster, in particular, saying he "seemed to many to be a man who had lost his way and [is] unable to get back on the right road". Doncaster had outlined that SFL clubs would put at risk six top-flight clubs unless they voted to install Rangers in the first division. They are scheduled to meet to decide the issue at a special general meeting on Friday. The Morton chairman reiterated the assertion made by third-division club Clyde that Regan had lied about the SFA's stance on a proposal to install Rangers in the SPL, a motion defeated last week by 10-1 in a vote by top-flight clubs. He also alighted upon a common theme in lamenting the existence of three governing bodies in Scottish football, expressing a wish that the authorities be merged. "Scottish Football League clubs are being placed in an intolerable position by the SFA and the overwhelming decision by the SPL to refuse to admit newco Rangers into the Premier League," wrote Rae, whose club will be represented on Friday by chief executive Gillian Donaldson, as Rae remains on holiday. "I was very disappointed indeed with the input of the two visiting officials at the SFL meeting, which lasted some five hours. The visitors were Stuart [sic] Regan, chief executive of the SFA and Neil Doncaster, chief executive of the SPL. "Neil Doncaster was a man who didn't appreciate that the current problem relative to newco Rangers, and which league they should be playing in next season, is exclusively the problem of the SPL and little do to with the SFL. "Neil was totally unable to get his clubs to accept the decision going forward that he wanted. Following that mammoth failure, Neil now expects the SFL clubs to bail him out, which would mean SFL clubs ignoring the views of their supporters. Never have I known supporters to be more single-minded than how they feel over this newco Rangers drama. Quite frankly, Neil Doncaster seemed to many to be a man who had lost his way and [is] unable to get back on the right road. "The SPL CEO made scant contribution other than trying to impress clubs that if we did not vote newco Rangers into the SFL Division One, financial disaster of epic proportions would be the experience many clubs would suffer. His forecast was that up to six SPL clubs could go 'bust' if the SFL clubs did not follow his advice to back newco Rangers." Rae was only marginally more impressed with the presentation of Regan, who last week delivered a withering forecast of the state of Scottish football should Rangers newco not be allowed to enter the first division. Last week Clyde revealed that Regan had intended to block Rangers' entry to the SPL should clubs have opened the door to them, although it stated that his comment had been delivered in such a way that it came across as "less than an absolute statement". However, Rae indicates he pressed Regan on his comment, and he reiterated that the governing body would have blocked Rangers' path into the top flight. He also explained that such a decision was kept from the clubs for "greater effect". The letter continued: "The most concerning point about Regan's presentation was he departed truth as he became increasingly desperate to get his viewpoints accepted. When asked what would have happened if SPL clubs had voted newco Rangers entry to the Premier League, he stated that the SFA would block it. I asked why that point had not been made known to the clubs prior to the meeting. Stuart stated that sometimes points are withheld until the last moment for greater effect. I asked, through the chair, if I could ask Regan to repeat what he had said about 'blocking'. He responded by repeating what he had said minutes before; namely that the SFA would block any result that would see newco Rangers entering the SPL. "The following day Stuart countermanded in the press what he had told the SFL meeting the previous day. "It is very disappointing the SFA chief executive was unable to give a truthful response to SFL chairmen." Rae then revealed his desire for Scottish football to be governed by a single body, headed by current SFL chief executive David Longmuir. "Scottish football is in crisis and needs a man of honesty, vision and strength at the helm - David Longmuir. David addressed the meeting last week and gave a clear picture of how he saw the way ahead for our clubs - and was the only one of these three speakers who spoke with clarity and which he managed to do without misleading the chairmen. "I am sure I am not the only chairman who considers it absurd to have three organisations looking after Scottish football. There should be one organisation looking after all aspects of our game." The SPL and SFA chose not to comment on Rae's letter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. Tsk, tsk.....such a low blow. The equivelant of giving a fish supper to a blind guy's guide dog when they're half way over a zebra cossing. Anyhoo, by the time Hibs win the thing, I'll be dust. That is assuming Scottish football gets through the current crisis.
  19. Statement on Judicial Panel Tribunal Tuesday, 24 April 2012 Stewart Regan, Scottish FA Chief Executive: “The Scottish FA has a responsibility to all its members and must implement its rules without fear or favour."
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