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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. No doubt they'll need to pay him handsomely to get him to walk. 'Rewarding Failure' seems to be the new buzzphrase in British business.
  2. The thought of a large hall full or Sevco supporters gathered to hear a top table which includes McMoist, Jinty Sardine, Sidemooth Broon and Chuck Green is amazing. It should have been filmed for posterity by Werner Herzog. There's only one more thing that needs to happen in this Shakesperean tragedy to make it complete and that is for Donald Trump and his unfeasably ridiculous hair to come riding to the rescue, telling everyone that his 'ol grandaddy was a diehard H*n back in the day and that he's going to restore them with his billions to their rightful place at the top of the Soccerball League. Halcyon days.
  3. I've just registered on Soundcloud and am uploading / transcoding Sportsound............................... scotfoot-20120704-1927a Hope it works...my first ever attempt with SC.
  4. I haven't heard Brown on Clyde but did see his 'Peace In Our Time' cameo at the Deathstar last week. Does he have mental health issues ? He comes across very badly indeed. You look at EPL clubs or European clubs and they more often than not have someone with presence and gravitas at the helm. Not a madman who is trying to impersonate a pish-stained semi-literate jakey. Very poor, Sevco, must do better.
  5. That Sportsound show has put me in such a good mood that I need to post this again.......................
  6. BBC Radio Scotland football coverage without Chick Faeces is fantastic. Having Jabba getting a taste of his own medicine is supercallifrajellistic........ That was magic. Cosgrove really should consider putting himself forward for an executive post within football governance in Scotland. He could do wonders for the game.
  7. "Doncaster.......been on a third rate MBA courses and learn about PowerPoint....." Cosgrove cranking up the ante......I think Traynor is going to get a kicking here.......
  8. Traynor's sophistry is feckin' unbelievable. Traynor says he is a 'football reporter' - my arse, he is a mouthpiece for his paymasters. TCFKAR and Trinity Mirror. He does not go and source his information from scratch. He is a stooge, a poodle, a puppet for others.
  9. Assuming Sevco 5088 (that name is ever-so-slightly growing on me) get into SFL3, I hope they'll be signing a few working class hero type players, you know Alf Tupper or Wilson type guys. Then again, there's the immigrant worker market. In my line of work (construction), the Poles will undercut anyone by as much as 40% (may be a slight issue with PAYE & NI there but that shouldn't be a big stumbling block to TCFKAR)
  10. Hope this works :- http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01l1gms Doesn't start till 18.10
  11. Apart from being a real football fan, SC has over 20 years broadcasting experience in both radio and TV and he's able to smell shite from 100 paces. I have loads of time for him and the day he stops doing what he does for Scottish football is the day we'll all be a little bit poorer off.
  12. Absolutely. However, I wonder if someone could clarify something for me. I said in an earlier post in response to the Clyde FC statement that Doncaster and the SPL chairmen were playing a dangerous game by blackmailing both the SFL chairmen and SPL fans - is it correct that Doncaster basically does the bidding of the SPL clubs, he is in effect an employee of the SPL ? Did he just try to implement the wishes of the top tier chairmen re. the threats / blackmail shite ? Or does he come up with that stuff himself ? Would be interested to know.
  13. Fcuk that sucker of H*n pecker. Inconsequential, irrelevant pish. Radio equivelant of Jabba, Chick Faeces, BlondePoof Jackson etc.......... Sportsound is the show to listen to today. Apparently being co-hosted by Spence and Cosgrove. Should be tasty.
  14. There was a cracking wee post last week, can't remember from whom, basically saying that if SevCo went into SFL3 then there might be a some defenders looking to take a few SevCo forward's scalps. These nuggets on Goebbels Media who think that a season in SFL3 would be all fluffy bunnies and "is there honey still for tea" might have another think coming. However, my fave theory is that Charlie just liquidates them out of existence now that the SPL have said GTF.
  15. Scurrilous nugget from RTC :- SSB should be good tonight. We can now expect to be bombarded with the “DIV 1 is a must or Scottish Football will die” scenario.Sky,ESPN,Superscoreboard,Your Call,C-Beebies etc will all withdraw sponsorship if Sevco aren’t allowed in. I think the Ramsden cup starts on 28th July.The SFL will want closure on this asap. Can CG assemble a team,get an SFA licence,decide on a strip,crest etc. Can he get Ibrox a safety certificate if it’s not been maintained over the summer. Who’s paying the bills (RTC has been tweeting about secured loans against Murray Park). Also this: Rangers Tax-Case ‏@rangerstaxcase @HarryBradyCU Hearing a rumour that he might have a little more cash and a little less fixed assets tomorrow. Working on confirmation. I cannot see how Sevco(is it true they can’t call themselves Rangers until BDO say so?.)can remain viable in Div 3.Maybe we’ll see the switch speculated on.Sell the tangible assets,ie,Sevco Scotland and liquidate the football side,Sevco 5088.
  16. If anyone feels inclined to drop Michel and his pals a wee note, their e-mail is :- media@uefa.ch
  17. Are we going to have 2 x Pie n' Bovril Apreciation Days next season ? One visit to Raith to pay respects to TH and one to Clyde for that killer leak of a report ? Whose the bus convenor around here ?
  18. Mmmm........well, I think that may have...............err...................already happened once.
  19. For the last few months, many people on here (myself included), expressed exasperation with fans of TCFKAR for not organising themselves to try and do something to save their club. Some people openly took the piss at their inertia and lack of action. Well, if that Cyde statement is accurate, it appears that the Chairmen of the SPL clubs we support have given Doncaster the authority to blackmail and threaten the SFL clubs to allow SevCo 5088 into either SFL1 or an abortion of an SPL2. The responsibility for taking action has now been laid at the feet of every fan of every SPL club outwith the Bigots. Doncaster, and by extension the other SPL Chairmen, are playing a really dangerous game. They are not only blackmailing the SFL, they are trying to blackmail the fans and I for one have no problem in calling their bluff. I have no compunction in avoiding Easter Road and I won't be going anywhere near any other SPL ground. The SPL has to be killed off, Doncaster, Reagen, Ogilvie et al must be emptied and we have to get back to a sustainable business model free of bigotry and sectarianism.
  20. Well the supporters of the Bigot Twins having been buying magic beans for years so no doubt they'll keep paying. Bigotry, sectarianism, religion and violence handily disguised as a game of football. Puts bums on seats, y'know.
  21. Chris McLaughlin ‏@BBCchrismclaug Most club reps entered meeting via back door to avoid media. Would fans rather they walked up the stairs and faced the questions? #SPL Andrew ‘Bill’ Whyman ‏@bill8259 @BBCchrismclaug most? Who went through the front door? Chris McLaughlin ‏@BBCchrismclaug @bill8259 St Mirren, Ross County, Aberdeen.
  22. You need to lay off the meth pipe. Nothing quite so unfunny as a saddo trying to be funny.
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