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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. I was thinking the same. Odd though that Petrie is specifically mentioned by name.
  2. There is a very measured post on RTC enquiring as to whether Brown has had a stroke, given his propensity to talk out of the side of his mouth. If they got Gazza to become his right-hand man in this sorry charade, that would be some sight.
  3. The RFFFFFFFFFF have rushed out the DVD (BlueRay, natch) of last night's Brownberg Address.
  4. Did they invite the denizens of The Louden Tavern onto the pitch for a mass w@nk-a-thon ?
  5. I'm worried noo. Now that they've got ex-players with the organisational and oration skills of Jinty Sardine and Mumbler Broon, I see a resurgent Sevco5088 being readmitted to the SPL on a veritable tsunami of new investment from George Soros,Warren Buffet and Paul Allen.
  6. In all seriousness, there's a Business Studies/ Social Studies / Economics Ph.D to be had out of this.
  7. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4390861/Paul-Gascoigne-sticks-to-energy-drinks-at-all-you-can-drink-Euro-2012-bash-in-Dubai.html
  8. Surely this post must make the shortlist for "Most Interestingly Cryptic Post Of The Year" award.
  9. I've just haltered one of my Arabian stallions before we nip out for a wee hack in the gloaming. No bigotry involved at all.
  10. Oh, it'll be quiet over there because they'll all be getting ready for a mass congregation outside the Death Star tonight. Hopefully it'll be better attended than last night's "dogging meeting".
  11. From RTC ;- It’s called The Old Switcheroo. The Chuckie Green Brigade put in some cash and got nominal rights to RFC PLC RIP’s assets, encumbered as they evidently still are by the Floating Charge to wee Craigie. This was all assigned to English-registered Sevco 5088 (potentially an important factor for the legal rights of Ticketus). Then the title deeds, still with Floating Charge attached, were switched to Sevco Scotland Ltd. And now wee hear that the Chuckie Green Brigade have also registered RFC 2012 Ltd. We can deduce from this that Whyte and Ticketus are still involved in all of this and are looking to maximise the return from selling off Murray Park (to developers?) and Ibrox/Albion Car Park (to whoever wants to take on the mantle of Zombie Rangers FC). All of this perhaps explains why Green has run FC Ticketus like someone who has no intention of running a football club. Insulting everyone, feigning ignorance of employment rules, ensuring no league place and no players for FC Ticketus. Just in time before he has to fork out for a month’s wages. In summary: I expect Sevco 5088 to be put into the liquidiser, possibly even tomorrow. Then Green, Whyte and Ticketus will attempt to ride out the storm before cashing in their chips. I genuinely feel sorry for the many employees of the former RFC who will be left high and dry and jobless by this sickening, ultra-cynical scam. As for some of the perpetrators, including Fudd and Duffer, it may be better for them if Plod catches up with them before some of the former-RFC’s more vindictive supporters, especially those with links to Ulster.
  12. Err.............................................................Aye, ah think so.
  13. I'm sure Chuckie Green will now have been advised to make no more appearances in public in Glasgow. There are Grassy Knollists everywhere. Where are BDO in all this carnage ? Stuart Cosgrove at the weekend mentioned that the guy heading their team is a "world expert in contentious liquidations." He's got his work cut out.
  14. According to the title deeds lodge with the Registry of Scotland, the floating charge transferred to previous owner Craig Whyte is still outstanding over the Murray Park training ground in Auchenhowie Road, Milngavie. The standard security to the Scottish Sports Council over the facility, created in 2002, is also still active according to the registry. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, So the £27m FC followed the assets and neatly takes CW out of the liquidation picture away from HMRC and in a position to trade off any rental of Ibrox and MP against the £27m Ticketus debt Meaning Any buyer of the club is faced with repaying Ticketus £27m unless he is prepared to give CW at least £30m for the assets --------------------------------------------------------------- Can anyone explain this post from RTC in workies English ?
  15. Still no action / reaction / statement from The Shambolic Fuds Association. They are a feckin' embarrassment. I would love to think that once we get the league structure settled, the club chairmen set their sights on the corridors of Hampden.
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