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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Birmingham City and Coventry City both hit with transfer embargoes. Dodgy owners with no interest in football sucking the lifeblood slowly out of the game. When do we start La Revolucion and follow the German model ? (Sorry, couldnae help masel'....)
  2. For example, BBC Scotland's incestuous relationship with Gordon Smith tells you everything. He knows where all the bodies are. If only we could have a Leveson-style inquiry to blow the lid off this can of worms....f*ck, I'd pay to see that smug b*****d Murray being hauled over the coals. I need another whisky !!!!!
  3. The Silence of the Succulent Lambs is still deafening. Possibly the biggest sports news story in Scotland since the Ibrox Disaster and the only people who seem to be doing any digging are Daly at BBC Scotland, Alex Thomson at Channel 4 and the RTC Blogger. What kind of grip does the Deathstar / David Murray have on Chick Faeces / Traynor / Spiers ? Even supposed 'good guys' like Richard Gordon MUST have known what was going on. They all talk to each other. Even now not one of them dares to break rank. Or am I just being uber conspiracy theoretical ? Looking forward to this documentary on Weds.
  4. Sorry pal, we leave the religious shite / wife beating / murders / mayhem to you Weegies.
  5. Interesting theory "from another place":- "I'll take a guess. These guys belong to a club. You could call it the 'funeral undertakers' club. They have no obvious connection but they all use a standard template, with minor variations for buying up sick businesses and burying them. They know how to do leveraged buy outs, CVA's, liquidations, how to stiff the owners, the revenue, the creditors and anyone else who is in the road in a business sense. The british members of the club will live outside UK for tax purposes and have business registered there, the foreign ones don't need to. The setting up and dismantling of offshore companies in tax shelters is routine. So they will cross each others path fairly frequently and a trawl of account holders in Grand Cayman would reveal thousands of racketeers who would have lots in common, and have done business together at some time. Should prosecute them all for fraud and tax evasion, confiscate their passports and leave them stateless................but thats another argument. For the moment, Surr Davie, Craigiebhoy and Charliebhoy are giving us our best laff for years. My take on Charlie is that it will all end in tears. He'll stiff them big time. Don't even know if he cares about transfer bans etc. Players cost money anyway. Must tell him about jelly and ice cream when i next meet him at the undertakers club." Please be true.
  6. New poster, just testing. Oh, can I just say that Neil Lennon is a f*cking disgrace.
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