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Tio Pepe

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Everything posted by Tio Pepe

  1. How can he have a contract to buy the assets for a fixed price? To protect the creditors and maximise value surely assets have to be liquidated for the maximum return. The liquidator would have to look for the best price.
  2. Guranteed to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the unsavoury behaviour.
  3. Strathclyde Police Finance Department 173 Pitt Street Glasgow Scotland G2 4JS 51,882.00 Why are the police risking more public funds being lost by continuing to provide policing? There should be no more police provision until arrears have been paid.
  4. If he is writing in a "personal capacity" why is he using taxpayer supplied writing paper? Did we also supply the envelope, the postage, someone to type it, etc?
  5. How much is the land Rangers own worth to a property developer? The answer to that question will determine whether a CVA or liquidation is best for the creditors. In any case what's to stop the administrators selling this land now and paying off the debts? The club will find somewhere else to train and can groundshare.
  6. The view that the Ticketus deal is nothing to do with Rangers is undermined by the legal action the administrators are taking to recover the balance of the monies paid which currently reside in a bank account belonging to Whyte's solicitors. If the ticket deal is nothing to do with Rangers then neither are those funds.
  7. But surely they need to cut deeper than that. The administrators' duties are to the creditors. They have to cut so much that spare cash is freed up to start clearing debt. Break even is not administration. Any player or other staff member who is surplus to requirements must be fired. That's the rules.
  8. But Asda's a hole of a supermarket. Get the big hoose turned into a Sainsbury.
  9. Such Trusts have to be discretionary. Any arrangement that guarantees cash and/or the date that cash will be paid is, de facto, not discretionary.
  10. What recompense would season ticket holders be due? In a liquidated company they are at best creditors. In going concerns they have entitlement to enter, for example, all home league games. That entitlement won't change if one team fails to fulfill their fixtures. I really wish people would stop looking for excuses to help the blue bigots.
  11. Because the SPL were mad. The fact that they had to join the list of creditors of a busted flush shows the consequences of that madness. I don't see the mass disruption. The liquidated team's games to date become null and void, the league table is reset and onward everyone else goes.
  12. It is utter madness to pay money not yet due to a company in administration.
  13. As the administrators have to operate in the best interest of the creditors and presuming Rangers will lose money continuing to fulfill fixtures in this season's SPL then perhaps their duty is to sell Rangers share to the highest bidder.
  14. How very Scottish! Tory bad, Labour good. The last Labour government had 13 years to close all these loopholes so how the coalition can suddenly be blamed is beyond me. no politicians cosied up to business more than Blair and his chums.
  15. Apologies if this has been answered before. If money was borrowed from Ticketus to pay off the bank then how can Craig Whyte be a creditor? Exactly what has he loaned Rangers and what was the money used for? If I was HMRC I'd be reviewing all transactions since Whyte got involved with Rangers.
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