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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. I hope so. I'd be happy with a replay, sure the directors would be too!
  2. Aberdeen didn't have a finisher of Gary Hooper's calibre at their disposal. Celtic have class all the way through that team, Aberdeen didn't. I too fear a humping.
  3. I like to keep you visible to remind me of the level of bawheidery that I need to reach to become a top class P&B walloper.
  4. He has a point though. You aren't very readable due to constant attempts at one-upmanship.
  5. Vicious assault is fine though as long as both players are still able to stand up. Imagine if footballers were able to fight until one of them fell down? That'd be great!
  6. I reckon it'd be a great sport to play but I can't be fucked watching it. It's a bit like F1 in the respect that the only entertaining part is when the participants clash and smash each other to bits.
  7. She is a sound lass actually. Don't think she's been having a great time of things recently so I felt a wee bit bad for her. I thought it was a fairly obvious fishing trip.
  8. Nah, took it a bit serious. I think it was being picked up on ice hockey players being able to go at 4x the speed of footballers. Going by that crazy fact that would mean that ice hockey players can skate at up to speeds of around 90mph (Using Walcott as a comparison admittedly - 22mph top speed) when in fact the top speeds that NHL players reach is said to be around 20mph.
  9. Instigated a wee meltdown from an Ice Hockey loving woman on FB. It's not my fault Ice Hockey is shite!
  10. Aye, I'm the one getting my panties in a tangle because our rivals are trying a different avenue at making a few quid.
  11. "Look, look fellow Pars fans! Look at what the Rovers are doing! LOOK!" Good grief.
  12. Possibly, or like Paco said, they might fly out the door in the hands of the big game hunters. The commercial dept won't have jumped in blind I don't think. I'd imagine there will be a very limited amount available so any potential losses won't be substantial.
  13. Same with any venture really. Speculate to accumulate and all that. I'd really like to know how a 50/50 scarf is pandering to the OF though?
  14. Go and f**k off with your feeling sorry for yourself type posts about being abused. If you are going to come on to a thread and act like an erse, be prepared to be treated like an erse. Turnbull Hutton's main priority (after important things like his family, health etc) is, unsurprisingly, Raith Rovers. If the commercial dept come up with an idea that may help our financial situation in some small way then I'm sure he's all for it. How is selling a commemorative scarf pandering to the OF anyway?
  15. What issue was avoided? I try not to treat you like you are simple but you make it very hard sometimes.
  16. Revolting? Trying to make the club money? But.. but we're the wee team! This is what wee teams do to commemorate a tie against the Scottish champions to make a fast buck. If only the Pars commercial dept (Does that even exist?) were as on the ball as ours you might not be as much in the shit as you are just now.
  17. The only way Walker will be stripped of the captaincy is if he's accused of bottling some c**t in Kittys. Talk of changing the captaincy smacks of desperation. Probable false hope that a significant change like that would change our fortunes. It's a bit like when my Mum takes her lucky ring to the bingo instead of the wee Buddha.
  18. Aye, I'm not keen on them either but its heartening that the commercial dept are trying things like this.
  19. You know that you've hit a low when Dunfermline supporters are laughing at your money making ventures. If the Rovers hit a fiver profit for the scarves then its been worthwhile.
  20. Nearly finished my first illustrated book for my kids. The writing is no problem but the illustrations are quite hard with regards to making them decent looking but humorous.
  21. Agreed. The worrying thing is that, as bad as we were, we probably still had a better average home attendance than what we have this season if we removed the anomaly that are the Pars games.
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