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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. How can it be irrelevant if you don't know what he said?
  2. Be interesting to know what Shiels said to O'Hara to spark such a reaction, as well as booting him up and down the park of course. Still, he shouldn't have reacted in the way that he did; a harsh lesson for the young lad which hopefully he learns from.
  3. Don't try to put words in my mouth. I didn't say he should be 'fine with it' but, for his own sake, he should (and probably for the most part has) try to rise above it. Hippo and Austin for example need to get used to players and fans ( particularly Dunfermline fans apparently) goading them because of their colour because people can be c***s, can't they? If they react to the taunts of some of the brain dead p***ks that play football they'll be sitting in the stand a lot more often than they would like.
  4. I don't disagree with what you're saying however Dean Shiels will have heard comments regarding his glass eye on countless occasions in the past. Many players will take any opportunity too wind up their opponents, especially those that are very easily wound up like Shiels and Higgy. It would appear that the Falkirk players involved however have been daft enough to make such comments (allegedly) within earshot of the referee and If it can be confirmed that these comments were made then I agree that they should be punished for it. As I understand it though, Shiels lost the sight in that eye as a young boy (although I believe it's in the relatively recent past that it's been removed) therefore he's had many years to come to terms with it and has been successful in doing so as he's managed to carve out a decent career in the game. It's maybe a bit surprising then that he's still being wound up to the extent that he is.
  5. I worry about Sibbald. It'll be interesting to see if he's as focused as we need him to be. If we get him at his best I think we'll start scoring and winning, if not...
  6. Farid is a living God mate! Unfortunately he doesn't seem to be the player of yesteryear any longer.
  7. Right smart arse - Simpson's question; where did Homer's 'doh' expression come from?
  8. Mate, I canny remember what I did yesterday, yet I remember shit from 19canteen. I think you're right about the programme too.
  9. Wow! Did you look that up? If not, that's very impressive! I knew all other than McKendrick, Eadie, Beckett, Laurie, Donnelly, McGill and Robinson. Of those I think only Beckett was a regular in the 1st team?
  10. I'm not sure that the away did have a blue panel on the side? I remember when they were introduced and Willie Cunningham saying that the white panel on the home one was for effect ' when we throw our arms up when we score'. I remember the away one though as being a white top with blue shorts and red socks and that was 'for colour TV'. Don't remember a blue stripe on it but I could be wrong?
  11. I could name every one of those players, apart from the ones I don't know.
  12. I've got a memory of Wilson Hoggan wearing it. That would be his second spell with us so you could maybe work it out from that?
  13. I prefer the balance of Navy, white, navy with red incorporated into each in some manner.
  14. I felt he should have done that for his first game in charge. Think he missed a trick there.
  15. Technically I would say that McKee is a better footballer. Counts for little though if he can't perform when the going gets tough and we need him to impose himself on the game. I would take either of Vaulks or Leahy back tomorrow in exchange for McKee if it was possible.
  16. A massive loss. Both he and Vaulks are pretty average in terms of skill but we are significantly missing the passion, effort and commitment that they both brought to the team. Take McKee for example; a better player than either probably but only when the team is doing well. He seems to go missing when we're up against it as do a few others.
  17. Tell you what has surprised me; given he seemed to be such an annoying little guy as a player, I expected him to come across as a bit of a smart arse however, he seems to be quite a humble chap.
  18. Cheers man. I don't go to pubs so really wasn't sure. (2nd sentence was a lie)
  19. Well I hope I've got the same luck as you mate because I'm not going either!
  20. How can you complain about it then? (That was rhetorical ). Am I right in thinking that under 18s are not allowed in any licensed premises unless food is being served? Probably not in this day and age I suppose but, if so, the club obviously would not want to be seen flouting the law. If they are allowed, I would imagine that it's a measure to try to control numbers?
  21. You should be well versed in the criteria TBF.
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