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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. I think that it's obvious that Harris could be a good player for us. He's certainly a far better footballer than Aird so hopefully will be the answer on the right hand side. He does seem to be a bit of a shite bag and goes missing to an extent if there's any rough stuff going on although I did think that he was getting stuck in a lot more when he came on on Saturday. A bad injury can certainly make you more wary of steaming into tackles and I believe that he was out for quite some time following just such an injury some time back? IMO he needs the arm round the shoulder approach and needs encouragement from the stands; if we make him this season's scapegoat I fear we'll get nothing at all out of him.
  2. I suspect that he's been told not to push on to avoid getting caught out of position. He's clearly better as an attacking full back than a defending one so, unless his confidence is already shot to feck, (which may well be the case) I think this may be down to Houstie's cautiousness!
  3. Loy just cleared the bar with a snap shot in the 2nd half. I believe that he will come good although I hope he doesn't go into his frustrated mode where he starts tying to do everything himself. We created a shit load of chances yesterday and were denied by a combination of poor finishing, bad luck and good defending. We have goals in us from all areas of the park and I'm confident that we'll start scoring regularly. Problem for me is the defence; we look very vulnerable at the moment and I think this is the area that he needs to work on.
  4. Ya dancer! I'd prefer Harris before taiwo to give the team balance. Feel both taiwo and McKee would be wasted out right.
  5. Well, if that's true then that's just mental! So, effectively, a club could make an offer one day, withdraw it the next and still be a due a fee?
  6. The club have offered him a deal (that may be 2 years or the 1 year option one) which they had to do to protect the fee. They can't stop him from signing it unless they withdraw it which would mean that he could leave for nothing. It's Sibbs therefore (IMO) that wants to change the terms; or his agent more likely! I think we should give him the 1 year deal if that's what he wants because we need him ASAP!
  7. It's just you. He's not fully fit due to injury but he doesn't look overweight to me. (At least not at Luca spare tyre levels!)
  8. Oh aye, you'd think so but I get the impression that we don't have a pot to piss in. I think they'd take a ridiculously low offer for Sibbs now.
  9. Thing is, we need to sign him more than ever now but have less chance of doing so because we won't have the cash to come in from the quarter final. The BOD will be even more anxious to offload him!
  10. Hard to think where to start with this? Utterly dreadful performance from every fuckin one of them. Taiwo and Kerr don't work in the same side, so lets try it one more time! TBF, I think McKee may have had a wee injury as I watched him and Taiwo doing some light jogging on their own at training yesterday so maybe he didn't want to risk him from the start? We started with two wingers yet Harris is played in the middle of the park, a position that clearly doesn't suit him. FFS, he's a confidence player, play him on the right wing and give him a chance to do what he's good at! The defence is an absolute shambles; what the f**k has happened to Peter Grant? Missing lots of headers and his work on the ground is shoddy to say the least. Gallagher is being hung out to dry for me, playing in a defence devoid of confidence or continuity, his confidence could get shot to f**k! Felt a wee bit too for big Luca having to play RB; who do we play there on Saturday now as he was hobbling at the end? Midfield is weak, neither Craigen or Harris have a tackle in them and Kerr is clearly finished as a 90 minute man. We look ok up top although I can picture Loy going into his frustrated mode and starting to charge around trying to do it all himself. This is shaping up to be a very long season and I'm already feeling pissed off about the whole thing! Well done Livi btw, fully deserved to win; I hope you go on and thrash Celtic in the final!
  11. I think that Falkirk wanted him to sign a contract for a year with a year's option which means that they'd still be due a fee at the end of the first year meaning the scenario would be the same as it is now, i.e., nobody willing to pay the compo. Sibbs wants a one year deal so that he would have a better chance of somebody signing him next year when there would be no fee involved.
  12. I assume this is meant to be sarcastic but you're actually quite correct; he's acquitted himself very well any time he's been selected to the point that he made a brief appearance for Scotland last season.
  13. This is correct (IMO, not a fact ). It was McMullen, not Cardle. This is a fact not my opinion.
  14. Maybe not after only 4 games though. Kingsley was brilliant for us but was a bit of a bomb scare in his early games. Gallagher will come good.
  15. Can't disagree with that, however he did have far bigger budgets to work with relatively speaking.
  16. That's right, we're all saying we're world beaters! Wouldn't be in the least surprised if we lose tomorrow; nothing is proven in pre-season.
  17. Reminds me of that chewin the fat sketch where the trainer (ford keirnan) copied everything that the manager did!
  18. It's not just a matter of him signing though it would all have to be registered in time for him to be available to play to allow the suspension to be served. Surely to f**k if he wants to sign, the BOD would want to make sure that it all goes through in time (allowing for hiccups). Ok, if they wait until tomorrow they'll save a days wages which would amount to around £114 or so! You could just offer to pay that for them big man!
  19. I think that if it was going to happen it would have by now; allowing him to serve his suspension on Saturday. I get a feeling of something not being right with the whole saga tbh!
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