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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Aye, we don't seem to hear so much from some folk nowadays for some reason.
  2. Ritchie will drive him to Brighton himself for £300k so there's no chance of getting 500 unless a real bidding war starts. I think he's a fantastic player already and a real prospect for the future so he's probably worth £500k but it won't happen.
  3. I have a feeling that you may be proved correct when the team for the semi is announced. Under normal circumstances the laddie wouldn't be anywhere near the first team, or at least only on an occasional basis. He has fantastic potential but I think we're asking too much of him at the moment.
  4. Maybe that's why they were reduced to just a pound then? I didn't think there was a failure in the side. I thought Bennett, Murdoch (MOTM), Millar, Kingsley and Higginbotham were all very good. I don't think Higgy was any different than usual though really. He was very good last pre-season as well. That looks like a typical result for next season TBH. The young boys, although very good, would be eaten alive in most competitive games. For example I thought 11 year old Craig Sibbald looked full of talent and potential when he came on but I wouldn't want him anywhere near the bench never mind the team. We desperately need a 'keeper, left back, experienced midfielder and at least a couple of strikers or we could be in real trouble! I agree that these laddies could form a very good team in a few years. I just hope we've still got a club for them to play for.
  5. It's interesting to note that, Kinglsey, Fulton & McLeish aside who played only bit-part roles, O'Brien was the only outfield player we played who didn't score last season. (I'm sure I'm right in that although could be proved wrong). For me, as captain he should have been taking the penalties especially after Millar's first one or two were less than convincing. I think Duncan's right. There is a player in there but he seems to do all he can to hide it. I don't think the guy's got any confidence in his own ability or just in general for that matter. Did you happen to see the way he was holding his hands when making a presentation at the awards dinner? He looked absolutely petrified!
  6. Thing is, I can't think where Hearts would play him? Don't know if Santana's moving but, if not, they'll have him, Driver, Templeton and Tahoul (if he signs) all vying for a similar position in the team. I don't think Ryan would even get on the pitch!
  7. I doubt very much that we could prize him away from his current gig!
  8. I just think it would boost morale a bit and give us a reason to go so, yes I do think people would go to see him, particularly if it worked and we started to pick up results.
  9. I don't think that Pedro's the answer long term. I mean how many times would this be, three, four? I've lost fuckin count TBH. In terms of saving the season however (not winning the title maybe but at least reversing the trend) then I think it would just give the place a huge boost. Be good if it happened.
  10. I wouldn't want Bullen as manager. I'd play him up front though. Or maybe as a midfield, errrm 'ball' winner!
  11. Who's the guy in the pic? looks like Dennis Hopper.
  12. OK so I'm a good bit aulder than most and I've heard it all. Just got into the Stereophonics though. Hope that's OK.
  13. If you were are real Shellick fan.............. but you're obviously just a 'curran bun' trying to make mischief.
  14. Don't you think it's always a litlle risky pulling people up re spelling misktaes?
  15. Today, I listened to, The Scorpions, Eric Clapton and Puccini. All class. In different ways of course.
  16. Go'an son, I'd forgotten I'd asked the question. (I'm a wee bit pissed)
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