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Posts posted by ShaggerG

  1. 1 hour ago, Springfield said:

    Didn’t know the FSS are now contributing 200K. I’ve been away on holiday but thought after the last update thought we were at 120K. 

    Read my post and I’ve made no reference to a private investor, only reference to further investment. 
    So that there is no understanding on my part, say for example a “ potential investor is very interested “ how/who makes the call to accept the interest and how is this processed?

    We'd be at just over 120k if everyone was investing £10/month. If the average investment is £15/month, that amounts to over 180k.

  2. 2 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

    I have never said Ross isn’t good enough. I said I wouldn’t prioritise offering him a top wage given we are well covered in that position and his end product could be better (as McGlynn has stated).

    So why did we 'do well' to sign him then? And who said we were offering him a top wage?

  3. 59 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

    Not sure what part of “we have the basis of a good championship squad” is negative.

    No, you're quite right, there's nothing negative about that statement at all, when taken in isolation! In the same sentence you went on to say we'd done well to retain Ross, which, again, is not negative. Could it be that the reason that you didn't also quote that part be because you previously said that you didn't think Ross should be signed as he wasn't good enough?

    Show me all of the other positive stuff that you've posted over the past few days.

  4. pedro spouted some similar pish last close season, he looks for the negatives where ever he can find them. He was dead against Aiden Nesbitt's two year deal for example, a guy who turned out to be one of our most influential players. He must have been upset that the season panned out the way it did as he had very little to complain about!

    Now that we're in the close season he can sharpen his knives again and hope that he gets much more ammunition than he had last time around.

  5. 43 minutes ago, Proudtobeabairn said:

    There's a difference between having people who can fill in at CB and having someone whose actually good at it.   Mackie, Hendo, Adams, MacIvor at CB and we'll leak goals (maybe harsh on Hendo but would still like better).  I'd like us to sign a first choice CB to properly compete with Lang and Donaldson. 

    Same up front, Shanley or Allan are poor substitutes for MacIvor.  We need someone properly decent to offer competition.  

    Been covered before but had we not resigned Shanley, Oliver and (arguably) Mackie then we'd have the funds for at least 1.  

    Extremely harsh on Mackie, who was excellent at the tail end of the season. The fact that he can cover two positions means that his extension was completely justified IMO.

  6. 1 hour ago, Springfield said:

    We’ll be fine, the BOD will back McGlynn. If the injury situation with our two CBs doesn't clear up soon, it would be crazy starting the season without at least one CB coming in. 

    I think it's more likely that he'll bring in another striker in the MacIver mould, especially if Allan moves on. That would allow MacIver to move back (although only in an emergency) because, if we bring in another CB, that would mean 7 players that would be able to play CB, which is obviously far too many.

  7. 5 hours ago, par-adise said:

    My I'll-informed take on where we are before the competitive season starts. 

    Airdrie - lost a lot of key players over the summer and replaced them with a lot of unknowns and youngsters. Can see it being a difficult second season but then they were written off by many last year. 

    Ayr - solid recruitment, Dowds and Oakley could be a good partnership. Bit dodgy looking at the back though, probably slogging it out for a play off spot. 

    Dunfermline - only lost one key player over the summer (Edwards) and can put out a strong first XI, but still need a few bodies: a GK, left sided defensive cover, a midfielder, and a left sided winger would be good. Think we have the best signing of the league so far in Chris Kane. Anything short of a playoff spot will be deemed a failure but can't imagine we'll be setting the world alight. 

    Falkirk - not believing the hype. Not that much different from the squad that didn't lay a glove on us two years ago, and we're not very good. 

    Morton - lost Oakley and Muirhead, recruitment screams bottom half of the championship, and 40 year old Kirk Broadfoot at the back. 8th-10th for sure. 

    Hamilton - will be battling relegation but think they'll be competent enough to at least no be whipping boys. 

    Livi - don't seem to have gone into meltdown as I thought they might. Top 3 seems likely. 

    Partick - really solid recruitment and my bet for league winner if I had to, but that depends heavily on Brian Graham doing Brian Graham things.

    Queens Park - recruitment not very inspiring so far. St Johnstone to buy Paton in January resulting in a slump in form and bottom 2 finish. 

    Raith - best chance of winning this league in 30+ years. On paper have strengthened the weakest part of the team last season (defense). Probably need another centre forward?

    Spot on mate, other than Hogarth, Lang, Adams, Spencer, Tait, Ross, Agyeman, MacIver, Shanley, McKenna and Miller of course!

  8. 44 minutes ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

    On the other hand, having a different style of player is an asset when a change of team set up is required.

    Whether a player would be happy with that situation is another thing.


    Agreed, however, the dilemma for Allan is, would he be happy with potentially no game time at all? Having played one up front for the whole of a L1 season, I don't see McGlynn changing that in the Championship. As it stands, it looks to me that, because we have Shanley, who McGlynn preferred to Allan, it's likely that the latter will be the guy naturally left out of the squad each week. That would obviously change with the inevitable injuries and suspensions, but even so...

  9. 43 minutes ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

    Like all devout religious maniacs of followers of the omnipotent creator entities franchises on earth.

    They are dangerous and malevolent and should be called out, ridiculed, parodied and derided wherever they are encountered. Believe what you want and practice the Thou shalt, Thou shalt not's, rituals, incantations, chants all your want. If it gives you comfort, a compassionate humane code to lead your life and gives you comfort good for you. But keep it to yourself and refrain from inflicting these doctrines on others whether they want them or not.

    As you will have gathered I have little time for god botherers and the bigotry, sectarianism, persecution, mass murder that goes with 'Our way is the only way and everybody else is damned.

    To quote from 'The World Upside Down by Dick Gaughan

    'They make the laws to serve them well
    The clergy dazzle us with heaven or they damn us into hell
    We will not worship the God they serve
    The God of greed who feeds the rich while poor men starve'

    Fair enough, but are you a Billy or a Tim?

  10. 1 hour ago, Tea and Busquets said:

    It’s clear to me over the last few days especially that to be successful or progress further we’re going to need investment. Just having the fans investment won’t be enough- especially when you see the likes of Hamilton giving out 3 year deals to Oli Shaw. The size of our club should make us investable with the potential we have.

    No as good as his faither!

  11. 2 hours ago, Long Suffering Bairn said:

    Mother Theresa was a terrible human being so she would probably like it.   She deliberately prevented many of the seriously ill people in her institutions getting medication because she believed the more they felt the agony of their suffering the closer they were to her god.  Truly horrific.  Sorry to go on a rant, I have a thing about religious hypocrites. (not talking about the poster who was only trying to be funny, talking about the woman).

    Aye, but she meant well.

  12. 12 minutes ago, Tea and Busquets said:

    I think our next priority has to be a centre half for cover. Don’t want MacIver having to play there.

    MacIver should only play CH in an absolute emergency. It was noticeable that he got caught under the ball for Sammon's 2nd v Alloa (reminded me of big Brad actually). I don't think Sammon would have scored that if Donaldson or Lang were in there.

  13. 2 hours ago, airdrieman said:

    Davie McWilliams is the beardy goalie. The late Willie McCulloch two along from him on his left. Mark Cowan behind McCulloch’s right shoulder. Think that’s Kevin McCann kneeling on the left of the front row? Paul Jonquin must be in there too, but I can’t quite make him out. Might be him on McCulloch’s left? Looks like a young Sandy Clark 4 along the front row. And John Menzies 8th along the back row. Will need to phone a friend @Chapelhall chap for the rest! 



    Cheers mate. I think you're right with Clark too.

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