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Everything posted by Richie

  1. Agree in principle, but does Collum give a red for that in the 1st min of an OF Quarter Final - Does he f**k.
  2. I don't understand Slattery not starting. One of the few creative outlets we have in Midfield and can put his foot on the ball.
  3. 2-0 Certainly pulling the performances out in the Europa League, aren't they.
  4. Totally see both sides of that Pen shout. I guess you don't need to have the ball to be fouled though.
  5. Surely Russia is eventually digging a hole for itself. Already being crippled by sanctions, if they stop exporting then that is a further act of self-harm economically, no?
  6. Got to love the Ukrainian diplomat doing a briefing with a Stone Island Ghost jumper on.
  7. Belarussian Troops now wading in. Call me a cynic, but Putin may just stand his army outside the funzone, let the Belarussians take all the heat and then go in and mop up.
  8. Going back to the sanctions etc and the theory where Russia turn off pipelines in retaliation etc. Understand the logic behind it, but surely if the rest of Russia's economy is crippled, then you could make an argument that its actually Russia that's over a barrel in having to keep them open.
  9. Its worth going for the view from the Eiffel Tower alone.
  10. I couldn't deal with Nick. Flapped all the time, but was giving it the big un early on. Brittany is an absolute wid
  11. Aye, was about to post that. Looks like the Facebook demographic is probably picking up on anti-war sentiment.
  12. Presumably you can't. It's probably a restricted ccy at the moment.
  13. I totally get you and obviously defending the homeland is the priority and naturally you'd fight back etc. I just think objectively, in terms of preserving lives, there aren't many options, particularly as@jamamafegan says, Putin has indicated he will escalate as far as it takes.
  14. If Ukraine start attacking Russia itself it will escalate, greatly intensify the Russian response and give them propaganda opportunities domestically. IMO the only thing the Ukrainians can do at the moment is to try and broker some sort of ceasefire, which will of course likely mean ceding power. Otherwise its just going to be drawn out, with the same result and urban guerilla fighting. This is pretty much unwinnable for the Ukrainian Army.
  15. Only thing I can think of is a wild obstruction interpretation
  16. You just have to say fair play to Rangers here tbh. Incredible performances over both legs so far.
  17. Was reading earlier that Ukraine has around 16% global Corn, 12% global wheat exports etc.
  18. A bit of a take, but has it crossed anyone else's mind that Putin has a critical illness and is just going f**k it.
  19. Like the irony in demanding a TV station is censored and taken down, because the station itself is heavily censored.
  20. I'm not sure I'd agree with this. Biden has struck me as being a bit senile. Trump's tendency to be a 'Maverick' ironically brought a bit of stability IMO - On the International stage anyway. 2018 N Korea summit would be an example.
  21. Didn't get the aggro towards Raamsey tbh. If it was Gallagher or Brown then you could understand. What's Ramsey done?
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