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Everything posted by Richie

  1. £400k + sell-on (alluded to by Robinson) and the apparent ~£700k extra Johnson cash is tremendous business. Particularly when the players we really could do without losing this window are still at the club.
  2. Alan Burrows confiirmed that one of the incomings is a replacement for Heneghan. To your point though. Grimshaw obviously gives us added flexibility to move McHugh back if necessary.
  3. Will never ever get old. Was one of the lucky 950 to get a ticket after queueing for 2hrs on the bank hol Monday. That 3rd goal...ended up sprawled all over the seats - thought I had put my hip out celebrating.
  4. I always thought he just misspelled tender and that 'Tender meatballs' was a play on 'succulent lamb'. I'm probably entirely incorrect though.
  5. Bulgaria, Romania, Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary are all EU members who use their own domestic currency, so the assertion that it is a condition of entry is false. I think the terminology may be 'ready to adopt the Euro' but it doesn't quite make the jump to 'must adopt the Euro'
  6. On which Granny's Garden, Mineshaft and Daredevil Dennis were played [/url]
  7. Ha, I can be seen in that picture as well... Must have been shortly after I retrieved myself from under a pile of bodies and fixed my glasses. That's a few good goal celebrations at Ibrox now, although the ending was all too predictable.
  8. Yep, its nothing more than a flag-waving, 'look how British we are' exercise. As far as I'm aware they're the only club in Britain who have troops abseiling in etc. Even clubs in cities with substantial amounts of military personnel based there (Portsmouth, Plymouth etc) barely pull out that stuff.
  9. Like him or loathe him, McGhee has been solid in both his tenures.
  10. Yeah, apparently Barrie Mckay has started the season well, despite it not having started yet. I assume he means the glorified friendlies of the Betfred cup (which I like, but they're clearly warm up games), in which case Marvin Johnson is looking like a PoTY contender.
  11. Yep, unsurprisingly they fail to mention the flash-bangy thing, smoke bombs and sectarian singing emanating from their end.
  12. Exactly what I was thinking. There is an arrogant assumption that Britain will call the shots.
  13. What the f**k did Malcolm's story have to do with EU membership?
  14. Funny you mentioned that. I was looking for podcasts (other than the very good MFC one) yesterday and ended up listening to Talking Baws, whichwas decent tbh... The next one went autoplay and it was some sort of Rangers Podcast, hosted by David Edgar... The opening comments were about Ronnie Deila/Celtic, then tgere was at least 5 mins chat about serial killers?, at which point I tuned out. As funny as the Rangers podcasts would be, not sure I could subject myself to them. As has been said before, they have literally become everything they used to abuse Celtic about. Hibs have utterly dismantled them.
  15. Well we know how upset people got when a goalkeeper was offensively genuflecting at Ibrox.
  16. On the videos I've seen, the Hibs fans are stood giving it the 'get it up ye' etc. Obviously wrong abd should be punished, but to suggest they were going to go into the stands and 'attack' is nonsense. Also alot of revisionism going on about Fir Park and 'attacking' fans, when the footage clearly shows a large group of teenagers stood around the level of the penalty spot doing zombie dances. Again, should be dealt with appropriately, but exaggerating and fabricating helps absolutely nothing.
  17. Always raises a chuckle when the supporters groups uses phrases like "lets be clear here", "mark my words" or one of my favourites: "make no mistake".
  18. It's all been hilarity so far, but to be honest I can't really be bothered with what the fallout from it is going to be. All it will mean (the invasion and subsequent statements) is that there is going to be a whole load of aggro at games next year. I don't understand why grown adults would run on the pitch - ok, maybe teenagers etc. All it's going to result in is an appearance in court, a banning order and potentially trouble in terms of employment.
  19. Its a strange one because strict liability was voted down and ultimately, it was the sfa who were responsible for the policing/stewarding, not Hibs or Rangers.
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