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Everything posted by Jamie_M

  1. Doubt you'd see many of those. In the c**t stakes, McKinnon sails past JJ but doubt anyone would suggest that McKinnon doesn't have more legitimate claim to the term Manager than our charlatan.
  2. There's not a single Morton fan who wouldn't bite your hand off for the chance to get rid of Thomson.
  3. Nice. My comment was more in relation to a piledriver being allowed, particularly one like that, rather than the matchup itself (but yes, happy to see the continuation of those 2 going at it for the foreseeable future).
  4. Just caught Smackdown. Rey's canadian destroyer piledriver on Andrade was a thing of beauty and certainly not expected.
  5. Dykes confirmed. https://gmfc.net/2019/01/11/dykes-is-mortons-first-signing-of-the-window/
  6. [emoji38] As I said, the EdiBrain user is genius.
  7. The EdiBrain user is genius. Generating woosh seethe at will.
  8. Aye, fucked us for a striker. You wonder why McHugh has been our lone striker all season? (incidentally, was quite effective tonight). You can have Connor Bell though, another gem of a Ray striker signing...
  9. If by 'signed by Raymondo' you mean, one of Morton's ex-players who was phoning begging the Chief Executive to re-sign them, then yes, he was 'signed by Raymondo'. See also McAlister, Jim and Millar, Chris. Absolutely gimme signings from McKinnon which he would likely have had nothing to do with bar nodding and rubbing his hands. Anyway, he's been injured all season. Made 2 cameos and got injured again.
  10. Knew the first bit, not the second. Who with? Girl on the pie stall? Cleaning lady?
  11. And yet they don't have a good thing to say about Hartley when he has given them yet another box office window. Harsh.
  12. Disappointed you haven't been able to laud the arrival of 3 internationalists yet this window.
  13. Oh he is a striker, but the only thing he has struck consistently is his bird's face.
  14. Fit, but still has a glass knee. Oh, and could be going to jail.
  15. Is McLean the other new face? https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/46740625 Could swear the McLean paragraph wasn't there in the original article about the Osman signing. Added later therefore could well be him they were referring to.
  16. Not a fair comparison either on the Morton point. You beat a Snake McKinnon Morton team in the league Cup, a competition he wilfully decided to write off (even playing a ridiculous experimental team against you with Michael Tidser at fucking left back). You then beat a Morton team the day after the McKinnon snaking where preparations were all over the place, led by the gubbins development team manager and Head of youth (who changed our shape to accommodate our injured striker which set him back and he hasn't been seen since). You have since lost twice to Johansson's Morton, a team that has been skelped by Ross County, Ayr, Alloa, Dunfermline - aye OK, any manager that has lost to Johansson's Morton twice should never be allowed to manage again.
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