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Everything posted by Jamie_M

  1. Our defence had the best record in the league after about 2 thirds of the season despite some significant weaknesses in there. None of the players were without their faults or errors though but for the most part as a unit they were fine. Gaston has been a good servant to Morton. Most fans would be relatively content if he stays. Great shot stopper, often pulls of saves that seem absolutely preposterous. His distribution, commanding of his area at crosses and positioning can be a bit erratic though. That seems like a lot of negatives but really he is a more than able goalkeeper at this level. Those that would like to see a change are either caught up in the fact that changes are being made so don't see any position as immune to that or look at whether they think Gaston is good enough for a team looking to find the consistency to gain promotion, and with his weaknesses that is debatable. He has had several periods of lost form/confidence in his time with us, losing his place at different times to such goalkeeping giants as Nico Caraux, Grant Adam and Andy McNeil. Very likeable player, perfectly capable for a middling championship team when he is on it but I am in the 'if there's better available, we should go for it' camp.
  2. No position should be immune to a possible upgrade. The changing of manager can make it easier to make changes in positions where the previous manager was unwilling to. It is entirely right that Gaston's position should be getting considered. If there is better out there, then we should look at it. One of Livingston's smartest decisions last year was the signing of Neil Alexander. Quite a few of our fans suggested that was the type of keeper we should have went for. If there is an experienced top level keeper available, we have to look at it. Let's not blindly forget the several periods of lost form/confidence Gaston has had over the past few years either. A great shot stopper with other flaws who has served us well. If there's better available, it should be thanks and good luck. At least, it seems, our new manager isn't afraid of such decisions.
  3. Obviously a very experienced player at this level and makes headlines with his goal scoring record for a centre back. Most Morton fans will tell you that his inclusion in last season's team of the year smacked of a lazy selection process as he had regressed a bit from the previous year and wasn't even regarded as our best central defender. One nasty habit he developed last year was a bit of a Billy big balls attitude, making mistakes but absolutely berating everyone around him for them. You need to ensure that is stamped out. Not what we liked to see from our stand in captain. At his best spell with us when he had Gunning beside him leading him. If you have a suitably strong partner for him then you have a good signing at this level. If you have someone who can put a decent corner onto his head he will be an asset at set pieces. If he bonds with Archibald, then things are going bad leading to abuse for the manager from the fans, don't be surprised if he tries to get into the stand to have a square go with you. Good servant to the club but most weren't overly concerned that it was time to part ways.
  4. Ryder interviewed for the Morton job but we decided to go for a more known name at this level. Also touted for the St Mirren gig. He seems definitely keen to get a role over here.
  5. Agreed, it's a refreshing change of rhetoric. Should lessen the debates about whether the Club's ambitions match the ambitions of the fans and they can be judged accordingly.
  6. I didn't bring Duffy up - there were specific questions asked about whether McKinnon was an upgrade or questioning whether we should have got rid of Jim or not. Nothing wrong with answering them. I'll let him be when he let's his sacking be and people stop pining for his return. Forgive me for actually engaging in the conversation on here and joining in the topics. Would you be more comfortable if i stopped slagging Duffy and resorted to digs at other posters instead because that's all you seem to have in your locker?
  7. It's hard to say how we'd fare up there - no promoted team could really answer that but smaller clubs have made it and stayed up. We've competed well with the Premiership teams we have faced over the past few teams. I wouldn't have concerns over the budget if we went up - the increased prize money would be enough to fund an increased budget. More likely, it might make us more attractive to a buyer (yes, it would possibly mean the Easdales taking over).
  8. 1) two years in a row, we had 2nd in our own hands with a significant portion of the season gone before Duffy Duffied it. So 2nd for sure, challenging for first obvs. 2) yes, see answer 1.
  9. Learn to read. I said he was an upgrade, but left a question mark over whether it was a big upgrade.
  10. Duffy does not have the mentality to succeed at this level any more. 2 end of season collapses. One snuck into the playoffs despite it, the other failed miserably. Forgoing trying to win a 2nd v 3rd clash to prioritise a cup game against Celtic where his media mates will be watching. We plucked him from semi-retirement and that is where he should return. Is McKinnon a big upgrade? Maybe not, it remains to be seen but he, and most others (except John Hughes) probably would be an upgrade on Duffy.
  11. All seems a bit strange. It was reported 2 days ago that Sunderland had already spoken to him. There was no rebuttal of those stories from the St Mirren Chairman then but there has been now that the reports are that a deal has been agreed. If he knew it was nonsense, and had spoken to Jack, he'd have just said that it was nonsense but to even mention the word 'skulduggery' hints that maybe something underhand has gone on.
  12. They had a meeting, prepped a deal, were going to offer it but Jack pulled out/wasn't getting the Barnsley gig, so the new deal never happened. He was always due a renegotiation after promotion. http://www.the-gazette.co.uk/sport/16029213._He___s_showed_unbelievable_loyalty_to_our_football_club__St_Mirren_chief_Tony_Fitzpatrick_delighted_with_Jack_Ross__decision_to_stay_in_Paisley/
  13. Wonder if it's the same offer or bigger than the one they prepared but didn't give him after the Barnsley interest.
  14. And what would you be proposing that they offer him in exchange for that commitment? Increased salary? Reduced compensation demands when he does leave? Because nobody in their right mind is going to give that for free.
  15. [emoji38] Go ahead and breach his contact, get taken to a tribunal and have to pay it up rather than receive compensation when he leaves of his own accord. [emoji38]
  16. The original post stated one hour away from flights, not one hour away from Glasgow.
  17. But yet Australia got a better result from the jury for their rehearsal performance than they did from the public for their final performance
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