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Everything posted by Jamie_M

  1. Enjoyed Raw. The cena promo was awesome - love him or hate him, that was good. Undertaker/HHH - pretty obvious. Decent idea going for the silent build up. Words weren't needed. Bit stupid cutting to ads and just letting it fizzle away. Could have been a lot better... And Seamus coming out next? Really? Really? You could have put anyone out to the ring next, any sort of filler, divas whatever. You put Seamus out. To take on Mark Henry showing no reaction to the fact that HHH had just returned. Come on... And as if the tag titles weren't devalued enough, you go and have the Miz give them away. I know, he doesn't get on with John Cena. But they just won the belts. It's a championship. He's a former tag team champ and valued it back then. Just stupid. Different if he doublecrossed John Cena WITHOUT having won the belts first, but not when they became champions. Stupid. Having the 2 rivals working together, badly, holding the belts, could have been a fun angle.
  2. Have to say - Cena was AWESOME there! Some genuine laugh out loud moments. Nearly spat my tea out at the blow me comment...
  3. Was pretty raging too - expect more from punk here. thought that was shit - but he's back. Nexus under the ring prediction still stands...
  4. site running slow - dont keep hitting post
  5. Thank you Jerry for the suplex off the top rope. Most attempts these days fail and result in a headbut to knock the attempter off the turnbuckle. Boring.
  6. Burger King, Burger King, Burger King...
  7. No return for HHH then - still on a school trip...
  8. I thought Drew put on a great show. Banging the cage and the perspex - real animal itching to go then out with a bang, destroying Mysterio and Barrett. Soft spot for the Scot, but was definiteyl impressed. Trish Stratus time...
  9. Great match. Slow start as they waited on getting everyone out, and disappointed it was Big Show not Christian but all participants added something to the match. Liked Drew. Good end to end finish there - could have went either way. Then we get an attack and a return. Top notch.
  10. why the hell was he not just put in the match!
  11. Mcintyre's running amok. The mysterio spot was awesome. Barret through the perspex was cool too.
  12. Just thinking - they've had nexus hiding under the ring recently. I'm expecting them to be under there for the RAW EC match and getting involved...
  13. Read that the management werent happy with the commentry during the rumble. Striker carrying the can for that then?
  14. 1. Agreed. 2. Agreed - see point 1. 3. The kids like him, so can't see him going. But drop him from main event picture. 4. Wrestlemania. That's where it's going. He's never had that match - he's going to get it. Probably a gimmick match though - vs Cole? The Cole heel character is going to come to a climax at WM probably vs king
  15. Re-watched. Really enjoyed it. Edge - Ziggler, great matched. Ziggler's awesome. Crowd were well up for it. Ziggler should have taken it. Miz - Orton. Not bad, but way outshined by the match before. Unexpected Nexus interference. Liked that. Riley's leap was awesome. Women's - 4 way - yes Kong. Eve. Whit. Eve won. Whit. Possibilities - all wasted. The Rumble - loved it. False start was great - Nexus vs Corre. Chavo's amigos spot was awesome. Who'd have thought i'd mark for a Chavo moment. Big cheer when he finally completed the move. Morrison's got some pop. Not a fan but his spot was pretty cool. Could have easily fucked it up but he hung on and fair play for nailing it. The Nexus gauntlet was great. Punk laughing all through it showed his craziness and shouting whats up after nailing R-Truth. Funny. R-Truth punted quick - good. Booker T over like crazy. Mark Mark Mark. Enjoyed the Hornswoggle bit up until the gratuitous cena love in with the you cant see me's and the 5 knuckle shuffles. Hornswoggle's head scissors and AA on Tyson Kidd was funny and sitting on the ropes and his stunner on Heath Slater. Diesel over like crazy. Mark Mark Mark. The crowd wanted more. Loved the Diesel Diesel chants after he was eliminated. Miz chucking out Cena - awesome. Cena aint winning and the Miz did it. Great stuff. The Santino finish was good. Thought they were gonna do it for a second but glad they didn't. Del Rio winning - Del Rio's awesome. A lot of good points. Negatives - Nexus dominance was great but didn't last long enough and Punk eliminated too early. Why did nobody coming down wait for the 90 seconds for a potential reinforcement before entering against the Nexus?.Build up of Nexus vs Corre and the false start, then no overlap during the rumble. Poor. Booker T over like crazy but punted way too quickly. Cena eliminating all of Nexus - yawn. No HHH. No Ultimate Warrior - i was so ready to mark like absolute mental after someone put that as a spolier. Didn't expect it, but so so wanted it. 6 mystery spots plus Primo, David Hart Smith, Cody Rhodes and Darren Young out making 10 mystery spots. Only 2 surprise guests. Khali, Hornswoggle, Ziggler, Orton, Reks, Alex Riley etc not that exciting. All in all - pretty good show. It was a rumble after all.
  16. haha it changed to bieber winning the women's 4 way. fixed now. says miz lost...
  17. Del Rio's in ring stuff is pretty good, but regardless, it's all about his gimick - the character is awesome. Love the smarmy, cheesy grinned, in your face, interrupting. The car horns, the catch phrase - it all just works in my book.
  18. Agree with all of that. Thought the nexus angle was gonna play for longer and have more overall significance though hence my picks in the predictions. Lows - John Cena eliminating most of Nexus. No Triple H.
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