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My son probably more affectionate and soft than the girls.

One of them is a total girly girl and the other is more of a Tom boy. Girly

Girl can kick a ball though so I can forgive her the princess stuff!

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I have a wee boy, Charlie. He's coming up for 3 now and is absolutely great but like most kids can be quite draining.

We found out in advance we were having a boy. I wanted to know out of curiosity but couldn't have cared less whether we were actually having a boy or girl. Same goes for next time. I just don't care. My only hope is for good health. I just don't see what difference it makes to me whether a child is male or female.

My wife was convinced before the scan we were going to have a girl so it was good we found out. Her thinking it was a girl was based on nothing/Facebook/mumsnet so I still do not under stand why people are surprised at what is a 50/50 outcome.

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Its just twigged that another prominent Queens poster has a son called Thomas. I never made the connection before :lol:

Dont know how. Pretty sure FC1919 made that connection about ten seconds after it was announced, about the same time as he noted his disappointment he didnt have all the cup final team's middle names.

Thomas wasnt named after Tommy Bryce incidentally. We just liked the name (and he was Jamie for about 20 minutes before we decided mutually that it didnt suit him). On the other hand Steven was my choice and whilst I always liked the name anyway, the scorer of our first Scottish Cup Final goal was not entirely coincidental!

On another note we didnt find out the sex of either child until they were born. I wasnt really bothered either way but my wife was adamant she didnt want to know. Ironically we had an agreed girls name in advance for both of them but not a boys one.

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Congrats. What did you call him?!

Seriously cannot find a boy's name we both like. The girl's name has been picked for years but just can't choose a boy's. "Choose" is probably a misleading word as that would suggest we have a list! We have zilch. The only name I really like is the name of my cousin's boy :( What's worse is that I find out the sex on May 11th as I'm hoping for a wee girl. The missus doesn't want to find out though so she needs to have a boy's name picked by then or she'll be able to tell by my lack of enthusiasm for picking a boy's name thereafter, that it's a girl :lol:



You think you can keep it a secret until the birth? I'm sure I'd say something unintentionally, referring to the bump as he/she or something like that.


I found boys names harder. First child we picked one quite early and stuck with it all the way through. Complicated labour ended up in theatre so when he was born they took him next door to do a couple of checks and I went with him. They asked me the name and obviously my wife wasn't there to confirm that he looks like a Calvin but I went with it and straight away all the doctors and nurses are calling him Calvin in every sentence so there was no going back. Not that my wife had changed her mind or anything but was still quite a pressure situation.


Second child we had one girls name set in stone and three boys options. Much easier delivery so we were able to both decide on Felix when he was there. Although I'm sure my wife had already decided and was just humouring me with the other couple of choices. She was right though, it was definitely the right choice.

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You think you can keep it a secret until the birth? I'm sure I'd say something unintentionally, referring to the bump as he/she or something like that.

Yeah, I'm actually good at keeping things to myself. The biggest annoyance would be her sister constantly bugging me to find out the sex, so I think we're just going to say the baby wasn't in the correct position for telling the sex so I couldn't find out. It will prevent folk from asking.

Blurting it out unintentionally was another concern but I've said to my missus that once I find out I'll refer to the baby as "he" and "she" throughout. That way I'll no make a cock up :)

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The biggest annoyance would be her sister constantly bugging me to find out the sex


Just point her in the direction of the Sex Ed thread on here. We'll put her right.

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Yeah, I'm actually good at keeping things to myself. The biggest annoyance would be her sister constantly bugging me to find out the sex, so I think we're just going to say the baby wasn't in the correct position for telling the sex so I couldn't find out. It will prevent folk from asking.

Blurting it out unintentionally was another concern but I've said to my missus that once I find out I'll refer to the baby as "he" and "she" throughout. That way I'll no make a cock up :)


Bit late for that...

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Completely forgot about this thread! I'm listed as 2 x 1/2 but of course it should just be 2 having become a dad to twin girls just under 6 months ago!

A few scary moments during the delivery and one longer than planned hospital stay for twin 1........but all good now

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Completely forgot about this thread! I'm listed as 2 x 1/2 but of course it should just be 2 having become a dad to twin girls just under 6 months ago!

A few scary moments during the delivery and one longer than planned hospital stay for twin 1........but all good now


Congratulations - it had taken so long for an update I thought you had married an elephant!


Anyway, you have had your hands full, and more important things to do than post on here.

Edited by Jacksgranda
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Emotional day today, my granddaughter Ava is 5 today. I look where we were 5 years ago, to where we are today and I can't believe how far she has come and how far we've come as a family

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Sam has recently decided that sleeping at night isn't for him. He was sleeping solid 7-7 most nights for a while. Then his bottom two teeth sprouted and we're lucky to get a 9-1 and 2-7 as a good night.

that passes soon as they break through then cycle continues until all are through.. we are on molars now a full year down the line
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