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19 minutes ago, jmothecat said:

Horrible sjc. Can't begin to imagine what you are going through right now. Really hoping everything works out for her and for you. She's a gorgeous wee baby.


13 minutes ago, The Woolshed said:

Very sorry to read that SJC. Pray it all works well for you all. Can't imagine going through that with Sam emoji853.png


12 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Must be worse not knowing the language. I had a bad accident as a kid in Sweden and my parents didn't have a clue what was going on in the hospital. Sounds like you're fully informed though. All the best and hopefully your kid will have no memory of it all when she's rampaging around as a ruthless toddler.


8 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Awful news SJC. I can only echo what Rowan said. I know it won't be of much comfort but kids are genuinely amazingly resilient. I did a placement in a kids ward during my nursing and couldn't believe how well the kids took their awful predicaments in their stride.

With any luck this is her first and last dealing with Cancer and she doesn't remember it when she's older.

Just a rambling mess of a post as I don't know what can be said in such circumstances. Hope everything turns out OK for you and your family.


2 minutes ago, lichtie23 said:

Look at that wee star. She is absolutely going to kick its ass!

Thanks guys. Your positive thoughts and comments are much appreciated.

It is tricky with my limited understanding of the language but my wife is Japanese and a Doctor so she translates and keeps me well informed.

We try to look at it that we've been very lucky in that we spotted the clotted blood in her nappy.......it only occurred on 2 -3 occasions on the 6th and early on the 7th. Other than that there has been on symptoms whatsoever. It's a rare form of cancer but also a difficult to diagnose form.


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SJC heartbreaking reading about your beautiful little girl but delighted to see she is a wee fighter. We spent the best part of 18 months in and out of hospital with our wee man having operations and he'll be in and out the rest of his life. We have good days and bad days but it has made us a stronger family and when I need to have a wee cry the wife steps up and takes control and vice versa. Stay strong mate and enjoy the good days when they come and support each other through the bad ones. Hope you all have a good Xmas and your beautiful little fighter gets better.

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On 12/24/2016 at 14:56, sjc said:

Not sure why I'm telling internet strangers this when I haven't told close personal friends but back on the morning of 6th of December my wife found clotted blood in our 6 month old daughters nappy. We immediately took her to the hospital where she was given an ultrasound scan. We found out that she had a tumour in her right kidney as well as her bladder and were referred to a urologist specialist at another hospital across the City.

We were seen within a couple of hours where the "tumour" in the bladder was ruled out as congealed blood but the tumour in her right kidney was confirmed with the likely diagnosis being Wilms Tumour (a rare kidney cancer). Further blood tests and x-rays and CAT scans told us that there had been no spreading to any other organs, bones or the brain thankfully.

On the 15th of December she had surgery to remove not only the tumour but her right kidney, ureter and lymph nodes from which she is recovering very well and back to her smiley self.

The Histology report from the tumour came back on Wednesday this week which confirmed that it was Wilms Tumour with a favourable histology and that we caught it very early into Stage 2. My daughter started an 18 week course of chemotherapy on Thursday which will hopefully remove any cancerous cell that remain within her blood. The survival statistics are in our favour but obviously we're not taking anything for granted at present. 

She's currently 3 days into the chemotherapy and doing very well with no sickness, nausea or side effects to report. She will have to remain in isolation within the hospital for the full 18 weeks (10 weeks depending on how her immunity system is doing).

Wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Sounds like a cliche but my wife and I are just focusing on taking one step at a time and trying to stay positive although our daughter is way ahead of us on that front!

Fucking hell mate. Just stay strong.

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On 12/25/2016 at 05:55, Tartantony said:

SJC heartbreaking reading about your beautiful little girl but delighted to see she is a wee fighter. We spent the best part of 18 months in and out of hospital with our wee man having operations and he'll be in and out the rest of his life. We have good days and bad days but it has made us a stronger family and when I need to have a wee cry the wife steps up and takes control and vice versa. Stay strong mate and enjoy the good days when they come and support each other through the bad ones. Hope you all have a good Xmas and your beautiful little fighter gets better.

Thanks mate. Hope your son is ok and that his ongoing treatment is going well.

On 12/25/2016 at 06:01, Sergeant Wilson said:

I wouldn't worry about anybody that can kick a baby giraffe to death.


On 12/25/2016 at 06:07, heedthebaa said:

She's gorgeous mate. Kids are resilient SJC, more than we think, my thoughts are with you and your wife, keep positive 


On 12/25/2016 at 06:08, bud1876 said:

Not sure what to say SJC.
Lost for words with what you are all going through.
Can only echo what has been said before and hope for a speedy recovery from that bonnie, happy looking wee girl.... she looks a star mate.


On 12/25/2016 at 07:19, supermik said:

Thoughts are with you mate.

(and little Sophie, the roughed up giraffe);)


On 12/25/2016 at 10:12, keithgy said:

SJC my heart goes out to you and your family.


On 12/25/2016 at 10:47, davied85 said:

Al the best sjc .been reading this thread for a few month since ma missus got pregnant .been fearing the worst since day 1 and that's us on 18weeks .been up at hospital a cpl times for bleeding but everything is fine so far.does the worrying stop lol ?

Congratulations! I think your worrying has only just begun! Try not to though and enjoy what is a wonderful experience.

On 12/25/2016 at 12:30, Eednud said:

Stay strong SJC. All the best.


On 12/25/2016 at 16:47, Adam said:

That's just awful mate, my heart goes out to you all.


On 12/25/2016 at 22:07, hk blues said:

Heartbreaking news but best wishes to you SJC and your wife - and most importantly your daughter.


On 12/25/2016 at 22:40, whodat said:

All the best to you and your family mate, a heartbreaking read, esp today of all days.

I'm going through similar with my partner just now, she started her chemo on the 18th Dec, same 18 week course, then radio then hormone treatment, to make sure they get rid of it all. She got her wig yesterday too, not the best Christmas present ever. . Sorry if this is a bit all of the place, hard to read your story then add mine. Anyway as I said all the best, kids are fighters.

Thanks mate. All the best to you and your family with your partners treatment too. It's a vile and horrible disease cancer. Just the look of the chemotherapy drug screams "toxic" or "poison"!

3 hours ago, StandFree03 said:

SJC that's heartbreaking. Best wishes to you all. Really can't imagine how you feel.


3 hours ago, steelmen said:

sorry to hear that SJC, finger crossed for your wee girl.

great that its has been caught and treatment started, hopefully because she's so young she won't really remember it all.


1 hour ago, Slenderman said:

Fucking hell mate. Just stay strong.


1 hour ago, King Dom's Moustache said:

Thoughts are with you and the family right now SJC, going by the photos she's an absolute cracker and no doubt will boot it's arse.

Take care mate.

Cheers guys. Appreciate all your thoughts and wishes.

She had a heart scan yesterday to see if the cancer drugs have had any ill effects on its work and thankfully everything is normal. Another step on this long road done.

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Cheers guys. Appreciate all your thoughts and wishes.
She had a heart scan yesterday to see if the cancer drugs have had any ill effects on its work and thankfully everything is normal. Another step on this long road done.

Excellent news! :D

First Christmas with our wee one. She hadn't a clue of course. Here she is joining in with a game of Pie Face


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First Christmas with ours too and it's been great. She's old enough to be aware that somethings going on and has just loved all the attention. She's not been that bothered with any of her presents but absolutely loves the boxes they've come in.

The one gift that has been a success was a group of cups, which can be stacked to make a tower. The look of absolute glee on her face when she knocks over the tower is brilliant. She sits patiently as my wife or I build the tower, waits until the last cup has been added then bashes the whole thing down with a giggle.

Can't wait until she's old enough to do the whole Santa thing.

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