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Did anyone else get really frustrated at conflicting information from midwives when they’d visit after you brought your baby home?

Our wee one has only just got back up to her birth weight after 4 weeks, wasn’t latching on properly as she had a tongue tie. Not noticed by midwives or health visitor but suggested to us by a friend who’s own we girl had similar.

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Totally! Every single one had different opinion on my sons feeding. After 6 weeks he wasn’t at birth weight. And I made the mistake of going to a breastfeeding ‘support’ group.

Ive said it before on here but after my second I actually had a couple sessions with my therapist dealing with how they’d all left me feeling in regards breastfeeding.

I was really ill after my third and everyone in hospital told me not to feed myself as. Guess what the bottle fed baby didn’t gain weight all that quickly either.

I mix fed my first, he’s now 11 and 5ft, ditched feeding the second at 3 weeks as she started loosing weight again and I couldn’t face stress, moved her on bottle, age 8 she’s in age 6 clothes and is a tiny teeny wee dot of a thing. She had heaps allergies so ended up on amino acid milk. And the bottle fed one is just as smart as the two that got a sniff of tit and isn’t obese!

Babies just don’t always fit into the professionals timelines! If she had wet and dirty nappies your wife is feeding just fine and your wee one is growing.

Weigts and percentiles had me stressed out!

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Our health visitor one week gave us a hard time for feeding the baby with a bottle (mostly to give my wife a better sleep in the night) the following week she’s suggesting we top up whatever the baby has had from the mrs by giving her a bottle until she’s sick? I mean, isn’t that counter productive to go to the trouble of expressing and bottling it, only for the baby just to throw it all up?

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7 minutes ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

Eugh. Our health visitor comes monthly because of Fraser's prematurity and my illness. She treats him like a performing monkey. Has to be crawling by x date, must be doing this and that etc. He's an 11 week premature child. He will catch up with his peers in time. 

That's a load of ballix, to use a technical expression.

Might work with the first child but once the second - and subsequent ones - arrive, parents know better.

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Health visitors are a waste of time, judgemental too. Kids develop at their own pace.

I deferred my son who was born in September as he wasn’t ready for school. The youngest was three weeks early and born two weeks before school intake cut off. There was no stopping her going to school!!!

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We've got a really nice Health Visitor. Even when she is trying to "go by the book" she puts it across in a way that's not condescending. She's been really useful for advice as well.

She was on holiday for one of her visits and an 'old schooler' came instead. Within 5 minutes I had completely shut off and was going through the motions. If she was our regular HV I expect she'd have been asked to leave at some point.

There's ways of putting your info. across without making (new, in particular) parents feel totally worthless.

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What’s helped us is my wife has a friend who’s a midwife and her sister is a doctor. We’ve had a lot of support from them, they’ve got young kids of their own so have been great to lean on for advice.

The health visitor we have also looks like a minor character from Peep Show so I kind of struggle to take her seriously.

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Health visitors are a waste of time, judgemental too. Kids develop at their own pace.
I deferred my son who was born in September as he wasn’t ready for school. The youngest was three weeks early and born two weeks before school intake cut off. There was no stopping her going to school!!!
That's far too harsh.

Our health visitor was very good at reassuring us. There are some excellent folk out there, and the advice was sensible and well-communicated.

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I asked my practice to intervene with one and ensure she never came back. Not suited to job she was in.
Another came out after I had been in psych hospital for two weeks but I was in bed. My ex was rude and abusive to her and she refused come back. Which was great as that’s how I was being treated day in day out and had been in psychiatric care. 
After that the practice agreed that anything kids needed like vaccinations the practice nurses would do. 
You've just justified your partner being rude and abusive to a health visitor. I genuinely hope it all worked well in the end but I'm going to assume there's more than one side to this story.
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No I didn’t justify it, my point was she left my house having seen behaviour of ex towards her and knowing I’d been unwell. 
surely this should have raised red flags?
Apologies. I misunderstood your original post.

Did no-one else from the practice contact you, and did you complain about that later?
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We have a meeting at Ben's nursery tomorrow about his progress since he went there.
Hopefully settling in well and getting on.
Given the turmoil with everything it would be nice for him to have some normality and be a happy little boy.
I'm sure you and your wife would love to have some really positive news coming out of this for him.
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Had our two wee granddaughters (4 and 2) sleep over on Saturday then took them to the baths on Sunday. Brilliant fun. So fascinating watch them develop and iteract with each other. Older one informed us she was the "boss of" the wee one. [emoji4]

Also, I was Dad substitute so I got all the physical stuff. Mrs and I both crashed out when we got home from dropping them off. [emoji23]

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1 hour ago, printer said:

Had our two wee granddaughters (4 and 2) sleep over on Saturday then took them to the baths on Sunday. Brilliant fun. So fascinating watch them develop and iteract with each other. Older one informed us she was the "boss of" the wee one. emoji4.png

Also, I was Dad substitute so I got all the physical stuff. Mrs and I both crashed out when we got home from dropping them off. emoji23.png

We normally just sit in silence for half an hour after they’ve gone,  then put the house back together and have a drink, bless them 

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24 minutes ago, heedthebaa said:

We normally just sit in silence for half an hour after they’ve gone,  then put the house back together and have a drink, bless them 

Sounds about right! Three of them have just left, off to The Jungle (not Parkhead, an adventure play park/experience (:lol: ) about 15 minutes away), bliss!

I'm knackered, in and out of the kitchen frying/boiling eggs and making toast for two of them. Evie wanted a "flat egg" (fried), changed her mind when it arrived and wanted one "with the top off" (boiled). Fortunately her big brother ate the fried egg - along with another one. Heaven help anyone downwind of him later on.

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9 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Sounds about right! Three of them have just left, off to The Jungle (not Parkhead, an adventure play park/experience (:lol: ) about 15 minutes away), bliss!

I'm knackered, in and out of the kitchen frying/boiling eggs and making toast for two of them. Evie wanted a "flat egg" (fried), changed her mind when it arrived and wanted one "with the top off" (boiled). Fortunately her big brother ate the fried egg - along with another one. Heaven help anyone downwind of him later on.

They are fussy eaters now, so we don’t argue with them, that’s the parents job.  Pizza suits all tastes. They’ve had me doing pancakes, proud moment when they eat what I make 😂

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