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A question for those with older kids.
My 8 yo granddaughter is beginning to act out, saying “no” when asked to do something, answering back and getting less than positive reports from school.

I should add it’s not just me that gets the behaviour.

Is this common, or a sign of something else?

Thanks in anticipation.

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44 minutes ago, Raidernation said:

A question for those with older kids.
My 8 yo granddaughter is beginning to act out, saying “no” when asked to do something, answering back and getting less than positive reports from school.

I should add it’s not just me that gets the behaviour.

Is this common, or a sign of something else?

Thanks in anticipation.

Not that common but not something to be overly worried about.

My (now) 17 yo's default view on pretty-much anything is 'no' and has been since she was aged 3 or 4 and it is tedious as f**k.  My older two are quite adventurous and open to new things/places/foods/ideas but the wee yin is a right stick in the mud and 'no' is her stance on most things and it does my head in.

There is a glimmer of hope.  She and I go out an about and, recently, went for a Uni interview in Bath and she got an unconditional offer for her course.  It's the first time I have seen her excited and looking forward to something without caveats.

I just think that some weans are a slow burn.

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I imagine I'll receive a lot of hate for such a post but I think I may well be one of the luckiest dick's in the world. Oldest one slept 12 hours right from the second night. We expected this one to be an absolute handful. She's almost 9 weeks now and for the last 2 weeks she's slept from 10pm - 7.30/8am without getting up once. The week before she was up once during the night because she had shit. Even then she went back down straight away and never needed a bottle.

Absolutely ruined again. Without a doubt I'll be getting the snip now!

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5 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

I imagine I'll receive a lot of hate for such a post but I think I may well be one of the luckiest dick's in the world. Oldest one slept 12 hours right from the second night. We expected this one to be an absolute handful. She's almost 9 weeks now and for the last 2 weeks she's slept from 10pm - 7.30/8am without getting up once. The week before she was up once during the night because she had shit. Even then she went back down straight away and never needed a bottle.

Absolutely ruined again. Without a doubt I'll be getting the snip now!

Ours (only one at the mo) slept thru the night for the first month and hasn't done so again in the 70 months since. 

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Ours (only one at the mo) slept thru the night for the first month and hasn't done so again in the 70 months since. 
Aye I'm hoping it's not just a blip! But I used to sleep 12 hours as a baby as well as my eldest so I'm hoping it's in her genes that she is a lazy wee shite like us.
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40 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

My wife is pregnant for the first time and we went for the 12 week scan yesterday. I say "we", but I wasn't allowed in with her because of the current situation. While it's understandable, it was still a bit of a shiter - it feels like one of those seminal moments where you know it's real and I wasn't able to share it with her. Nonetheless, everything seems healthy which is the most important thing.

That is a wee bit of a shame but congrats to you and your Mrs regardless and I'm glad all checks out wrt health.

You will love being a dad and will, I have no doubt, keep the most up to date red book in the history of parenting.

Best wishes to your Mrs for a safe delivery.

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10 hours ago, craigkillie said:

My wife is pregnant for the first time and we went for the 12 week scan yesterday. I say "we", but I wasn't allowed in with her because of the current situation. While it's understandable, it was still a bit of a shiter - it feels like one of those seminal moments where you know it's real and I wasn't able to share it with her. Nonetheless, everything seems healthy which is the most important thing.

My niece gave birth to her second on Thursday evening, cesarean as she had trouble the first time. Had a slight cold so they went full precautionary mode, Covid19 test, shipped into hospital and father ordered to stay home. Turned out negative and he was allowed in for the birth, had to leave shortly after, then put on strict visiting rota with other Dads. She's back home this morning, both well.

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10 hours ago, craigkillie said:

My wife is pregnant for the first time and we went for the 12 week scan yesterday. I say "we", but I wasn't allowed in with her because of the current situation. While it's understandable, it was still a bit of a shiter - it feels like one of those seminal moments where you know it's real and I wasn't able to share it with her. Nonetheless, everything seems healthy which is the most important thing.

Congrats, I literally just missed all this shit, I was allowed into the wards etc but we could only have one other visitor per day, during the designated visitor times. They then shut all that shit down.

I'd also advise you to listen to folk who say stupid cliche shit like "get all the sleep you can" etc. Cos it's fucking true.
Eat, shit, cry (sometimes sleep) repeat.

8 days old and all I have got so far is shitty hands, sore heads, lack of sleep and muscle spasms from holding her.

Worth it already though.

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My wife is pregnant for the first time and we went for the 12 week scan yesterday. I say "we", but I wasn't allowed in with her because of the current situation. While it's understandable, it was still a bit of a shiter - it feels like one of those seminal moments where you know it's real and I wasn't able to share it with her. Nonetheless, everything seems healthy which is the most important thing.
Get stockpiling on the Baby wipes and plenty things you can pick up from supermarkets the now to get you ready.

All the best
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Grandchildren are away, probably not see them for a wee while. 9 year old grandson gave his granny a big hug - as per - whenever he left. "What about me", I asked. He shook my hand! :lol:

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That's wee Juliana now catching on that her brother doesn't live here full time. Just as we were leaving to take him to his mums in Glasgow this evening she was in full on tears grabbing onto him and not letting go, then he ended up in tears as well. Pretty emotional stuff 😢. Reminds me of when the wee man was 3 - 5 when I dropped him off at his mums he'd come running back to the car trying to let himself in. Never Easy! 

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Don’t have a good relationship with my kids mum at the best of times and she has now said I can’t see them for 3 weeks. Though I’m not happy with the decision I suppose it’s for the best and reduces the chance of them catching the virus. I did get to speak to them on FaceTime tonight though which has made my night.

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My ex and I agreed yesterday they would spend lockdown with me as there wasn’t much said about kids from seperated homes. That’s been clarified now but I think they’ll just stay here. Playing it by ear.

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