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Had my eyes opened recently with what we are surrounded by on the school/nursery app that the teacher use to communicate with parents.

Todays one was the assistant head explaining why bags and lunch boxes are currently not allowed, which is due to a council recommendation. Cue idiot parent....

"Thanks for confirming it's just a recommendation".

You arent being asked to run a fucking marathon ffs. Just do as you are told.

Last weeks was a big rant after a few posts generally trying to get kids excited about going back, because of the "5000 families who HAVE NOT HAD A GOOD LOCKDOWN!!!!!"

Get a grip.

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Had my eyes opened recently with what we are surrounded by on the school/nursery app that the teacher use to communicate with parents.

Todays one was the assistant head explaining why bags and lunch boxes are currently not allowed, which is due to a council recommendation. Cue idiot parent....

"Thanks for confirming it's just a recommendation".

You arent being asked to run a fucking marathon ffs. Just do as you are told.

Last weeks was a big rant after a few posts generally trying to get kids excited about going back, because of the "5000 families who HAVE NOT HAD A GOOD LOCKDOWN!!!!!"

Get a grip.
I'm convinced some folk just love to go against the grain. Similarly: my idiot sister-in-law doesn't wear a facemask because she has asthma (knew her for 15 years, never knew her to have it which is remarkable considering she loves to highlight every medical condition she has) and struggles to breath apparently. Remarkable stance considering she smokes. So she has no issue struggling to breath with a lungful of smoke but can't cope with a bit of cloth in front of her nose.

These people are the scum of our society.
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4 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Had my eyes opened recently with what we are surrounded by on the school/nursery app that the teacher use to communicate with parents.

Todays one was the assistant head explaining why bags and lunch boxes are currently not allowed, which is due to a council recommendation. Cue idiot parent....

"Thanks for confirming it's just a recommendation".

You arent being asked to run a fucking marathon ffs. Just do as you are told.

Last weeks was a big rant after a few posts generally trying to get kids excited about going back, because of the "5000 families who HAVE NOT HAD A GOOD LOCKDOWN!!!!!"

Get a grip.

You'll be seeing the chat from the full time yummy mummy brigade who hang around the school gates, in fact the same crowd that head teachers have resulted to telling them to bolt and on the radio today I heard Jason Leitch also reiterating that bit. All this whilst parents are hurrying their kids to school so they can get to work on time...

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That's both my kids back. Juliana in nursery 2.5 days a week, was dreading it as she had become far too attached to my wife over Lockdown to the point anytime she left the room she would start whinging "mummy mummy". Thankfully she just waltzes in, she loves it. Probably more that she's at the age she loves playing with other kids, in corfu last week she tried to befriend every single kid at the kids disco 😂

My son just started 2nd year which is really making me feel old. Homeschooling during Lockdown was a nightmare for him so I'm relieved that he's back at school! Massive year for him. 

Edited by Ingo ohne Flamingo
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You'll be seeing the chat from the full time yummy mummy brigade who hang around the school gates, in fact the same crowd that head teachers have resulted to telling them to bolt and on the radio today I heard Jason Leitch also reiterating that bit. All this whilst parents are hurrying their kids to school so they can get to work on time...
Yeah it's all a bit mind blowing really
These people are desperate to pish their knickers about the virus, desperate for their weans to go to school and desperate for said school day to look no different from before. The head teacher is already doing her nut about the rabble of wee cliques practicing zero distancing outside the school etc. Its fucking embarrassing to be stood there while she lectures dozens of fully grown adults in not being able to follow basic instruction.
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35 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Yeah it's all a bit mind blowing really
These people are desperate to pish their knickers about the virus, desperate for their weans to go to school and desperate for said school day to look no different from before. The head teacher is already doing her nut about the rabble of wee cliques practicing zero distancing outside the school etc. Its fucking embarrassing to be stood there while she lectures dozens of fully grown adults in not being able to follow basic instruction.

Our school have had to put a notice on seesaw asking parents to stay away from the playground as they were not practicing social distancing properly. With expection of nursery and P1 and P2 parents. I'm in the gate and out ASAP. Think some of the mummies turn up at half 2 to get the local goss. Not into that myself.

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Had my eyes opened recently with what we are surrounded by on the school/nursery app that the teacher use to communicate with parents.

Todays one was the assistant head explaining why bags and lunch boxes are currently not allowed, which is due to a council recommendation.

My sons school allows pack lunch bags and school bags. Thought it would have been a general you can/cannot bring them right across the board.
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Our school have had to put a notice on seesaw asking parents to stay away from the playground as they were not practicing social distancing properly. With expection of nursery and P1 and P2 parents. I'm in the gate and out ASAP. Think some of the mummies turn up at half 2 to get the local goss. Not into that myself.

Our school has already been told, even for P1 not allowed in the playground but the school grounds outside the gate are just as bad. Headteachers clearly exasperated already. Like you say, wee gangs forming early on, then not fucking off once their kids have been retrieved. Whole thing pretty cringy watching the way they carry on. Aside from that, some of the stuff they put on Dojo, desperately needing spoon fed and wanting to circumvent every thing the school has asked... Torture to watch as a functioning member of society. 



My sons school allows pack lunch bags and school bags. Thought it would have been a general you can/cannot bring them right across the board.


It's all very much individual council stipulated I think. 


The whining about lunchboxes seems to centre around the fact that we are protecting them from covid but not from the botulism their kids will get if their dairylea lunchable goes unrefrigerated for 3 hours.  



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45 minutes ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

Our school have had to put a notice on seesaw asking parents to stay away from the playground as they were not practicing social distancing properly. With expection of nursery and P1 and P2 parents. I'm in the gate and out ASAP. Think some of the mummies turn up at half 2 to get the local goss. Not into that myself.

At my kids previous school there was a mum who was at school gates at 8.30am and 2.30pm even once her kids were in high school.

Mine are getting papped out and are walking back to an agreed street  I’m parking In. Covid or not this would’ve been happening now youngest Is in P4 and doesn’t have to be collected.


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2 hours ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

Our school have had to put a notice on seesaw asking parents to stay away from the playground as they were not practicing social distancing properly. With expection of nursery and P1 and P2 parents. I'm in the gate and out ASAP. Think some of the mummies turn up at half 2 to get the local goss. Not into that myself.

Your last sentence is correct, it's purely that. My sons Mum is one of those types that even in P7 she would walk him round much to his annoyance but as an unemployed bum who refuses to work, she gets to see the rest of the workshy brigade and talk shite to each other. 

1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

Our school has already been told, even for P1 not allowed in the playground but the school grounds outside the gate are just as bad. Headteachers clearly exasperated already. Like you say, wee gangs forming early on, then not fucking off once their kids have been retrieved. Whole thing pretty cringy watching the way they carry on. Aside from that, some of the stuff they put on Dojo, desperately needing spoon fed and wanting to circumvent every thing the school has asked... Torture to watch as a functioning member of society. 


It's all very much individual council stipulated I think. 


The whining about lunchboxes seems to centre around the fact that we are protecting them from covid but not from the botulism their kids will get if their dairylea lunchable goes unrefrigerated for 3 hours.  



It's brutal mate, I've seen first hand in schools the attitude of some parents towards teachers and unfortunately these are the same people who had no respect for teachers when they were at school and ended up breeding like rabbits for their offsprings to have the same shite attitudes towards teachers. Worst thing is those are the same types who will then bitch about teachers on Facebook etc for their pals to sit and agree with each other whilst still sat in their jammies at 1pm watching Jeremy. 

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It's all very much individual council stipulated I think.   
The whining about lunchboxes seems to centre around the fact that we are protecting them from covid but not from the botulism their kids will get if their dairylea lunchable goes unrefrigerated for 3 hours.  
The problem is that since of the folk making decisions are making an arse of it - and i think the school bag one is a good example of it.

In terms of risk and reward, it's a daft idea to tell them not to bring a school bag. Small kids lose shit all the time and an element of common sense is required.

The headteacher in the secondary school i work in is handling it all well, but from what I've seen the primary headteacher of my kids school is struggling big time. I can only imagine the stresses they're under at the moment but they get paid well to handle the pressure.

You have to be realistic about what is actually practical, especially when young kids are involved.
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I got asked the other day how I kept their lunch boxes cool when I said I wasn’t sending in lunch bags as no way clean them properly. I was like I just chuck them in school bag 🙈

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On 14/08/2020 at 17:55, robosaintee said:

That's me and the wife expecting our first. Baby boy due on 1st November.

It's been a long road for us! We've been trying to get pregnant for about 3 years. One NHS cycle of IVF failed and we would have had to go private if we wanted to try again. The wife was burst after that IVF. They only managed to get one egg, beat the odds to get as far as getting the egg implanted but pregnancy was lost after a couple of weeks. Heart wrenching.

Had started to look into adoption as we were thinking it might not happen for us.

Then January this year she had blinding pains one evening which was put down to an ovarian cyst breaking and they booked her in for a gyno scan. She went up for that In February and was told that they were not sure what caused the pain, everything looked fine and they suspected she was in the very early stages of pregnancy! Bought a few pregnancy tests on the way home from work and right enough, she was pregnant!

Pregnancy has been a piece of piss so far, no morning sickness at all and all going to plan! 29 weeks now and she's always been slim so her bump is massive now. Never got to any scans or appointments up until the last midwife appointment which was shit but managed to get a private scan at about 20 weeks which was brilliant. Staggered at how much you could see.

The one thing I would say is the amount of times we've been asked "when are you going to have children" and "it'll be your turn next" type comments since we got married is unbelievable. I know folk don't mean anything by it but when you are having problems getting pregnant you cant help but die inside a wee bit everytime it's mentioned.

All the antenatal classes are online and got given the info about them at our last midwife appointment on thursday so will have a look at them this weekend.

Exciting times!


Congratulations to you both. IVF is horrific for both but especially the wife. Have the rules changed? Think we got three attempts then paid for one private. Figured it was time to give up after that. It still brings me out in chills thinking about the wee room in Ninewells where you have to rip the heid off it to produce a sample. One of the times they were doing renovations in the ward next door and the constant drilling and hammering was putting me off my stroke and the magazine they provided was pretty tame. After about half an hour and the sweat pouring off me one of the nurses knocked on the door to ask if everything was ok - at that point I wanted to just run out and leg it home.

We went down the adoption route and don’t regret it for a minute.  He’s an utter rascal but love him to bits.



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2 hours ago, Alert Mongoose said:

Congratulations to you both. IVF is horrific for both but especially the wife. Have the rules changed? Think we got three attempts then paid for one private. Figured it was time to give up after that. It still brings me out in chills thinking about the wee room in Ninewells where you have to rip the heid off it to produce a sample. One of the times they were doing renovations in the ward next door and the constant drilling and hammering was putting me off my stroke and the magazine they provided was pretty tame. After about half an hour and the sweat pouring off me one of the nurses knocked on the door to ask if everything was ok - at that point I wanted to just run out and leg it home.

We went down the adoption route and don’t regret it for a minute.  He’s an utter rascal but love him to bits.



Can confirm there's no reception so you cant even load up any filth on your phone. One of the most stressful wanks I've ever had. Worst thing was we had just moved to Dundee and lived in a shit tip of a flat in Menzieshill 5 mins away and they told me I could have just done it at home and handed it in. 🤣

Just depends on the initial screening I think. My wife had low egg reserves so we were only eligible for one funded round of treatment but I think you can have up to three if you are younger/ you're chances are a wee bit better.

Looking back now it was the injections that my wife really struggled with. Not pleasant at all.

Shes currently sporting a cracking bruise on her arse from her last midwife appointment. She got a jag in it because our blood types could cause problems to any possible future pregnancies however unlikely that is before anyone says anything!



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7 hours ago, weirdcal said:

My 5 year old has been calling the fly swotter a fly twatter.
I refuse to correct this

Similarly, our superhero-obsessed four year old has been talking about the Credible Honk for the better part of a year now. Can’t bear to correct him.

A superhero how beats the bad guys through convincing discourse once he’s triggered by rage. Shame about the smell.

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Wee one climbed out his cot last night and now thinks it's a game so that's having to be replaced with a bed which he thinks is brilliant! New found freedom means he didn't go to sleep until 10.30pm last night instead of the usual 7.30pm. He's currently wandering about his room instead of napping despite being told to lie down approx 10000 times! Oldest moved into a bed no problem although she was a wee bit older. Fraser will be 2 in a couple weeks. He's only just managed to sleep through the night 😫

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