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Did anyone on here have their child christened? And are you religious? We are stuck in 2 minds on this one, really can't decide.

Why on earth are you even considering whether or not to have the child christened 20 odd weeks BEFORE he or she is born! :huh: There's plenty of time to decided that later. Trust me on this you have a lot more to be thinking about and considering than that.

However, to answer the question, although neither myself or the wife are religious (I'd consider myself athiest, she's probably just agnostic) we did get Thomas baptisted and are having Steven baptised this weekend. I probably wouldn't have bothered personally but had no actual objection to it. The wife was quite keen to do it. Thomas was baptised at the church we got married in and probably more for her grandmother than anything else, though my family were delighted too as fairly regular churchgoers. Steven then "has to be the same" needless to say, although we weren't allowed to have him baptised at the same church as the minister has changed since then and the new one won't allow baptisms for non-local, non-members. We managed to find a more co-operative one elsewhere though.

I don't see the harm in it personally but it is a religious promise, much more so than a wedding is. In a wedding, even if in a church, you get married before God but you make promises to one another. As such the Church generally are happy to marry non-members and non-believers because the promises aren't to God. At a baptism the vows made ARE to God and are to bring your child up as a Christian. As such the Church tends to get a bit more precious that you actually mean what you are saying. Which is their prerogative of course.

And yes, I don't think I have been in a church since Thomas was christened the s 53 weeks ago! Though my wife and my mum have both attended the church where Steven will be christened a couple of times in the last few weeks.

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Why on earth are you even considering whether or not to have the child christened 20 odd weeks BEFORE he or she is born! :huh: There's plenty of time to decided that later. Trust me on this you have a lot more to be thinking about and considering than that.

However, to answer the question, although neither myself or the wife are religious (I'd consider myself athiest, she's probably just agnostic) we did get Thomas baptisted and are having Steven baptised this weekend. I probably wouldn't have bothered personally but had no actual objection to it. The wife was quite keen to do it. Thomas was baptised at the church we got married in and probably more for her grandmother than anything else, though my family were delighted too as fairly regular churchgoers. Steven then "has to be the same" needless to say, although we weren't allowed to have him baptised at the same church as the minister has changed since then and the new one won't allow baptisms for non-local, non-members. We managed to find a more co-operative one elsewhere though.

I don't see the harm in it personally but it is a religious promise, much more so than a wedding is. In a wedding, even if in a church, you get married before God but you make promises to one another. As such the Church generally are happy to marry non-members and non-believers because the promises aren't to God. At a baptism the vows made ARE to God and are to bring your child up as a Christian. As such the Church tends to get a bit more precious that you actually mean what you are saying. Which is their prerogative of course.

And yes, I don't think I have been in a church since Thomas was christened the s 53 weeks ago! Though my wife and my mum have both attended the church where Steven will be christened a couple of times in the last few weeks.

Thank for that, SD. We won't decide one way or another until he or she has arrived, as you say we have many more important things to be thinking about just now. Like where we're going to live!

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We're just back from our first camping trip with the boy. I would thoroughly recommend camping with a baby (can I still call him a baby, rather than a toddler?!) to anyone. It's BRILLIANT!!! :D

Running and climbing are his new favourite hobbies... he is bloody hard work!

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Did anyone on here have their child christened? And are you religious? We are stuck in 2 minds on this one, really can't decide.

You have had loads of answers on this but here is mine.

I did not want my daughter baptised. I thought it would be good to let her decide when she was old enough, but her Mother wanted it and as we were seperated there was nothing I could do to stop it.

When the day came, my daughter looked beutiful in her dress and I felt so proud of her that I just forgot about the whole religious thing.

Each to their own DHD.

As SD has said. Plenty other things to take care of before this event :)

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With my daughter, seven years ago, me and her mother approached the local minister about a christening. he knew we didn't attend and said that it wasn't a lucky charm that would protect her.

Possibly missed out on a pressie spree, but did the right thing as I've never set foot in a church recently unless it's for a funeral.

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Here's a question for all parents of girls.

How do you politely tell friends, relatives etc to stop buying horrible pink shit for your baby without hurting their feelings?

Have they never heard of the supposed end of gender stereotyping? Do they not think that pink is just the most twee shit you can get for a baby girl?

Do they not think that if you named your baby using Bob Marley's middle name you might just like her to have some red gold and green clothing, bedding, toys etc?

Do other folk hate dressing their kids up in girly colours or is it just me (and the wife). Fine the odd thing which is pink and frilly but not everything.

Say stuff like you don't mind pink but not that insipid pink...or that wishy washy pink. That warned off the majority of folk but with the obtuse or stubborn i.e. parents, my wife eventually just said 'WE HATE PINK'. Consequently, when the wee one spends the day at my mum's she often comes home in a completely different outfit.

Did anyone on here have their child christened? And are you religious? We are stuck in 2 minds on this one, really can't decide.

We thought about it. We were married in a church but we're far from religious. My wife was christened there and our school dragged us there. That's the connection. Tenuous I know. I was happy not to bother and my wife probably couldn't be bothered in the end.

My Mum was dead set against it. She said we would be making a mockery of the whole thing given we are not church goers. She didn't seem to mind when she had me christened despite not going to church herself.

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Missus is at the midwife today at 12.30. 8 weeks gone, still very much in the danger zone as the doctor seemed to enjoy telling us! worrying times indeed.

Congratulations! Hope all goes well.

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Thanks Rugs and doonhammer, anyone any idea what will go down today? I can't get away from work to go with her but it is an hour long thing, I won't get any work done I'll be sitting waiting on the phone to ring!

Is it the first meeting with the midwife? Mainly just filling forms and being given information, finding out family health history and all that stuff. The exciting thing is when youbgo for the scan at 12 weeks. I can't wait for the next scan.

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Is it the first meeting with the midwife? Mainly just filling forms and being given information, finding out family health history and all that stuff. The exciting thing is when youbgo for the scan at 12 weeks. I can't wait for the next scan.

Yeah first appointment with midwife, doctors was on Tuesday, unfortunately he has scared the missus shitless with the 1 in 5 ends badly chat, her maw has a history of miscarriage so just trying to do the reassuring stuff with her just now, gutted I can't be there today but it's all hands on deck for getting the money together.

I imagine we will get our scan date today. When is your 20 week scan mate?

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Yeah first appointment with midwife, doctors was on Tuesday, unfortunately he has scared the missus shitless with the 1 in 5 ends badly chat, her maw has a history of miscarriage so just trying to do the reassuring stuff with her just now, gutted I can't be there today but it's all hands on deck for getting the money together.

I imagine we will get our scan date today. When is your 20 week scan mate?

We had to wait and the scan date came through the post. It's 3rd September, so 4 weeks tomorrow :)

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best of luck, sure it will go superb. :D

Never thought I'd be posting on this thread. :ph34r:

Yeah, I remember thinking the same a while back. It is fantastic being a Dad, best thing that has ever happened to me.

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Yeah first appointment with midwife, doctors was on Tuesday, unfortunately he has scared the missus shitless with the 1 in 5 ends badly chat, her maw has a history of miscarriage so just trying to do the reassuring stuff with her just now, gutted I can't be there today but it's all hands on deck for getting the money together.

I imagine we will get our scan date today. When is your 20 week scan mate?

At 8 weeks, you'll not be missing an awful lot. It's too early to do the listening in to the baby bit. As DHD says, it'll be form filling, medical history, leaflet giving, blood pressure and blood tests.

Try not to worry any more than necessary (easier said than done, I know). Every day is another day closer to the 12 weeks, and while your partner's mum has a history of miscarriage, she still managed to carry your missus. There's still 4 in 5 that don't end badly. How's she feeling?

Congratulations. :)

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