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Pregnancy And Parenting

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At 8 weeks, you'll not be missing an awful lot. It's too early to do the listening in to the baby bit. As DHD says, it'll be form filling, medical history, leaflet giving, blood pressure and blood tests.

Try not to worry any more than necessary (easier said than done, I know). Every day is another day closer to the 12 weeks, and while your partner's mum has a history of miscarriage, she still managed to carry your missus. There's still 4 in 5 that don't end badly. How's she feeling?

Congratulations. :)

Thanks, she is a worrier by nature so I've to play the light hearted role. She at first went through suprise, shock, fear etc. She then wanted more morning sickness as this would make her feel more pregnant.............at the moment she is probably thinking be more careful what you wish for as she is sick as a dog!!

Both granparents to be are delighted, although everyone is getting over the shock of the timing, we are getting married in July of next year, they got a fright when I said there will be an extra guest on the plane. :lol:

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Thanks, she is a worrier by nature so I've to play the light hearted role. She at first went through suprise, shock, fear etc. She then wanted more morning sickness as this would make her feel more pregnant.............at the moment she is probably thinking be more careful what you wish for as she is sick as a dog!!

Both granparents to be are delighted, although everyone is getting over the shock of the timing, we are getting married in July of next year, they got a fright when I said there will be an extra guest on the plane. :lol:

Sickness is a good sign. Plenty of hormones floating about! :D

"Doctors know that it's caused by a hormone called estrogen that is rushed into peak production during your eighth or ninth week of pregnancy. It may be hard to believe while you're camped at the toilet, but morning sickness is actually a good sign. Studies show that women with morning sickness are less likely to miscarry or deliver prematurely. But even though it may be a good sign for your pregnancy, the nausea certainly doesn't feel good to you."

From here.

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Wife expecting number 2 three weeks today (c-section this time)! Very excited. Darling son, 2 and a 1/2 thankfully now in big boys bed freeing up cot for baby. Phew.

Not sure how number 1 will take to number 2. Any tips? He seems excited at prospect.

Best of luck.

Theres a 4 and a half year gap between our two. he's great with her. Give him lots of attention and make sure he doesnt feel left out and he will be fine. hes still young enough to not undestand fully but he will be jealous thats for sure.

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Here's a question for all parents of girls.

How do you politely tell friends, relatives etc to stop buying horrible pink shit for your baby without hurting their feelings?

Have they never heard of the supposed end of gender stereotyping? Do they not think that pink is just the most twee shit you can get for a baby girl?

Do they not think that if you named your baby using Bob Marley's middle name you might just like her to have some red gold and green clothing, bedding, toys etc?

Do other folk hate dressing their kids up in girly colours or is it just me (and the wife). Fine the odd thing which is pink and frilly but not everything.

Havent managed to tell nyone as i think its great with all the pink stuff for her as ive never been surrounded by the colour in my life and she suits it to a tee. the only thing we find is she is growing so fast shes hardly fitting some of the stuff. The amount of stuff shes got is immense, we have been very lucky. In saying that though theres been a lot of stuff that hasnt been pink as well.

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Did anyone on here have their child christened? And are you religious? We are stuck in 2 minds on this one, really can't decide.

my wee laddie was christened (although i missed it :ph34r: ). im not religous at all but my wife sort of leans to it. Our wee girl is getting christened next sunday. Its a nice thing i suppose but i dont think its for everyone. i hope the weathers okay s im supposed to be cooking on a BBQ for everybody :o

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Ahh you guys are at the exciting stage. Congratulations and don't worry about anything.

We have 2 weeks to go and my wife's ready to cut the damn thing out with a rusty butter knife.

hot curry, pineapple , or more shagging.......... take her out for a curry, get pineapple fritters then rush home. job done ;)

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This is getting tedious. She might be getting boabified sooner rather than later....

Any day now is it?

The moose in the hoose was 9 weeks yesterday, meaning 3 weeks till the big D-Day really, I'll be like a coiled spring I'll prob do a klinsmann across the hospital floor at the sound of a heartbeat.

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Any day now is it?

The moose in the hoose was 9 weeks yesterday, meaning 3 weeks till the big D-Day really, I'll be like a coiled spring I'll prob do a klinsmann across the hospital floor at the sound of a heartbeat.


Great stuff. Wait till you see it move during the scan ;)

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