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Ruairidh will be 2.5 by then and he's rarely in the buggy just now, prefers to walk. So in the early days if I sling No 2 I may get away with it. However when I go back to work Al will need to get them both to nursery for 8am so I will probably need one to save him negotiating with a 3 yr old to walk in the right direction!

You could have had ours but I suspect we'll need it for longer than the next 12 months! If you'd been a year later it would have been a good solution.

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You could have had ours but I suspect we'll need it for longer than the next 12 months! If you'd been a year later it would have been a good solution.

I think I'm going to try and get and hand one, loads are on ebay, people like me with a baby and toddle who have used them for a year and oldest then happy to walk everywhere.

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Ruairidh will be 2.5 by then and he's rarely in the buggy just now, prefers to walk. So in the early days if I sling No 2 I may get away with it. However when I go back to work Al will need to get them both to nursery for 8am so I will probably need one to save him negotiating with a 3 yr old to walk in the right direction!

Buggy Board is the answer, already bought and trialled.

Also attaches to Cameron's Great Gran's wheelchair for Sunday morning walks along Ayr shore with Grandpa.


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Buggy Board is the answer, already bought and trialled.

Also attaches to Cameron's Great Gran's wheelchair for Sunday morning walks along Ayr shore with Grandpa.

I considered them but I don't like them. Mr X will be along now to say I'm wrong! :lol:

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I considered them but I don't like them. Mr X will be along now to say I'm wrong! :lol:

Sorry it took me so long :P

Im a bit 'meh' on buggy boards. We put one on the single buggy we had, but Molly didnt really want to use it. The one we had also stuck out quite a bit, so it meant pushing the buggy with your arms extended, or kicking the thing every other step! And it was even worse with a child on it!

We definitely needed a second buggy as Molly wasnt really keen on walking at 3 years old. Whether or not we'd have needed one if the kids had been the other way round, Im not so sure.

We did the second hand thing too. We then sold our P&T on for almost as much as we bought it for 8)

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12-18 month clothes are still way too big in the waist but are starting to get short in the leg. We've just spent some time trying on 18-24month stuff on. With the elastic pulled all the way in and a belt they may just fit! The waists are so huge. He's spot on the 50th percentile for height and weight so although he's little he's not that little. I really think that kids clothing sizes/proportions are wrong!

We got him a kilt and Gillie (sp?) shirt last week for a couple of Oct weddings and borrowed sporran from friend. I think he's going to be a hit with the woman!

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I'm sure they've started making kids clothes bigger in recent years. When my eldest was toddling, he was always in clothes intended for older kids. He's a big lad, but he wasn't that big! Charlie's clothes seem to last him longer than Robert's ever did.

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Cal has a 3-6 month shirt that still fits him at 13 months. His trousers are mostly 6-9 months and tops 9-12... He's average height (just above the 50th percentile) but is below the 25th percentile for weight.

Edit: What about one of these, Rowan? ;)

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12-18 month clothes are still way too big in the waist but are starting to get short in the leg. We've just spent some time trying on 18-24month stuff on. With the elastic pulled all the way in and a belt they may just fit! The waists are so huge. He's spot on the 50th percentile for height and weight so although he's little he's not that little. I really think that kids clothing sizes/proportions are wrong!

I had forgotten about all the percentile stuff, checking it every time after health visitor appointments, thinking you had spawned a monster when they got it wrong.

My god he's on the 95th percentile hes going to be 7foot 4.

Kids not growing out of clothes is great financially, Camerons Timberland's might even last another winter, as his feet are still a 6.5

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Thought this might be worth posting in here, in case any of you are using Aptamil formula:

Spiders in Formula - Aptamil users please read!

Father's shock as insects found in daughter's milk


There was something on Ben Jackson's radio show about it, too, here (about 2 mins in.)

It may of course be nothing, and I really hope it is nothing, but it's definitely worth being vigilant. At the moment, Aptamil are saying the incidents are unrelated.

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Just reading some of the comments on the website from the first link. :blink:

I thought all Formula milk tins were sterile,as they are heat sealed after the powder milk gets put in. I think? :unsure:

And from when they are opened they are not.

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The packets tell you nowadays that the milk is not sterile. Even if they're heat sealed, it's not necessarily going to kill any bugs that are in the milk - microbial or otherwise.

The comments on the second link were more surprising to me. Yeah, changing milks. That'll make all the problems with formula go away.

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Formula is not sterile - that's why you're supposed to make each bottle one at a time - with water above 70˚C to kill any bacteria - rather than make them in advance and heat them up after (although I don't know anyone that actually does that!).

Edit: Sorry Rowan already said that!

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Formula is not sterile - that's why you're supposed to make each bottle one at a time - with water above 70˚C to kill any bacteria - rather than make them in advance and heat them up after (although I don't know anyone that actually does that!).

Edit: Sorry Rowan already said that!

Great minds Debs!

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