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If second was first etc?!

Not going for a third then?!

We were never going to have a third anyway!

The wife has on several occasions told Steven if he was the first he wouldn't have a brother! He is so much more demanding than Thomas ever was. He usually screams if left alone for more than a nanosecond and has been far more difficult to feed since the day and hour he was born though he's certainly much easier now than he used to be.

Congrats Chico! :)

I'll have him, SD, send him up! Wee shame, is he teething?

Not sure. No physical sign of teeth but it's the theory we're working on. He certainly had a massive red rash on his bum yesterday which is usually a sign of that too. He's had the cold last week which hasn't helped either but he's just about over that now.

On the positive side he did sleep from 9pm to 6:10am last night with only one crying/coughing fit that lasted about 5 minutes at 10:30pm so we got a decent night's rest at last. :)

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Our little man isn't feeling too great just now. He spent the majority of yesterday just lying on the couch and dozing, something that he never does. Made an appointment at the Doc's for him and it turns out that it is a viral infection, with swollen glands as well. Whilst it has been lovely getting cuddles from him constantly (as he isn't normally a cuddily child) it is heartbreaking to see him like this. Just had a go at his first meal in over 24 hours there and it didn't go down too well. He has been ill before but nothing to this extent. He's had virtually everything come out of him in the past 24 hours.

Making matters worse both LM and I are both feeling under the weather, so it hasn't exactly been the best couple of days for us all!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Advice sought from you experienced parents. The bairn is very grumpy, not sleeping more than 2 hours at a time and showing signs of teething now (nearly 7 months). Have been using some Calpol which is having a limited effect along with teething powders.

Has anyone used Calprofen? It seems to be stronger judging by the lower recommended dosage. Sleep deprivation must be kicking in as it looked like Aberdeen put in a decent performance at the weekend.

Sounds EXACTLY like the last 24 hours of our life. Steven been behaving exactly the same (8 months). No actual sign of teeth though. Just interrupted sleep, crying constantly and cheeks very rosey. He had some Calpol last night which helped a little but it was a l----o----n----g night.

Can't really help though. We never had any massive problems with Thomas teething. An occasional waking at night screaming but that was very rare. Steven is much worse.

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Advice sought from you experienced parents. The bairn is very grumpy, not sleeping more than 2 hours at a time and showing signs of teething now (nearly 7 months). Have been using some Calpol which is having a limited effect along with teething powders.

Has anyone used Calprofen? It seems to be stronger judging by the lower recommended dosage. Sleep deprivation must be kicking in as it looked like Aberdeen put in a decent performance at the weekend.

Some parents use amber necklaces, one I know swore by it when her wee one was getting teeth through. Personally I wouldn't be too comfortable having something round a childs neck. But other I know say they work.

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Advice sought from you experienced parents. The bairn is very grumpy, not sleeping more than 2 hours at a time and showing signs of teething now (nearly 7 months). Have been using some Calpol which is having a limited effect along with teething powders.

Has anyone used Calprofen? It seems to be stronger judging by the lower recommended dosage. Sleep deprivation must be kicking in as it looked like Aberdeen put in a decent performance at the weekend.

Calprofen is ibuprofen based where as Calpol is paracetamol based.

You can use the two together if you like. What we used to do when either of the kids were really bad was give alternate ones every two hours.

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Despite my love of the nipper 360 and the baby city jogger both would have meant the additional expense of a roof box and squashed dogs, even with my estate car so I've ordered a practical umbrella fold tandem instead. Wouldn't normally buy this far out but it was in the sale at a good price. So that's great granny happy thats she's been able to get us something.

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Zack was at the health visitor last week for his latest measurements.

8 weeks old

Length - 59.5cm (75th percentile)

Weight 13lbs 14oz (93rd percentile) :lol:

To put it into perspective, his big sister Katie was 2nd percentile for height at 6 months old :lol:

We may have a clinical giant on our hands.

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Some parents use amber necklaces, one I know swore by it when her wee one was getting teeth through. Personally I wouldn't be too comfortable having something round a childs neck. But other I know say they work.

We used an Amber bracelet which we wrapped round the little ones ankle. Being our first child we have nothing to compare it against to say whether it worked or not, but the whole initial teething thing wasn't as bad as i thought it would be

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Zack was at the health visitor last week for his latest measurements.

8 weeks old

Length - 59.5cm (75th percentile)

Weight 13lbs 14oz (93rd percentile) :lol:

To put it into perspective, his big sister Katie was 2nd percentile for height at 6 months old :lol:

We may have a clinical giant on our hands.

Haha, brilliant! At the opposite end of the scale, Cal is about 75th for height, but 9th for weight! Tall and skinny like his daddy... You wouldn't believe it judging by the amount he eats though!

Re: teething, I've found things like cucumber/carrot sticks straight from the fridge are great for them to chew on. Also, frozen frubes are great too. :)

Edited by Reina
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Haha, brilliant! At the opposite end of the scale, Cal is about 75th for height, but 9th for weight! Tall and skinny like his daddy... You wouldn't believe it judging by the amount he eats though!

Am I right in thinking they had introduced the breastfed charts by the time you had Callum? When I had Ruairidh it was only bottle fed ones in the Wee Red Book which was pretty frustrating.

When Ruairidh was born he wasn't even in the 0.4th percentile for his weight and height, he's now spot on the 50th for both.

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Steven was a bit improved last night too. Went to bed at 8:30 and stirred briefly at 11ish and then woke properly at midnight. He was fine for a good wee while and had a drink of water before sitting quietly but then exploded into noise for a while. Mum was for taking him out for a drive in the car at 1am, in a bloody hurricane when she'd had two hours sleep herself! Er, no dear, that's not happening.

Got him calmed down with me and the two of us dozed for an hour or so on the living room floor before he was put back to bed and slept through to 7am which was reasonable enough. Managed to avoid waking his brother.

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Quick update. The wee guy is 17 days now. Had issues with him feeding happily, but solved by buying the Dr Brown's bottles, he's now draining the feeds as he should and as a result sleeping better.

Tough few overnights so far, but getting easier. Fortunately past experience helps.

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