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Poor little Oliver, now just over 14 months old, has viral gastroenteritis. He has not been able to hold any food down for the past three days. We're not long back from holiday where he managed to throw up on the plane and in the airport, not to mention over me and his mummy as well. He has vomited three times today and has had a lot of diarrhea. He'll be on a liquid diet for the next 24 hours; I think we have another long night ahead.

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Poor little Oliver, now just over 14 months old, has viral gastroenteritis. He has not been able to hold any food down for the past three days. We're not long back from holiday where he managed to throw up on the plane and in the airport, not to mention over me and his mummy as well. He has vomited three times today and has had a lot of diarrhea. He'll be on a liquid diet for the next 24 hours; I think we have another long night ahead.

Thomas had that at 11 months after it swept through the whole family (except for me and my dad). Her parents got it then the wife did (and she was 8 months pregnant at the time) and then, though we got him out of the house and decamped to his other grandparents at the very first sign of the wife getting it, Thomas got it. And my mother followed him.

It was heartbreaking and he was only ill for about a week total and properly throwing up violently for about 2 days. I don't envy you. And we were at home (and in the hospital for a day though we avoided an overnight stay). A perfect reminder to me of exactly why we decided we wouldn't take them abroad on holiday / in an airplane until they are much older.

All the best. It's a tough shift but he'll come through it. I still have photos on my phone of Thomas looking cheery in the hospital bed and in the bath at the time even though he was ill. :)

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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Aw, he's very cute! :)

Poor Oliver, MB, hope he gets better soon!

Rowan - what about this? Looks a bit ugly but VERY practical!!

We've gone for this one I want the option of a seat and I don't like the idea of buggy boards or buggies where he's standing up.

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Thomas was dressed in a skeleton suit for Mothers and Toddlers Halloween party yesterday though I appear to be about the only one who didn't get to see him dressed up! :(

Apparently there are photos though. Looking forward to seeing them.

Ethan has a bat costume for his nursery part on Friday. Although, he keeps insisting that its a Batman costume. Hopefully, he wont be too disapointed when he puts it on!

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Thomas had that at 11 months after it swept through the whole family (except for me and my dad). Her parents got it then the wife did (and she was 8 months pregnant at the time) and then, though we got him out of the house and decamped to his other grandparents at the very first sign of the wife getting it, Thomas got it. And my mother followed him.

It was heartbreaking and he was only ill for about a week total and properly throwing up violently for about 2 days. I don't envy you. And we were at home (and in the hospital for a day though we avoided an overnight stay). A perfect reminder to me of exactly why we decided we wouldn't take them abroad on holiday / in an airplane until they are much older.

All the best. It's a tough shift but he'll come through it. I still have photos on my phone of Thomas looking cheery in the hospital bed and in the bath at the time even though he was ill. :)

My wife and I have a mild dose of it. Oliver slept well last night probably because he's so drained of energy. He managed to eat half his breakfast this morning and has been supping some milk as he usually does. He seems in fine fettle, but doesn't look as well as usual. I'm hopeful we'll avoid a hospital visit but we'll see how it goes over the next few days. We're keeping him off most solids today apart from his weetabix and some bread.

As for the aeroplane comment, we don't have much of a choice because the in-laws live in France. He's a bit of a nightmare on the plane with his constant wriggling around and attempting to pull the hair of the people sitting in front of him! At least he didn't vomit on them, I suppose. It is an almighty struggle travelling with small children, so I don't blame you for the decision you've reached.

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As for the aeroplane comment, we don't have much of a choice because the in-laws live in France. He's a bit of a nightmare on the plane with his constant wriggling around and attempting to pull the hair of the people sitting in front of him! At least he didn't vomit on them, I suppose. It is an almighty struggle travelling with small children, so I don't blame you for the decision you've reached.

Sorry, it wasn't meant as a criticism, and I hope you didn't take it as one. Each to their own and I realise many people have to. I can't think of anything much I'd rather do less though even if they weren't ill. I just meant that your experience reminds me why exactly we made that choice.

Glad to hear he's doing a bit better anyway.

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Sorry, it wasn't meant as a criticism, and I hope you didn't take it as one. Each to their own and I realise many people have to. I can't think of anything much I'd rather do less though even if they weren't ill. I just meant that your experience reminds me why exactly we made that choice.

Glad to hear he's doing a bit better anyway.

No offence taken here at all. As I meant to say, I can fully understand your reasoning. We just don't have any choice in the matter, unless we fancy a marathon car journey instead.

Oliver isn't quite looking himself today, but I'm sure the constant supply of milk will help to settle his tummy eventually. He has been very sleepy and any semblance of a routine has gone right out the window over these past few days.

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Kiddicare once again provide excellent service, I ordered my tandem around 11am on Wednesday and it arrived tea time yesterday. It's good, picture on website doesn't sell it well. It's much sturdier than it looks on the website. Folds to about the same length as my umbrella fold single pram but is a bit bulkier. It will do exactly what we need it to do and means we can get it, the dogs, luggage and two children in the car when we go north. Not bad at £89.99 and a happy Great Granny as she's got us something useful.

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Our daughter has just turned 4 years old and she has really gone backwards with sleeping through the night!!

She used to go to bed around 7.30pm and sleep pretty much through to 6.30am other than the usual occassional mumps and moans when she would nearly wake up and just needed settled back down.

Recently, however, she has taken to not wanting me to put her to bed and when she does, after I have read a story she starts crying as she wants to see her mum!! Also she has started waking up during the night and howling if I go to see to her, insisting that her mum comes through and sleeps on her floor. She has also taken to saying she doesn't want to sleep in her own bed and asking to come through to ours.

Very very frustrating (especially for me) as I have always been the one who is good at putting her to bed and she likes her bedtime ritual of stories etc. with me.

Last night she was back to how she had been which was good, but I suspect it may have only been as she was knackered as we had a halloween party and she was up a bit later, but I hope not.

Just had to let you know.

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Has something happened recently that might have upset/unsettled her? Did you not just have a new baby, or am I thinking of something else? Has she started a new nursery/school or anything like that? Maybe something has just put her nose out of joint, if that makes sense, and that's why she's doing this? Hope it all sorts itself out soon. :)

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