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You might think there's not much happening but there may well be. I went from 3cm to 10cm whilst unconcious on the drugs!

Looks like Niamh has a milk allergy but GP won't prescribe soya milk until we see the peadiatrican on Wednesday. Feel like crap cause I didn't persist with breastfeeding for various reasons.

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You might think there's not much happening but there may well be. I went from 3cm to 10cm whilst unconcious on the drugs!

Looks like Niamh has a milk allergy but GP won't prescribe soya milk until we see the peadiatrican on Wednesday. Feel like crap cause I didn't persist with breastfeeding for various reasons.

My girl had a milk allergy and it was a disaster for a couple of years or so until she grew out of it. Constantly looking at ingredients of things to see if there was any milk substances in it etc...

We were advised to introduce her to milk every now and again to see the reaction and then one day it was gone.

Totally bizarre.

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Well she was examined 45 mins ago and was 3cm so she went from them breaking the waters to 3 cm in just short of 3 hours. She feels shattered and is sleeping again there is talk of an epidural and possibly some sort of drug to speed up the contractions.

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Question for the guys is it just me who feels like a complete spare p***k there is nothing I can do just watch.

At the birth of my youngest I spent most of my time lying on the floor of the room in agony as was really really not well at the time.

I managed to stand up to go through to the birth but was kept well away from the business end, sat on a stool and told to chat to my wife if I could. We were both completely done in by the end of it for different reasons but it was great just to be there, I thought they may have kept me out but didn't.:D

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After a long day the baby wouldn't come out despite foreceps and the Hoover thingy which meant the horrible experience of going into an operating theatre and a c section everything went really well but I don't want to go through it again. And so the info you really want. 7lb

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