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Pregnancy And Parenting

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Well it's official ..... She's pregnant!

Not exactly planned, but a nice wee surprise none-the-less.

As this shall be my first, I'm surprisingly chilled out about the whole thing(for now).

I will be frequenting this thread as the months roll by & I start to panic.

Well done bud!

The feeling of invincibility will last a few months once it sinks in.


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You already did your bit by giving her something nine months ago.

Don't spoil her, she'll see where you've set the bar and expect the standard to be maintained for life evermore.

This. Definitely :P

Seriously though cards from new fathers to new mothers? Jesus, card companies are really scraping the barrel to try to drum up new opportunities.

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1350388215[/url]' post='6718562']

Do you get your other half a nice card after she gives birth?

Was unsure about this!

Due next week :D

Nah! Don't bother with that carry on.

Women love nothing more than a wee "well done, eh!" with a pat on the head and a tentative enquiry as to when they'll feel like having sex straight after giving birth.

Give it a wee try and let us know how you get on.

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A year? What's he married to - an elephant?

Yeah, A year, in my experience the first 3 months can be just as stressful as the latter stages of pregnancy, what with lack of kip and generally turning into a robot with no incling of a working body clock.

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Thanks. ;)

Congrats mate, 

when you find out who it was just give me a shout and i'll arrange for the GB to 'sort them out' wink.gif

only jokin bud, you've a long year ahead, take in as much as you can from all the literature you get handed to you and frequent these type of threads as much as poss too, good luck and try and enjoy it, as you only ever have your first, once smile.gifthumbup2.gif


Cheers. Lucky for me there will be no need to appear on Jeremy Kyle for a paternity test. 

I will try to enjoy it as much as I can, but the missus can be a bit of a stress head at times. So i'll just need to be the voice of reason, as usual. 

Well done bud!

The feeling of invincibility will last a few months once it sinks in.


Cheers. Am sure as it slowly dawns on me that there is no escape, I will be running around in a spin. 

But for now, I feel relatively relaxed yet excited. 

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Not been on this thread for a while so congrats to anyone who's had a sprog, good luck to anyone who's about to and congrats to anyone who's just found out that they are pregnant!

Can anyone recommend a good nursery rhyme cd? I bought one last week but it's American and has stupid American lyrics to familiar tunes. I'd prefer a cd that has British lyrics so I can sing al long. It's for a 'friend'?! :ph34r:

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Mrs Addie just had her first scan on Thursday. Everything went well.

Have to admit I didn't think things through properly for baby no 3. For the last 12 weeks, I have been thinking purely on getting a bigger house and a job nearby (I work in Bearsden and live in Motherwell). So far I have found a house on private sale, a lodger for my existing home, and have an interview next week for a job in Bellshill. Mrs A is now feeling better from her horrendous morning sickness, and my Sons D&V has stopped after two weeks.

I feel we are turning the corner now; so far so good.

Even decided on names: Jessica for a girl and Matthew for a boy.

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We had a GP appointment yesterday and he has referred us to a physio.

At the GP appointment he told us there was a 14 week waiting list. We are already at week 18 FFS!! So we'd have to wait till week 32 for an appointment. They did say that they could mention it was pregnancy related and that it was a matter of urgency.

Then on Friday the physio rang and asked us to attend on Mondaylaugh.gif

Top quality service.

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Yeah, A year, in my experience the first 3 months can be just as stressful as the latter stages of pregnancy, what with lack of kip and generally turning into a robot with no incling of a working body clock.

Aye, the following 17 years are a piece of piss! biggrin.gif

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Now seriously considering to be referred up to the Southern General fetal medical unit,

Crosshouse fucked up the mrs latest Anti c + d antibody results because the paperwork was incorrectly completed, the last lot came back at a rather worrying 86 and the cut off for considering an in womb transfusion is 10, however this didn't seem to bother our consultant too much,

Our next appointment with the consultant is the 7th of November, which by that time, these antibody levels could have skyrocketed again, so reluctantly we've arranged for the scan to check for Downs Syndrome so at least that way she'll get blood tests done much quicker,

I've never really had any real issues with our consultant (Dr Jane Ramsey), infact in our previous pregnancies, she's done more than her duty for us as far as i'm concerned, but this time she appears disinterested for want of a better word, and the stress it's causing is more than i'm starting to keep managable, and the last thing i want to do is blow my top at the consultant,

The SG is where we would be referred to in any case if an in womb transfusion were necessary, so would we be entitled to just ask to be treated there from now until the baby arrives??

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