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An update on my wee mannie: he's almost 9 months now and has progressed on to walking with a bit of support (he's been crawling since 5½ months, so he was obviously getting bored :rolleyes: ) - he has been pushing along a walker by himself for a couple of weeks now and in the last few days has started to try to stand independently. He stands for about 2 seconds before falling on his bum and giggling. It's very funny, but having a baby who's almost walking at the age of 9 months is NOT easy. It's cracking me up - I'm shattered when he goes to bed. He loves his food and is eating us out of house and home already... Fun and games! :blink:

Good Lord!

Thomas has never crawled even once and he's 14 months now. He has started walking in the last couple of weeks though. He loves it and now demands to walk everywhere (you have to hold his hands though, he hasn't stood independently yet). Apparently last night he also managed to walk up the stairs in my absence though I've only seen him manage one step up so far as they are quite high.

I find it very hard to let any of our grand parents look after my child and thats been 8 months roughly down the line and still havnt. When he is older he will do, but too young to be going to stay else where, needs to be home while we are doing well with him being in bed for 8pm now :)

Each to their own. I know people who never let their kids spend a night out of their sight. I don't think it's terribly healthy to be honest. Being away for a night (with someone you trust implicitly of course) is good for all sides. My mother literally lives across the road so no more than 30 yards away. It's not maybe quite the same as being miles away. Although he has also spent a night at his other granny's when we were away at a family "do".

Both kids are away at my mother's for the first time together tonight as we're at a family function from her mother's side. That's assuming Thomas is well anyway. He's been ill this week which has been quite stressful but he's much better this morning.

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Yeah, the boy was 5 weeks old when we went away to Inverness for a night for a gig. He's never spent a whole night away from us, but that's because I'm still breastfeeding him. I'm planning on introducing formula during the day as I'm going back to work in 10 days ( :( ) and I'm finding it really difficult to express any milk. So, once he's taking that without any issue (if?!) then I'm planning a night out without going back to him. :)

Edit to add:

Good Lord!

Thomas has never crawled even once and he's 14 months now. He has started walking in the last couple of weeks though. He loves it and now demands to walk everywhere (you have to hold his hands though, he hasn't stood independently yet). Apparently last night he also managed to walk up the stairs in my absence though I've only seen him manage one step up so far as they are quite high.

Thomas was a really laid-back baby wasn't he? I have a theory that highly-strung babies are the ones that walk earlier (it's certainly true of the kids that go to our toddler group) so if it's true, your second son will be up and away sharpish!! But it's not a competition - by the time they're at primary school, their P1 teachers don't think "oh, he walked/crawled early" or "she was an early speaker" etc... They (almost) all reach the milestones, just at different times. :)

Edited by Reina
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I think Charlie was 7 or 8 weeks old when he first went away overnight and I was not even a little bit happy about it. Had it not been for the health visitor saying that it was actually quite healthy (as it encourages the ability to be separated from their parents without getting distressed, particularly when they reach that 7 month "clinging" stage), he wouldn't have gone. It wasn't even that we had anything planned, but more than Granny wanted to have him overnight and Daddy wanted a full night sleep. I now cling to the vague hope that one day someone will take him overnight again. :(

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Thomas was a really laid-back baby wasn't he? I have a theory that highly-strung babies are the ones that walk earlier (it's certainly true of the kids that go to our toddler group) so if it's true, your second son will be up and away sharpish!! But it's not a competition - by the time they're at primary school, their P1 teachers don't think "oh, he walked/crawled early" or "she was an early speaker" etc... They (almost) all reach the milestones, just at different times. :)

Baggio jr and his wee cousin were both walking by about 10 1/2 months. None of us have ever sat down since........

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Thomas was a really laid-back baby wasn't he? I have a theory that highly-strung babies are the ones that walk earlier (it's certainly true of the kids that go to our toddler group) so if it's true, your second son will be up and away sharpish!! But it's not a competition - by the time they're at primary school, their P1 teachers don't think "oh, he walked/crawled early" or "she was an early speaker" etc... They (almost) all reach the milestones, just at different times. :)

My 8 month old neice is so laid back, she is so content, smiles and laughs a lot. She has no interest in walking yet or even crawling! She loves scooting about in her baby walker though. She has 2 teeth already on the bottom. :D

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I think Charlie was 7 or 8 weeks old when he first went away overnight and I was not even a little bit happy about it. Had it not been for the health visitor saying that it was actually quite healthy (as it encourages the ability to be separated from their parents without getting distressed, particularly when they reach that 7 month "clinging" stage), he wouldn't have gone. It wasn't even that we had anything planned, but more than Granny wanted to have him overnight and Daddy wanted a full night sleep. I now cling to the vague hope that one day someone will take him overnight again. :(

Anytime ;)

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Whistle Blower junior mark II is due in September :D

Nice one! :D

I'll take him. I don't think we'll actually get a babysitter for that night anyway, so one of us is going to have to stay at home and it may as well be me.

I'll take Charlie to the 5's for a wee bevvy. He'll have to learn sometime. He might get slightly confused when I get past three alcoholic drinks and then don't throw up and pass out like his faither, but he'll get used to it.

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Guest The Phoenix

Nice one! :D

I'll take Charlie to the 5's for a wee bevvy. He'll have to learn sometime. He might get slightly confused when I get past three alcoholic drinks and then don't throw up and pass out like his faither, but he'll get used to it.

Charlie's got more sense than you and Adam put together.

He'll work it out.

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