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Pregnancy And Parenting

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That's superb!

Whilst we are bigging up our kids, I've got Charlie playing football quite well now. My Mum bought him a mini football (you know the leather ones?) and I kick it down the hall to the front door and he dribbles it back up to me waiting for me to kick it back down the hall again. It's brilliant fun! When we do this at the park he tries to pick up the ball for some reason though. Perhaps he is telling me that he wants to play outfield at indoor football and he wants to be a keeper outdoors.


Great stuff. Hopefully we'll soon be able to kick a ball about the garden. He's progressing with the walking every day but still doesn't do it without holding your hands. He will occasionally do a step or two holding just one hand though so it's coming.

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Great stuff. Hopefully we'll soon be able to kick a ball about the garden. He's progressing with the walking every day but still doesn't do it without holding your hands. He will occasionally do a step or two holding just one hand though so it's coming.

He'll shock you one day by just walking off because you're not going in the direction he wants to go!

Has anyone seen that Alphablocks programme on Cbeebies? Here it is. It's educational, so I don't feel guilty about letting Charlie watch it. I have never heard him laugh so much as he does at the letters "b", "d" and "z". I've no idea what is so funny, but he's in absolute stitches every time.

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The wee man fell out his bed last night at half 2. Crapped myself becasue i thought he had fallen down the stairs. Up like a flash and wife must have wondered at the speed my bare arse flying out he door to see what was wrong. :lol::lol:

Once the wee one comes along he will be imprisoned by the stair gate again.

8 weeks to go and counting. :D I forgot how much fun it is to watch someones stomach contort and jut out due to the baby. Is it a leg or a hand?

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I've been moving furniture and had a pile of PS2 games lying about. Katie picked up Parrapa The Rappa and asked what it was. I told her and she ran through to her Mum shouting "I want to play Crappa the Crappa on the compuuuuuter!"

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This is all so sweet!

My 13 year old daughter elbowed me in the ribs and said "out if the way, bitch"! Bless. :)

(She didn't really, but I'm sure she's thinking about it.)

Edited by Pink Freud
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My sister just gave birth to a wee boy no more than 20 minutes ago after a two day labour. Lazy bitch. :lol:

Both baby and mum are doing ok. No name or anything yet.

Edited to add: My awesome wee nephew is called Allan and weighed in at 8lbs 11oz. That'll leave a mark.

Edited by Adolfo Rios
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Hey folks. My wife is 15 weeks pregnant and still suffering quite severe 'morning' sickness, although it's not quite as bad as it was a couple of weeks ago. At it's worst she was averaging 4 vomiting sessions per day and felt awful all the time. She has been to the doctor several times and is on her 2nd type of pills, having also tried acupuncture, the weird wrist band things and herbal remedies (no, not dope), although she stopped short of homeopathy.

Does anyone have any ideas to make her life a little less painful, or anyone here (or your partner) been in a similar situation?


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Hmm, I don't think there's much that can be done, Gnash - I have a couple of friends who were hospitalised when pregnant as they were so sick they lost loads of weight. It's called hyperemesis gravidarum or something? My mum had it with both my brother and I. It's awful. :( Hope your wife feels better soon.

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I never suffered too badly with morning sickness myself, so I don't have a tried and tested method. I did find ginger biscuits helped with the nausea I had though, and I found it useful having them by the bed so I could have one before I got up. Other than that, I don't have anything, sorry.

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Guest The Phoenix

Hey folks. My wife is 15 weeks pregnant and still suffering quite severe 'morning' sickness, although it's not quite as bad as it was a couple of weeks ago. At it's worst she was averaging 4 vomiting sessions per day and felt awful all the time. She has been to the doctor several times and is on her 2nd type of pills, having also tried acupuncture, the weird wrist band things and herbal remedies (no, not dope), although she stopped short of homeopathy.

Does anyone have any ideas to make her life a little less painful, or anyone here (or your partner) been in a similar situation?


Tell her Derek Colquhoun is re-signing for us and she'll realise morning sickness is a mere trifling.

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Hmm, I don't think there's much that can be done, Gnash - I have a couple of friends who were hospitalised when pregnant as they were so sick they lost loads of weight. It's called hyperemesis gravidarum or something? My mum had it with both my brother and I. It's awful. :( Hope your wife feels better soon.

Thanks - hyperemesis something sounds about right. I was really worried earlier on because she had the double whammy of being sick and eating less because she felt sick, but she didn't actually lose any weight. Now I'm worried because she's 15 weeks and it's meant to stop for most women at 12! She does seem to be over the worst though.

Tell her Derek Colquhoun is re-signing for us and she'll realise morning sickness is a mere trifling.

Sadly she is not of a red and white persuasion.

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Thanks - hyperemesis something sounds about right. I was really worried earlier on because she had the double whammy of being sick and eating less because she felt sick, but she didn't actually lose any weight. Now I'm worried because she's 15 weeks and it's meant to stop for most women at 12! She does seem to be over the worst though.

I was sick until just beyond 20 weeks. Ginger biscuits helped with the feeling of nausea. Other that no other suggestions.

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I was sick until just beyond 20 weeks. Ginger biscuits helped with the feeling of nausea. Other that no other suggestions.

She has tried the ginger biscuits, but along with most other things it didn't do anything for her. Being sick until 20 weeks sounds like a complete nightmare - if my wife is the same she's got another 5 to go.

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My lad is almost 4 months now and I think he's teething (any tips?). About 2 weeks after he was in a nice routine as well <_<


Ashton and Parsons powders will sort him out.

He looks like a young Neil Lennon. :P

Hes braw.

Edited by seamus
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Hey folks. My wife is 15 weeks pregnant and still suffering quite severe 'morning' sickness, although it's not quite as bad as it was a couple of weeks ago. At it's worst she was averaging 4 vomiting sessions per day and felt awful all the time. She has been to the doctor several times and is on her 2nd type of pills, having also tried acupuncture, the weird wrist band things and herbal remedies (no, not dope), although she stopped short of homeopathy.

Does anyone have any ideas to make her life a little less painful, or anyone here (or your partner) been in a similar situation?


Hope your wife has got through the worst, Mrs WB was hospitalised twice with hyperemesis in February and March. Not a good time.

She went to see Jan De Vries in Troon, and his mad wee potions did the trick.

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My lad is almost 4 months now and I think he's teething (any tips?). About 2 weeks after he was in a nice routine as well <_<


Ashton and Parsons, Bonjela and Calpol, the holy trinity of teething, if you like. All are recommended, but I've never used the powders (baby crack as most of my friends call it) so if you try it, read the packet before using it alongside the other two as I've no idea if that's advisable or not. I've also been told that ibuprofen absorbs into the gums quicker, but I didn't find it made the blindest bit of difference. Your health visitor or doctor will know better than me.

Other than that, he's beautiful! Neil Lennon, for goodness sake. :rolleyes:

Edited by Lyn-Marie
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Yip, baby crack does the trick here. Also, if he'll take a dummy, you could tr putting it in the fridge for him to chew on when it's cold? My lad never took a dummy, so no idea if it works or not though.

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