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I know of a 3 yr old who isn't potty trained, she's just not interested. My wee one, I've tried but he gets upset, leaving it a couple months until the nice weather and he can be outside with bare bum.

Niamh still not gaining weight. :(

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Had a scan on Saturday and everything is going smoothly so far. Having a bit of trouble with midwives so far and as a result our 12 week scan won't be until we're closer to 15 weeks plus so for peace of mind we went private for a dating scan. 2 arms 2 legs and a strong heartbeat :D

Edited to add : The wife had the scan, not me obviously :lol:

Great scan! :D

Don't tell the midwives you had a private scan, or you might not get the NHS one at all (happened to a friend of mine in the same situation - she's in England though, so maybe slightly different).

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I know of a 3 yr old who isn't potty trained, she's just not interested. My wee one, I've tried but he gets upset, leaving it a couple months until the nice weather and he can be outside with bare bum.

Niamh still not gaining weight. :(

I believe that if they're not interested, they're just not going to do it and certainly if they're getting upset, it's not worth pushing it. It'll only make it worse in the long run when they learn to associate using a potty with a big drama. It's great in the summer (and a lot of people actually recommend it) because you can stick the extra washing outside to dry!

I wish I had some useful advice about Niamh, but I do hope she starts gaining weight soon. My eldest was the same even with the bottle and it's really disappointing every time they get on the scales and you get told the same thing. :(

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Great scan! :D

Don't tell the midwives you had a private scan, or you might not get the NHS one at all (happened to a friend of mine in the same situation - she's in England though, so maybe slightly different).

A couple of friends have said the same thing about not telling them. From our experiences with them so far this time I wouldn't be surprised if they don't give us a "12 week" scan this time at all. First time round with Hannah they were brand new but proving a little more difficult this time. At 8 weeks my good half went for what she was told was her booking in appointment. Went along and the conversation went as follows

Midwife "So you're pregnant?"

Mrs A Rios "Em, yes"

****Awkward silence ****

Midwife then asked one or two general health questions and that was it. Arranged the booking in appointment for the 9th May by which point we'll be at 14/15 weeks. When we asked why this wasn't the booking appointment she said something about notes or what not and that was it. She wasn't sleeping well and stressed to the high heavens just wanting to know that everything was fine so went to Babybond for the dating scan.

On the potty training. Hannah is giving us all sorts of grief with it and she'll be 3 at the end of May. She knows how and what to do and more importantly when to do it but it's so sporadic it's not true. More often than not choosing to soil herself than use the potty or toilet. Frustrating to say the least.

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On the potty training. Hannah is giving us all sorts of grief with it and she'll be 3 at the end of May. She knows how and what to do and more importantly when to do it but it's so sporadic it's not true. More often than not choosing to soil herself than use the potty or toilet. Frustrating to say the least.

How have you gone about it? I'm not about to suggest you're doing it wrong, but some might have some ideas to help you out.

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How have you gone about it? I'm not about to suggest you're doing it wrong, but some might have some ideas to help you out.

At first we were using the training pants/pull ups. She was going well and was telling us when she needed to go. So we then took the next step and put her in "big girl pants" as things were moving along nicely enough at that time and the training pants were dry for the most part. The second we done this she reverted straight back. We took the step to move back to the training pants for a while at which point she then started doing everything in the training pants again and would not use the potty at all. This has pretty much been the cycle for the past 8 months. When she's at her dance class and her playgroup she'll ask to go if she hears other kids ask. When she's at home it's a bit of a battle.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

P.s we tried the let her run about in the house with no pants on but she ended up just pissing on me when sitting on my knee.

Edited by Adolfo Rios
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At first we were using the training pants/pull ups. She was going well and was telling us when she needed to go. So we then took the next step and put her in "big girl pants" as things were moving along nicely enough at that time and the training pants were dry for the most part. The second we done this she reverted straight back. We took the step to move back to the training pants for a while at which point she then started doing everything in the training pants again and would not use the potty at all. This has pretty much been the cycle for the past 8 months. When she's at her dance class and her playgroup she'll ask to go if she hears other kids ask. When she's at home it's a bit of a battle.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

P.s we tried the let her run about in the house with no pants on but she ended up just pissing on me when sitting on my knee.

I'm not disagreeing with your choice of using training pants at all, lots of people find they work well, but I'm not a fan. I wonder if kids find them a bit confusing and if it's harder for them to know if they've had an "accident" when it soaks in. But that's just my personal opinion. What are you using as reward? Do you praise her or have you got a sticker chart or something along those lines? I found a star chart worked really well for mine. I just drew the stars on and when he used the potty he got to colour the stars in, and along with all the cheering and clapping, he loved it. Do you and your wife both work or is one of you at home with her all the time? Would it be feasible for either of you to take some time off and concentrate on just her and her potty training. Inconsistency is something that's really hard for kids to overcome and makes teaching anything much harder. If she's going to nursery during the day and at home with you in the evening, there may be something they're doing differently which she finds confusing. Have a chat with the playgroup and see how they go about it. If you can find a method that you both agree on and use consistently, it ought to make the whole process a lot smoother. Could she be enjoying playing too much and not want to leave her toys? Is it possible to regularly take her to the toilet or potty every half an hour or so, so that she'll get used to going again? You can gradually increase the time between toilet breaks as she gets used it and when she learns that her toys will still be there when she gets back, she won't mind going so much.

Have you had any major upheaval recently, like a house move, a death in the family that she's noticed? More recently, does she know that you have a new baby coming? Sometimes kids revert because there's something going on that they don't quite understand and they want the attention back! That's a small word of warning as well, when the new baby comes, you might find you have trouble again then. Patience and attention ought to get you through it.

My second son was really difficult to train and was still having accident at 7 years old. It turned out that he was having trouble with constipation and needed some Movicol, and that seems to have sorted the problem. If you're really struggling to find a method that works for you and your daughter, a chat with your health visitor might turn up some suggestions.

I'm sure there's others on here will have some ideas as well. Good luck and remember that you don't see many teenagers in nappies! She will get there!

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This is a really really good post and I agree with it 100%.

I had real problem with my elder daughter after my divorce and it took loads of time and patience to get things back on an even keel which was a bit of a battle as I am not known for my patience.

I was also really lucky that my youngest (now 4) had never been any problems, day or night - fingers crossed.

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Well we had the 20 week scan today and all is well enough arms legs bladder brain etc which is a bit of a relief. It was a far better experience than the first one we had someone who explained everything they were doing answered questions and was professional and friendly. Over half way there now and the acquisition of nappies vests and all other kinds of things have started filling the spare room to bursting point. This is the most organised pregnancy on earth

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I'm not disagreeing with your choice of using training pants at all, lots of people find they work well, but I'm not a fan. I wonder if kids find them a bit confusing and if it's harder for them to know if they've had an "accident" when it soaks in. But that's just my personal opinion. What are you using as reward? Do you praise her or have you got a sticker chart or something along those lines? I found a star chart worked really well for mine. I just drew the stars on and when he used the potty he got to colour the stars in, and along with all the cheering and clapping, he loved it. Do you and your wife both work or is one of you at home with her all the time? Would it be feasible for either of you to take some time off and concentrate on just her and her potty training. Inconsistency is something that's really hard for kids to overcome and makes teaching anything much harder. If she's going to nursery during the day and at home with you in the evening, there may be something they're doing differently which she finds confusing. Have a chat with the playgroup and see how they go about it. If you can find a method that you both agree on and use consistently, it ought to make the whole process a lot smoother. Could she be enjoying playing too much and not want to leave her toys? Is it possible to regularly take her to the toilet or potty every half an hour or so, so that she'll get used to going again? You can gradually increase the time between toilet breaks as she gets used it and when she learns that her toys will still be there when she gets back, she won't mind going so much.

Have you had any major upheaval recently, like a house move, a death in the family that she's noticed? More recently, does she know that you have a new baby coming? Sometimes kids revert because there's something going on that they don't quite understand and they want the attention back! That's a small word of warning as well, when the new baby comes, you might find you have trouble again then. Patience and attention ought to get you through it.

My second son was really difficult to train and was still having accident at 7 years old. It turned out that he was having trouble with constipation and needed some Movicol, and that seems to have sorted the problem. If you're really struggling to find a method that works for you and your daughter, a chat with your health visitor might turn up some suggestions.

I'm sure there's others on here will have some ideas as well. Good luck and remember that you don't see many teenagers in nappies! She will get there!

I think we're going to have to chuck the training pants altogether. I worried about if it would confuse her when we started using them again. Going to work on it this long weekend and hopefully get back on track.

There's been no major event in the family other than our recent announcement. At which point she had already reverted back to ways of old. I think it all comes back to the training pants when looking at the picture overall. Like Monkeyblair, I am also not known for having reserves of patience which probably hasn't helped either.

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I think we're going to have to chuck the training pants altogether. I worried about if it would confuse her when we started using them again. Going to work on it this long weekend and hopefully get back on track.

There's been no major event in the family other than our recent announcement. At which point she had already reverted back to ways of old. I think it all comes back to the training pants when looking at the picture overall. Like Monkeyblair, I am also not known for having reserves of patience which probably hasn't helped either.

Just try and focus on praise as much as you can and when she does have accidents, don't make a fuss about it. An "oh dear" and clean up should suffice - even if you're raging that it's the fifth time that day and it's only midday. A telling off or showing frustration still counts as attention, and it's the things you want to discourage that you need to pay as little attention to as possible. When she gets it right, cheering, clapping and a cuddle - as much attention as she likes - should encourage her to actually want to do it again. A chart with stickers or stars is good if you can find/make one because she can see how far she's come and you can kind of monitor how well she's getting on too, but not all kids have or need one so it's not a necessity.

Hope it goes well this weekend. Let us know how you get on. :)

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Word of warning to all....

Do not use your 4 year old daughter as a human alarm clock.

She has been getting up between 6am and 6.05am for the last three or four weeks and this morning that would have suited me just fine as I needed to get to work early. Imagine my disgust when the little focker wandered through at 7.45am this morning and asked if it was morning yet!!

I'll be working a bit later then.:angry:

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I know of a 3 yr old who isn't potty trained, she's just not interested. My wee one, I've tried but he gets upset, leaving it a couple months until the nice weather and he can be outside with bare bum.

We didn't bother with a potty for Cameron, didn't see the point in trainig him to use the potty, then having to train him to use the toilet.

He was nappy free (day time only) at 30 months, and now goes up the stairs himself to do the needfull, even wipes his arse, flushes and cleans his hands (not mastered drying them yet though). Stickers are a cheap and easy way of rewarding dry pants.

He got a biit confused last week at the sister in laws wedding with the kilt caper, so we had to revert to sit down pee pee's.

Edited by Whistle Blower
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Had a scan on Saturday and everything is going smoothly so far. Having a bit of trouble with midwives so far and as a result our 12 week scan won't be until we're closer to 15 weeks plus so for peace of mind we went private for a dating scan. 2 arms 2 legs and a strong heartbeat :D

Edited to add : The wife had the scan, not me obviously :lol:

Congrats, how many weeks gone are you? We had our 10 week scan about a week and a half ago. All looks good and today we 'celebrate' the end of the first trimester. We're having another scan on Monday so will hopefully get some photos.

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Congrats, how many weeks gone are you? We had our 10 week scan about a week and a half ago. All looks good and today we 'celebrate' the end of the first trimester. We're having another scan on Monday so will hopefully get some photos.

What??? What happened to this "I'm just asking for when the time comes?" a few weeks back? :P


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What??? What happened to this "I'm just asking for when the time comes?" a few weeks back? :P


Well most of the "Poirots" on here guessed from my line of questioning, but I wasn't going to confirm anything because, well, it was far too early.

Anyway, many thanks.

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Well most of the "Poirots" on here guessed from my line of questioning, but I wasn't going to confirm anything because, well, it was far too early.

Anyway, many thanks.

Well, it did plant seeds of suspicion, of course, but then I wasn't about to take it any further than that! Grand stuff. I'm going to start recommending P&B to anyone having trouble conceiving. It seems to do wonders for fertility.

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Home from hospital. Midwives wouldn't send us so I went over their heads to the GP who arranged for us to see a Peadiatrician on Wednesday afternoon. Just as well as she was, as I thought, dehydrated from vomitting most of her feeds up. She hadn't put much weight on and was very lathargic. She spent 18 hours on IV fluid drip rehydrating her and had blood and urine tested. Her urine has come back negative for infection after inital bugs were detected (I've no idea what this meant but the admitting Dr was concerned enough to start antibiotics) and we are still awaiting her blood culture results. The consultant thinks it's probably just viral as she has a cough and snotty nose too. Staff were fabulous, couldn't do enough to help. She's feeding better and tipped the scales at just over the 7lb mark this morning which is also progress.

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Congrats, how many weeks gone are you? We had our 10 week scan about a week and a half ago. All looks good and today we 'celebrate' the end of the first trimester. We're having another scan on Monday so will hopefully get some photos.

Congrats (again) to another Doonhamer breeding out of captivity :D

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Not the best start to potty training weekend in store but a postive finish. Five accidents, the first 3 she never really tried to tell us she needed and the 3rd being in the middle of B&Q. Good for us she was wearing a dress. Not for the employee who had to mop the floor :lol:

Just when I thought It was all lost after only the first day, I started dozing off a little after 6 while the wife was out. Hannah jumped off the couch were we both where and I was aware she had moved the potty but couldn't open my eyes to see what she was doing. Then the smell hit hit me. She had done a massive shite bang in the potty without prompting. Something to build on at least.

Now where did I put the Glade?

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