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I obviously dont mind anyone else being called Brooke as was pointed out "I dont own the name" but for me (and everyone else i've spoke to) Close friends copying you is just not the done thing. For me certainly if the missus suggested a name for our daughter due in January and it was the same as a close friend of mine it would be veto'd as they have already chosen the name and it just seems like almost taking the shine off of their name or trying to one up them? The missus is the same.

Edited by 11thHour
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Our eldest, who will be seven in December, has decided in the past couple of weeks that he doesn't like the idea of going to bed on his own. Tried letting him sleep in our bed (until he falls asleep, at which point I move him over), staying up later to make him more tired and pure bribery, but he's absolutely adamant that he wants to sleep next to someone, even his own brother who he basically doesn't give the time of day to at the best of times.

I've been pretty lax, letting him have my tablet to play on before bed, but the past couple of nights I've been reading books with him, trying to get him settled, ready for bed, hoping that will help.

Basically, I'm sure everything will be fine, but it is a bit of a challenge. I do lose my temper at times, especially after knocking my pan in at work and having him up to nearly 10pm when all I want to do is go to bed myself.

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Basically, I'm sure everything will be fine, but it is a bit of a challenge. I do lose my temper at times, especially after knocking my pan in at work and having him up to nearly 10pm when all I want to do is go to bed myself.

Whatever others say on here LM will sort it out anyway ;)

7 is older than I'd have expected for this but when my son was 4/5 he was the same. I'd usually read to him in his own bed and wait until he snored. Sometimes I'd fall asleep with him and be woken by my ex.

I'd not worry about it. Snuggle in and have a good sleep?

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Screens stimulate the brain, I have a no screens after dinner time rule. I think they go through phases like this, Niamh slept in beside her brother nearly all summer but has now gone back to her own bed. Maybe new school term/change teacher unsettled him and he needs that security and reassurance?

Hard going though when you're out at work all day.

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My little girl (now 5) went the same way for a wee while. So I ended up reading her bedtime stories (always 3, never more. They'll ask but you have to say no). Then I'd let her count to ten and switch the light off. I stayed in the dark room with her until she fell asleep, then sneaked back out.

This went on for quite a while and became the routine. Then I started telling her I'd stay for a little while then I had to go for some reason (say, a shower or work to do). Then, eventually, told her I'd leave the hall light on while I went downstairs right away. That works for us.

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Reading Saintee -1

Scary Bear - 3
Rowan - 3*
Reina - 2
Mrs M (Lm) - 1
Swarley - 2
Mozza - 1
Skyline Drifter - 2
die hard doonhamer - 2
Scottsdad - 1
Bobby Skidmarks - 1
Weirdcal - 1
Mallo_Madrid -2
Shuggie - 2
lightscamera - 2
Nelsjfc - 2
G_Man1985 - 2
energyzone -1
Gaz -2
milton75 -1
mozam76 -1
gav-ffc - 1
pub car king - 2
bobby carlos - 2
Nelly 78 - 1
Desp - 1
Sparky88 - 1
8MileBU - 1
James Keatings, a.k.a.The Lochend Brazil - 1
Dee Dee - 2
Septentrional Wasp - 2/3
madwullie - 2
KiwiDB - 1
Kid Twist - 1/2
mattydfc - 2/3
The Woolshed - 1
Ally - 2 x 1/2
11thHour - 1/3
Le Tout P'ti Fc - 1
panddarilla - 2
WeAreElgin - 2
KnightswoodBear - 1 + 1/2
RoversMad - 1
DarkBlues62 - 1

Running total - 59 + 2 x 2/3 + 4 x 1/2 + 1 x 1/3


JG - 4 + 2/3
Romeo - 2
Keithgy - 1
heedthebaa - 3
Raidernation - 1
supermik - 1
printer - 1
Eednud -1

Grand total - 73 + 3 x 2/3 + 4 x 1/2 + 1 x 1/3

* Currently subject of a steward's inquiry.

(Taken from 2nd August total - don't think it's been updated since.)

Edited by Jacksgranda
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