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Cheers everybody! Wife is doing a lot better already which is great.

John Clark was actually my grandads name so could potentially swing that!

Changed and clothed him for the first time which I was a bit scared of but went fine.

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Cheers everybody! Wife is doing a lot better already which is great.

John Clark was actually my grandads name so could potentially swing that!

Changed and clothed him for the first time which I was a bit scared of but went fine.

Congrats to you and your Mrs - the wee yin's a smasher.

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Congratulations loons and all the other recent parents. Trust you are all suitably exhausted!

Picked up nursery application form for our younger girl this week. I'm a shift worker and I've always been watching one/bith of them on my days off, know I'm going to miss that when it is gone.

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My wee one had her first proper tantrum this morning, tears and snotters everywhere because she couldn't have ice cream for breakfast. She calmed down after about ten minutes then we went to the soft play at the Commie Pool.

I got back in after a couple of hours to find a card through the door from Police Scotland about an incident, I phoned it up and they said an officer would be round. Turns out one of my neighbours phoned the Police because of the crying. One of the Polis started laughing as he was talking a statement as he had a girl the same age. I was genuinely dumbfounded and a bit worried incase the wee one kicks off again and that dickhead calls them again.

I don't know which one it was but I'm ready for knocking on some doors.

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It doesn't get said enough that being a dad is the tits.


Easy, Bobby. Wait 'til they cry wolf enough times that the polis tell them to GTF; then they'll be at your mercy   ;)

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Woke up with an eye sty the same day I needed to shave off the beard.

Glasses instead of lenses and clean shaven - wee baby lass didn't stop staring at me all morning with a massive smile on her face, which is an improvement on the screams the last time I shaved.

Any other tips on messing with your kids head?

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We went 17 days over with our first born - a dour old slog through the darkest, wettest, skintest bit of January a couple of years ago. Currently at two days overdue with our second, and kind of geared up for a bit of a wait yet from last time's experience but who knows.

That wait finally came to an end just before midnight on Sunday when our son was born!

Twelve days past our due date and the wait was starting to drag with increasing talk of induction (which was pretty grim last time around).

But it worked out just grand and all naturally. He's a perfect, chilled out wee character. We're delighted and his big sister is absolutely besotted with him.

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What a weekend it could be for you - I hope you win the cup and the baby is born happy and healthy the day after so you can enjoy the cup final :cheers then start your journey after it!

One down one to go my friend. Just seen thist post I'm not being ignorant. Any news yet?

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Woke up with an eye sty the same day I needed to shave off the beard.

Glasses instead of lenses and clean shaven - wee baby lass didn't stop staring at me all morning with a massive smile on her face, which is an improvement on the screams the last time I shaved.

Any other tips on messing with your kids head?

Hats, wearing a hat confuses he hell out of my bairn and it usually ends in tears and snorters everywhere.

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Dont worry if you dont feel the much fabled "outburst of pure love as soon as you see the baby". My very first thought was, what the f**k have we done, wer not ready for this. It passes, and the mental feeling of "I would die for this baby" comes.


If you don't get that feeling, you're probably way too overconfident about the whole thing!   :lol:


Sheer terror's OK; you just have to work at keeping yourself calm and take everything step by step. And don't feed the wean too much like I did. I figured he'd just stop when he'd had enough   :shutup

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Been in hospital most the night, midwife couldn't find heartbeat thankfully all is good and mrs is on the galloping machine for the evening while I f**k off home to go to sleep to go to work beside aye, the hospital.

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