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Midwife we had last night was fantastic although I'm still a bit skeptical about the marks he has on his head because of the monitoring needing done sticking a cable on my boys head that came off twice because the heartbeat wasn't being traced enough on the galloping Beat (that I hope to feck I never hear again) Genuinely tho the guys at the Simpsons do an amazing job, so friendly and show empathy. She looked scared as f**k a couple of times and got me to do a few things like press buzzers for other midwife to come in an help when she said do and help hook up a couple of wires which actually made me feel involved. Can't fault them at all and praise them all the world.

Edited by bambino7
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Aye we had the monitor attached to her head and the mark is starting to go now.

Know what you mean about never hearing the galloping beat again Bambino. Between getting taking in on the Thursday and her being born on Sunday morning I was on the CTG machine about 20 times. I swear I hear her heartbeat in my dreams.

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Jesus, the CTG machine - our first one was 56 hours after the first induction started - brutal. Archer was born in a French hospital in Vietnam - staff and doctor were superb. He got jaundice and turned yellow so he was under the lights for a few days - was brutal when they took him away for the night. But it was funny after - they kept saying that he need physio on his legs (nothing wrong with them but could charge our insurance more!).


Second one, she has just turned two, was born by C-section in Jakarta. Again, staff and doctors superb but I had no idea how brutal the operation was going to be. Thought it would be like Lion King when he holds up the baby - bit of a shock when it all actually started...


We are just getting to the stage with our 4 year old when we actually have to do some proper discipline, rules, etc. First time we have had to plan and agree on anything rather than just seeing how it goes.


Second one is so much easier. With our son, every time he cried we would go and see him and pick him up - result is that he still wanders through for cuddles in the middle of the night and has been a brutal sleeper. Our daughter is the miracle baby and sleeps through near enough every night - totally reckon it was because the monitor got turned right down and we only went through if she cried for 10 solid minutes.


Tell you what though Bambino - the breaks that you get when you only have one disappear. Never nap at the same time.


We are just setting off on 2 x 8 hour flights from Jakarta to Edinburgh via Doha - it is getting a bit easier now but still a thought!! (thank the lord for iPads...)

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I've got (apparently - never seen it) a prominent scar on my scalp from where some f**k-up occurred when the heart monitoring electrodes were being put on my napper.


...I started typing this with the intention of demonstrating that this can happen and not cause serious problems, but perhaps I'm not the best example   :wacko:

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Our midwife was a wee horror, my wife still occasionally goes on about it to the point it gets on my nerves. She was though, but my little ones birth was a bit rushed and the job got done.

Won't hear a bad word said about the NHS in general. Seen my fair share of family members through their care for various reasons, never had reason to complain.

Health visitors though... that's another story. As much use as tits on a fish and seem to have abandoned us/my daughter after about 6 months. Good job we're fortunate enough not to be vulnerable or to need them really, as they have been abysmal.

Yeah health visitors are annoying but being fair, one of the reasons you won't see much of them is because you aren't vulnerable or identified as someone who needs watching

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Yeah health visitors are annoying but being fair, one of the reasons you won't see much of them is because you aren't vulnerable or identified as someone who needs watching

Agree with this.

With a large amount of Mum's and babies to see they've got to make judgements and prioritise.

I would take it as a huge vote of confidence if you're left with a contact number and to get on with it after 6 months.

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Well we got an unexpected announcement on Ben's birthday,I am going to be a Grandpa again.

Congratulations mate! A little brother or sister for Benjamin?

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We have a 2 week old that can eat for Scotland. The farts she produces too are quite something.


How are you coping? My 3 week old daughter is the same from breast and bottle, which whilst I do the bottle feeding, leaves my gf exhausted. 

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Aye we are doing really well. It's hard work but definitely worth it. Amazing the change in even 2 weeks, she is so alert now and taking everything in.


Yeh it is amazing the change even after such a short space of time. 

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The wee one fell in the living room and lay there giving me the "I've fallen and I'm not sure if I should cry" look so I pointed at her and chanted "she fell over" a few times. Got a big smile, rolled onto her front and came barreling across the floor towards me laughing all the way.

This parenting lark is easy.

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