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Pregnancy And Parenting

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I take it his maw will be teaching him the value of the paragraph?   :P


It's great that there's so much more support for kids with conditions like autism these days. Hopefully he'll get help with the motor skills issues and you'll be able to continue enjoying your time with him without too much stress.

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3 months to go. You better not be lying :P


Yup, it's definitely not a 'misery loves company' situation, with the existing fathers spinning you a line until the missus gets past the second trimester. No sirree, uh-uh.


You're not keen on sex, sleep, and going out with your friends, right? Oh, no reason   :whistle

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My daughters are 19 and 27,what I told the boyfriends is you hurt her and I hurt you 8)

I reckon my speech if I had girls would be something along the lines of, I won't kill you obviously. But I have a cleaver that would do just fine at decapitating a hand :lol:

Edited by 19QOS19
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Serious question. Did your missus* start (or get worse) snoring incredibly loud during pregnancy? I've never heard mine snore like this before. I'm spending most nights on the (world's comfiest) couch because I can't sleep in the same room as her: this from a guy who slept through to earth tremors. Seriously. Like lying next to a b*****ding lawnmower.

* Or you. If there are any honest females in here :P

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Serious question. Did your missus* start (or get worse) snoring incredibly loud during pregnancy? I've never heard mine snore like this before. I'm spending most nights on the (world's comfiest) couch because I can't sleep in the same room as her: this from a guy who slept through to earth tremors. Seriously. Like lying next to a b*****ding lawnmower.

* Or you. If there are any honest females in here :P

Oh yes. Unbelievable snoring. Like a foghorn, never heard anything like it. Practice for the sleepless nights though!

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The trail of stuff you find yourself eating cos its easier than running back and forth to the bin is quite revolting. My one is currently chewing grapes then ejecting them again and trying to give them to me


Half eaten bananas, half chewed sticky bits of Haribo, bits of toast crust.

Simply because it's easier than running to the bin 😂

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I had forgotten how much of a pain in the arse toilet training was! 2 year old doesn't want to sit on the potty or the toilet, the only time she will is at bath time, and even the she only sits down for about 10 seconds before deciding she is done after not having done anything!


She will gladly tell you after she has filled her nappy!  Have moved her onto pullups and it took a good 5 minutes (of stropping) to get her to put them on. She had another huff due to the fact that we got her some proper pants to try as she was convinced these were her sisters! I don't know how I have ended up with 2 huffy little know-it-all daughters!  Clearly get it from their mother  :whistle

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Snoring: Christ, yes. Didn't go away. Ten years on and I keep expecting to get a letter from Environmental Health.


Half-chewed food: Ours thought it was the funniest thing in the world to feed me masticated apricot slices. I recommend keeping a straight face when they first try it, as I presume my expression was the funny thing.


Nappies: The MIL toilet trained ours while she was visiting for a week. He was 4; no idea what she did, but it was obviously on her to-do list while she was here.

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I had forgotten how much of a pain in the arse toilet training was! 2 year old doesn't want to sit on the potty or the toilet, the only time she will is at bath time, and even the she only sits down for about 10 seconds before deciding she is done after not having done anything!

Parents tend to fret about these things more than bairns. 2 is pretty young but one day soon she'll think, "Do I actually want to shite myself and have my dad posting about it on P&B?"

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You better remember and take your own advice when the teething starts. You've got it easy for now.

Don't. She's taken to only settling on either of us and not in her moses basket. She's currently lying on my chest whilst I work out when she is in a deep enough sleep to move her!

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