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Mo Wonderboy

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You're joking right?

His selling was abysmal during that match. He was over-selling pretty much everything thrown by Kane and as such, the match lacked credibility. For me anyway.

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The Santino/Bryan to the Smackdown EC was absolutely amazing, and the crowd reactions to it just went to show that it was probably the best way they could have ended it as well. As shit as Santino skits always are, he has always been good in the ring.

The RAW EC might have been the worst since Summerslam 2003. Swagger/Gabriel was boring. Can't say I really noticed how bad Cena's selling was. Looked to me like usual WWE overselling for big guys. Cena just doesn't do that much so I guess it stands out more. Diva match was even more horrendous than most. Ace segment was pish.

So yeah, one match aside, this show was horrible.

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Just finished watching it there. Was surprised to see RAW EC opening the show. Decent enough, Jericho's elimination was a bit pish though, but it'll obviously further the rivalry with Punk.

I skipped Beth v Tamina.

Ace, Del Rio, Henry, Otunga, Christian segment was balls.

Swagger v Gabriel was pointless and boring. Segment leading to it was crap too.

I enjoyed the SD EC. Big Show climbing into Bryan's pod was cool as fck, Khali was a pointless disaster, and for a minute I nearly believed Santino was winning it, which would've been superb. I love Santino.

I used to love Sheamus but I just can't get excited about anything he does now. Sheamus v Bryan doesn't feel anything like a WM headline match.

I also enjoyed Kane v Cena, probably because I love a good brawl outside the ring. I thought Ryder or Eve might've played a part in this one but not disappointed that they didn't. Kane looked like he may well have landed on his feet from that FU off the ambulance. Will be interesting to see how they just move Cena on straight from this into a programme with The Rock leading up to Mania, and what they'll do with Kane - if anything - at Mania.

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I thought that was the best WWE PPV for a wee while now. Aside from Swagger/Gabriel, who nobody gives a f**k about, the chamber matches were very good and the other two matches were decent as well. Shit ending to the Cena match but he had to get the win somehow to build his momentum going into Wrestlemania.

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The reason Bryan/Sheamus doesn't feel like a headline match is because it isn't. Like Del Rio vs. Edge last year. It's pure midcard stuff on Mania. Forgot to mention the Big Show pod spot. One of the best spots in the chamber yet.

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How bad is The Big Show for calling spots? I heard 2 from him without even trying to listen for any. You could quite clearly hear him doing a 3-count before suplexing Barratt back into the ring. Then I'm pretty sure he said 'Hold on Bri' to DB when he was trying to get into his pod.

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There's a GTS with someones name on it.

Punk: "I would like @chrisbrown fight somebody that can defend themselves. Me curb stomping that turd would be a #wrestlemania moment."

Brown responded with:

"@CMpunk needs more followers. He's such a leader! Not to mention the roids hes on has made it utterly impossible for him pleasure a women."

"Positivity regardless of how u feel! @CMpunk contact my assistant and I'll have em send u an autographed pic for my biggest FAN!!!"


Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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how many folk have been kane now haha is that 4?


Tonight at 9 SS3

I didn't realise this was on Sky, I was fucking streaming it when there's Sky in the house! I'm such a dick!

I used to love Sheamus but I just can't get excited about anything he does now. Sheamus v Bryan doesn't feel anything like a WM headline match.

It'll open the show, should make the actual tv broadcast this year though tongue.gif

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Yeah, it'll open the show but the WHC match should still be seen as one of several headline matches - like Edge/Del Rio was - and something people can at least care about.

I think I'll stay up for RAW tonight as well, not at uni tomorrow due to lecturer taking paternity leave. Result.

Edited by Rudy
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I thought that PPV was pretty poor. The lack of star power showed in both chamber matches and putting fucking Santino over Rhodes and Barrett isn't going to help them become stars.

I hope that is the end of Cena vs Kane, everything about that feud was utter shit. At least Eve should get a good heel run out of it.

It is shameful that Cena in a non-title match will main event at least 2 PPV's in a row. Vince seems to be going out of his way to devalue both World ttitles.

Maybe it's just the general downer I have on wrestling at the moment, but this seems like the one of the poorest builds to a Wrestlemania I can remember. Sheamus vs Bryan should be good, but will probably be an 8 minute curtain-jerker. I think Orton will still make his way into that match though. Punk vs Jericho should be excellent, although it needs something more to it than them just arguing over who is the best in the World. Taker vs HHH will be the same tedious match as last year - 40 minutes of them hitting finishing moves and lying around for 5 minutes at a time. Cena vs Rock will be a great spectacle, even though the result is predictable, although Rock will need to be on his A-game to get a decent match out of Cena.

The Laurinaitis faction is something that could be interesting, although I'm not sure who they could feud with since Punk and HHH are the most prominent anti-Laurinaitis people, but they obviously have other concerns now.

Hopefully tonights Raw will give a clearer picture over what is going to happen over the next few weeks.

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I thought that PPV was pretty poor. The lack of star power showed in both chamber matches and putting fucking Santino over Rhodes and Barrett isn't going to help them become stars.

Santino is over as f**k with the crowd. I don't think it will affect Rhodes and Barrett too badly.

Rock will need to be on his A-game to get a decent match out of Cena.

Cena is a good worker in the ring and has had some cracking matches in recent times, Rock has been out of action for about 8 years. If anything I would say it was the other way round. I still don't think it will be a problem though, Rock will bring it (excuse the terrible pun tongue.gif) on the night.

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