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Mo Wonderboy

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Former wCw "star", wwe wrestler for one night and now apparent male prostitute Marcus "buff" Bagwell has suggested that CM Punk isn't credible as top guy as he's not big enough.

I remember the classic Judy Bagwell on a pole match, later changed to Judy Bagwell on a forklift truck from Buffs wcw days.

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Former wCw "star", wwe wrestler for one night and now apparent male prostitute Marcus "buff" Bagwell has suggested that CM Punk isn't credible as top guy as he's not big enough.

I remember the classic Judy Bagwell on a pole match, later changed to Judy Bagwell on a forklift truck from Buffs wcw days.

I read that article, let's pull the whole thing because it got a whole lot worse than that comment.

- Former nWo member Buff Bagwell recently spoke with The Shoot. Here are some highlights:

Thoughts on John Cena:

“I don’t think he’s a Rock, I don’t think he is a Sting, I don’t think he is a Goldberg, I don’t think he is a Stone Cold. But I think he’s bigger than a Buff Bagwell. I really do. Now mainly because of the way they’ve pushed him i give him credit than being bigger than me. When you lay out the facts, no he’s not as big as The Rock, no he’s not as big as Stone Cold, no he’s not as big as these other guys I’m talking about. Then again, you give me the same push i think i would be just as big as John Cena. He’s not that cornerstone guy. He’s not that super mega superstar that The Rock has become. He’s not that super mega superstar Stone Cold had become. He’s just WWE’s number one guy and with a little bit of help, a lot of guys could be that guy. He’s just got the look, he’s got the ability, and he was at the right place at the right time to be their poster child.”

Thoughts on CM Punk:

“He’s too small. That’s why they kept him and The Rock as far apart as they could until they had to wrestle because when you really stand Rock against CM Punk in the ring. They just don’t look like it fits. You’ve got a 260 pound guy in The Rock down to a buck 80-85 CM Punk. Nothing against being a buck 85 but you know TNA’s got a division called the X Division for guys like that. I think that’s a good thing to have, but as far as being the World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk should not be. He’s not big enough, he don’t look the part. He’s heard, i bet if you ask him and he told the truth, he’s heard a million times wow you’re not as big as i thought you were. That’s not good for Pro Wrestling. You’ve gotta be big you know? to make it believable, to make it more realistic. I don’t think he’s that. He just doesn’t carry that kind of power.”

Does Buff think anything can save TNA?:

“No, I don’t think there is. That’s why I’m not mad they didn’t hire me. Hiring Buff Bagwell isn’t going to save TNA. Hiring The Rock isn’t going to save TNA. So why put out a couple more hundred grand a year when it’s not going to save the company. I understand their position but I still don’t understand keeping the show on television. Either shut it down or do hire a Buff Bagwell that may switch the channels a little more, may make something happen. It may make somebody want to come over. Then you got The Rock and Buff Bagwell, maybe a Goldberg on TNA. Now you’ve got some heavy players. You just can’t have match after match people going who’s this guy here? what’s that guys name? You gotta have name value and they don’t.”

“They (TNA) were at the Gwinett Center here about 6 months ago, and I just drove up there and walked in. They just ate me up and oh god you look great, looks like you haven’t aged a bit, you know all this stuff. Me and Eric did text back and forth and all of sudden guys started getting fired, it was the same ol story, TNA’s going under and it was over again. I just can’t imagine being in the wrestling business you’ve got Buff Bagwell living in Atlanta, you’re running a Gwinett show which is 20 minutes from my house. Why would you not have Buff Bagwell come in and get beat? Put me on TV, beat me, but why not put me on TV? People know me better than they know other guy they’re beating. So why not get a better rating and beat me. I’m not asking to win, I’m asking to be part of the show and help them build a product.”

He's fucking mental! :lol:

Edited by forehead7
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  • 4 weeks later...

I see the figures have been released for wwe network subscriptions. Over 650000 already in a little over a month. That's pretty impressive seeing as they want 1 million by the end if the year and they have only launched in Nth American thus far.

Edited to add source http://prowrestling.net/article.php?WWE-News-WWE-Network-subscriber-total-revealed-36505

Edited by cb_diamond
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Former wCw "star", wwe wrestler for one night and now apparent male prostitute Marcus "buff" Bagwell has suggested that CM Punk isn't credible as top guy as he's not big enough.

I remember the classic Judy Bagwell on a pole match, later changed to Judy Bagwell on a forklift truck from Buffs wcw days.

I had no idea what you were on about here, so I had to look this up:

"Bagwell then began a feud with Chris Kanyon, who began stalking him and harassing Bagwell's mother Judy as a psychological tactic. Bagwell eventually defeated Kanyon in a match where Judy was suspended from a forklift. He rescued his mother despite the surprise interference of actor David Arquette."

:lol: :lol: :lol:

The downfall of WCW summed up in three sentences

Edited by Carl Cort's Hamstring
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Anyone else interested in Jeff Jarrett's new company Global Force Wrestling? Looking forward to seeing where this goes. They have over 400 wrestlers in their talent database. Interested to see what kind of roster he can assemble.


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WWE NEWS: Report - Sting has signed with WWE

Wrestling star Sting (Steve Borden) has signed a contract with WWE, reports the Wrestling Observer.

The deal is reportedly not just a Legends Contract, but for a TV role. It remains to be seen what capacity Sting is used.

Sting, who has never worked for WWE in his career, had multiple conversations with WWE CEO Vince McMahon in recent years, but returned to TNA on his annual deal.

Sting was written off TNA television in January when he lost a "career" versus title match against Magnus.

Earlier this week, TNA officially removed Sting from their roster page.

[Torch art credit Grant Gould © PWTorch.com]

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What sort of matches can he still put on? Sort of like Taker the last few years or more washed up?

To be fair he's still in decent enough shape in terms of not being broken down. Better shape than Taker I'd say. He was a bit overweight in TNA but could still go when he needed to. If he hits the gym hard he'll be in good shape and could easily do some matches.

Edited by DA Baracus
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