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Mo Wonderboy

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Absolutely fucking brilliant night. The show AND the after party. Everyone gave 100% to the cause including the crowd and that always makes for a hell of a show. Cannot believe that Wolfgang got the win over Devitt. Such an amazing moment.

Main event for the first Sunday in November is...

ICW Championship

Red Lightning © vs. Lionheart vs. James Scott vs. Wolfgang

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was my 2nd time at ICW last night and it was class again, TLC match was quality and so is Grado his thats no the F5 was hilarious. Red Lightnings continues to be the best heel in the UK can't wait for the next one!

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ONE of Scotland's top wrestling stars was jailed yesterday for more than three years for committing a string of vile sex crimes against boys.

Depraved Colin McKay, 35 — known as the Highlander — groomed the teenagers by bombarding them with sick messages.

The ex-British heavyweight champ, who coached the youths at a wrestling academy, then abused them.

Sentencing McKay, of East Kilbride, to three years and 10 weeks, Sheriff Thomas Millar said that prison was the only option.

Bald-headed McKay, — who admitted last month to a series of sex charges at Hamilton Sheriff Court — was also banned for life from working with kids.

His lawyer Paul Brown told the court: "He feels a great deal of remorse and sympathy."

The fiend was one of Scotland's top coaches until he retired suddenly earlier this year — and also trained a string of WWE wrestling stars.

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was my 2nd time at ICW last night and it was class again, TLC match was quality and so is Grado his thats no the F5 was hilarious. Red Lightnings continues to be the best heel in the UK can't wait for the next one!

Find me a heel on this planet at this point who garners more heel heat than him. Best in the world at something is a good achievement.

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Find me a heel on this planet at this point who garners more heel heat than him. Best in the world at something is a good achievement.

As good as Red Lightning is, I think this is a bit naive. It's a lot easier to be a heel in front of 100s of people than it is to do it in front of thousands live and millions on live TV, and there are guys in WWE who can do this. He's not the best in the world. Maybe he'll get the chance one day to show that he's up there, but untill then, it's not so.

EDIT: Best heel in the UK seems far enough, and that's nothing to be taken lightly at all.

Edited by DomDom
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In my opinion being a heel in WWE or TNA where you have a tv platform and commentators to put you over is much easier...which is why i raised this point. The way he walks, talks and wrestless is annoying. He looks annoying.

My original point was...find me a guy on the planet right now who people hate as much. None of this cool heel shit. People LOATHE him.

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I think Daniel Bryan has done a great job of being a great heel. Not even the people who cheered him do so anymore. He's getting everyone on his back mainly down to his amazing hard work. If I was gonna name a best heel in the world right now, I'd say it's him.

I think what the guys in WWE have to do is VERY hard, whether they have those other platforms or not.

I don't dispute anything you say about him btw. Everything about him just works. He might even be the best indy heel in the world for me. There certainly isn't any more natural that I can find. Kevin Steen would be a decent shout if he didn't keep getting cheered by large parts of his audience. Lightning can talk, has charisma, can wrestle and basically just has "it".

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Well steen was my only thought but as you said, has that cool heel cheer goin on.

I agree with your point about daniel bryan. I guess what bugs me about wwe is that for the most part they force an audience to feel how they feel. For example it starts with editing garneres fan reactions into their taped programming which will then translate at live events. Whereas an indy guy has to do all of that for himself.

As a WWE guy if you get booed off of half a crowd of anywhere between 5-10,000..thats enough. But in The Garage, for example..every voice matters.

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Find me a heel on this planet at this point who garners more heel heat than him. Best in the world at something is a good achievement.

The absolute moon unit in the crowd who was desperate to fight him the other night was hilarious. He was genuinely wanting a go and post show, got right in Lightning's face who screamed at him 'get a life, you fucking idiot, it's a show'

Apparently (via meduim of twitter) the guy then claimed he got so wound up as Lightning mocked his disability or something (which as far as we could see, was a total lie) and was asked by Dallas not to bother coming back to any other shows as he'd be refused entry.

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Apparently (via meduim of twitter) the guy then claimed he got so wound up as Lightning mocked his disability or something (which as far as we could see, was a total lie) and was asked by Dallas not to bother coming back to any other shows as he'd be refused entry.

If I'm reading this right, he took the huff because he wasn't allowed to watch the match from the curtain. Erm... whit?!

Lightning didn't actually say anything to the guy. I'm pretty sure I know who it is, so I'm confident he said f**k all. I didn't see the post-show stuff though. There was one hilarious moment with a wrestler and a fan at the after party.

Fans shouldn't f**k with wrestlers. It rarely ends well.

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Lightning didn't actually say anything to the guy. I'm pretty sure I know who it is, so I'm confident he said f**k all. I didn't see the post-show stuff though. There was one hilarious moment with a wrestler and a fan at the after party.

By post show, I mean after the four guys and Dallas had left the ring but before we'd all cleared out. Not at the after-party (just for clarity)

The guy in question was a long haired and greasy looking type (not that the description narrows it down too much) but he was standing right next to the older very heavy set bearded guy who is there all the time.

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either way, the boy's good. and he is a jags fan to boot.

I was on the balcony when the guy was giving him stick. seemingly the guy hit him before, and he hit the guy back, and ever since the guys ahd it in for him. I dont think he cares. I saw the bouncer come up and ask if he wanted the guy rejected, and he said no dont worry about it.

He's on that twitter giving people it stinkin all the time. Always working!

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either way, the boy's good. and he is a jags fan to boot.

I was on the balcony when the guy was giving him stick. seemingly the guy hit him before, and he hit the guy back, and ever since the guys ahd it in for him. I dont think he cares. I saw the bouncer come up and ask if he wanted the guy rejected, and he said no dont worry about it.

He's on that twitter giving people it stinkin all the time. Always working!

aye hes brilliant plays the arsehole role perfect

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Just taking a moment to say, since I've used Twitter, I've nearly lost all my respect for Jim Ross. An absolute dick to fans, and comes across as unbelievably arrogant. Sure, some people talk pish, but he views the fans as idiots essentially. Brilliant commentator, total dick of a man.

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Just taking a moment to say, since I've used Twitter, I've nearly lost all my respect for Jim Ross. An absolute dick to fans, and comes across as unbelievably arrogant. Sure, some people talk pish, but he views the fans as idiots essentially. Brilliant commentator, total dick of a man.

I just think he comes off as mildly grumpy. He's said a few times on there that he doesn't mean to sound like an asshole and that some of what he says comes off the wrong way online.

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Just taking a moment to say, since I've used Twitter, I've nearly lost all my respect for Jim Ross. An absolute dick to fans, and comes across as unbelievably arrogant. Sure, some people talk pish, but he views the fans as idiots essentially. Brilliant commentator, total dick of a man.

I'm sure I've heard that he's a complete dick. That's why he continually gets fucked about(ie being moved on commentary, Michael Cole constantly taking the piss).

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