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Mo Wonderboy

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If he can bulk up then brilliant. He does so many of the little things better than 100% of what's on the indy circuit today. His selling and sympathy gaining is Cena-esque. That might actually help him to get over the size issue as well. He's one of them guys where size might not be an issue.

Triple H is a man with some serious taste.

He doesn't look like WWE Superstar. He probably would have to bulk up quite a bit I'd think. He is one of my favourites so I'd be delirious if he appears on TV.


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He doesn't look like WWE Superstar. He probably would have to bulk up quite a bit I'd think. He is one of my favourites so I'd be delirious if he appears on TV.


That's Delirious in that picture. WWE signed El Generico. Different guy.

Unless you made a joke by saying delirious then having a picture of him and I've both not got it and ruined it.

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That's Delirious in that picture. WWE signed El Generico. Different guy.

Unless you made a joke by saying delirious then having a picture of him and I've both not got it and ruined it.

I've only seen him in CHIKARA these days where he's not as prominent as he was in ROH. He's a major hand in the booking in ROH which is why he doesn't wrestle there, which is a shame. I want to see more of him!

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His style is mainly just the usual flying with some seriously good selling thrown in. He's not that different to many other flyers you see. So he doesn't need the mask. If he keeps doing what he's doing, and adapts to the WWE style with it, he should be able to handle whatever WWE throw at him.

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If he can bulk up then brilliant. He does so many of the little things better than 100% of what's on the indy circuit today. His selling and sympathy gaining is Cena-esque. That might actually help him to get over the size issue as well. He's one of them guys where size might not be an issue.

Triple H is a man with some serious taste.

Have to agree; Punk is WWE champ, but when him and Rock were standing next to each other in the ring, he looked like a skinny runt.

Never seen the guy cut promo's/in the ring but from the sounds of things he's good enough to overcome his lack of bulk (as Punk has) and have a decent time of it in WWE.

What can I expect/what are WWE likely to do with him? Comedy jobber, Sin Cara/Mysterio type (relatively) high flyer, heel/face?Edit: just saw the post above!

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Both. You know... the sort of selling that has the vast majority of people in the audience eating out of his hands, as well as those at home? It's selling and timing which Cena does better than anyone else. Just because he's asked to do a superman comeback at the end of every match, this shouldn't be ignored.

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Both. You know... the sort of selling that has the vast majority of people in the audience eating out of his hands, as well as those at home? It's selling and timing which Cena does better than anyone else. Just because he's asked to do a superman comeback at the end of every match, this shouldn't be ignored.

I'm almost wondering if we watch the same wrestler. His selling is usually decent-ish, but there's times where it is appalling. He has a tendency to completely forget about a body-part he should be selling, or of somehow shaking off all feelings of tiredness/pain in an instant and throwing himself around hot-tag style like we've time-warped and the opening bell's just gone. And that 'dead sell' thing he does is one of the most amateur-ish, business-exposing things in wrestling(though he's not done that much lately, thankfully).

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I'm almost wondering if we watch the same wrestler. His selling is usually decent-ish, but there's times where it is appalling. He has a tendency to completely forget about a body-part he should be selling, or of somehow shaking off all feelings of tiredness/pain in an instant and throwing himself around hot-tag style like we've time-warped and the opening bell's just gone. And that 'dead sell' thing he does is one of the most amateur-ish, business-exposing things in wrestling(though he's not done that much lately, thankfully).

Selling isn't only about the body part you know. Infact, it's MAIN aim is to drag the audience into the match. HBK is a horrendous seller when it comes to remembering a body part, yet he's probably one of the very best sellers there's ever been.

Nobody does that better these days than John Cena. It's probably the main thing that's taken him as far as he has. Because lord knows it isn't the amazing promos and stunning offensive qualities. You can call it business exposing, but the only people who care about that are the people who are already fans.

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Heading for Preston on Friday love these trips, and the cheap as chips buses help. Right... the card...

PCW Championship

Bullrope Match

Kris Travis © vs. T-Bone

PCW Cruiserweight Championship

Noam Dar © vs. Dave Rayne

Special Attraction

The Young Bucks ( Generation Me ) vs. El Ligero and Martin Kirby

Carmel Jacob vs. Mad Man Manson

Sean Maxer vs. Bubblegum

Andy Wild vs. Joey Hayes

There's apparently more international talent set for the show, but they'll leave it as a surprise on the night. Can't wait.

Edited by DomDom
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