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Mo Wonderboy

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DA Baracus, on 01 Nov 2014 - 21:30, said:

The main commentary team need punted too. They are abysmal. King has been appalling ever since JR left. JBL has always been shit. And Cole has turned in to a boring cheerleader who clearly doesn't believe the shit he's being told to say.

Agree with most of what you say, but I do take issue with this. Michael Cole is pretty much the only current commentator that's any good, and infact, he definitely stands out as a decent commentator.

JBL was decent before, but the commentary seems to be so different now to what it was when he did Smackdown and he simply hasn't adapted. Infact, the only one of the current ones who HAS adapted is Michael Cole. I say current ones, because they had one and sacked him.

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JBL was decent before, but the commentary seems to be so different now to what it was when he did Smackdown and he simply hasn't adapted. Infact, the only one of the current ones who HAS adapted is Michael Cole. I say current ones, because they had one and sacked him.

Smackdown era JBL was the last time I remember a commentator going out of their way to get someone over. He made midcard guys like Gregory Helms and Chuck Palumbo appear far more important than they were ever booked to be. Folk like the Usos, Big E and Swagger could really do with someone like that getting behind them.

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Copied from the PW.net app.

A Sky Sports customer service representative informed Prowrestling.net reader Craig Beavis that WWE Network will be launched as a Sky Sports channel. "Yes, we will launch it as a channel with Sky TV," the customer service rep wrote in a one-on-one chat. "Currently we don't have any details but it will be going to be soon... And you will will be notified by adv, email or call."

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So it'll be similar to the rogers deal for wee network in Canada then.

You'll get limited content on the channel, not the same level of access to matches like the us version and you'll still have to pay sky for ppv?

Who'd want to buy in to that when they can keep their US subscription via VPN.

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It's pretty much what I'd have expected though. I was shocked when they came out with the news that it was going to be the same as the U.S. version. And it turns out that it wasn't the case, and I'd be surprised if they ever actually had intentions of starting on that date.

The reason we're waiting so long for it has to be Sky. There's no other real explanation for it, and I can't see them budging.

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