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Mo Wonderboy

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Some throw from the lad in Australia, the event was in Canada! Video floating about YT of the aftermath including fan getting set about by security and Reigns dazed and confused in the corner for a couple of minutes. Idiocy by the clown in the crowd, hopefully thrown down the nearest set of stairs and given a good shoeing on the way out the door.

Edited by Christophe
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Got the Daniel Bryan book last week.

It’s pretty poor. Would not recommend. For some reason I thought it was going to him writing it, like Foley, Hart and Jericho did. I don’t know why I thought that though, because it was never advertised as such.

Anyway, it’s very short (just over 300 pages) and feels extremely rushed. It whizzes through his time in ROH and in the independents, and races through his time in WWE. The very last sentence is heart-breaking though.

What it does do is clear up that NXT was an utter joke with no direction and that he was often set up to fail. He thought he was being brought in as a ‘ringer’ to win it, but the guys in it were often not told what was going to happen (usually because those running it had no idea what they were going to do until the last minute) and had no clue about the format. By the sounds of it they pretty much didn’t’ want him to succeed, but the pro poll (where the main roster voted, and was done for real) always had him come out on top.

It also confirms that him not being in the Rumble in 2014 wasn’t part of any big plan. They just didn’t put him in it. He was supposed to wrestle Sheamus at Mania 30. Plans were changed because Punk left (who was supposed to wrestle HHH at Mania) and because Batista was booed so much. Yes, WWE (or most likely Vince) actually thought Batista was going to come in as a big babyface and be cheered. How could they have possibly thought that?! So because the of the reaction Batista was getting, they had to change the plans for the Mania main event. Bryan was the solution to both thus his two matches at Mania 30.

I also brought the Bryan DVD. It’s good and I’d recommend it, but I’d like to see a more comprehensive bio like the Punk one of Bryan. Much of what is said on the DVD is repeated in the book, often almost word for word. The matches on the DVD are really good though (obviously, since they involve Bryan). I would love to have seen more Team Hell No. If they ever do bring out a bio DVD, I hope they have the Team Hell No vignettes/segments.

Whilst we’re talking Bryan, the reason he’s been out since Mania is because he got a concussion and WWE are worried about his health and reluctant to clear him to wrestle, especially because they’re currently being sued by folk who suffered concussions when in WWE. They feel his history of concussions puts him at risk and if he was to be concussed again it would be disastrous for the lawsuits against them. Seemingly there is a chance (although how much of a chance is unknown) that they might never clear him. Bryan says he’s fine though and is good to go. Would love to see him back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dead Pool 2016 heads up

Pro Wrestling Syndicate co-promoter Pat Buck posted a lengthy story on Facebook in which he says he found drug paraphernalia and blood in Sabu’s hotel room this weekend. You can read the full, rather lengthy account here but an excerpt is below:

On Saturday night at Starland Ballroom, Sabu showed up half hour late to the autograph signing, which is a big deal as he’s paid for his time. After the signing, Sabu was caught smoking weed in the lockerroom with an outsider. This sort of stuff used to be common in locker rooms for wrestling, but we don’t tolerate that at PWS especially when its in a nice venue that’s a big deal for us. Kevin Matthews screamed at Sabu for his lack of respect for the promotion that’s brought him in multiple times since 2007. Sabu back peddled and apologized until the second issue arose. I should make note here, that I normally have a friendly relationship with Sabu because I’m direct and he’s paid on time. One conversation came up prior to this show about how he takes less money to win and more money to lose. It’s a completely ludicrious and silly way of thinking, so I my reply was “Ok, I’ll have you win, and you’ll be paid less than what you agreed to come in for.” He chuckled, and said he would lose no problem.

Upon the show starting, Sabu demanded a substantial amount of money to put over his opponent Fallah Bahh. I was informed while I was in the production booth and PWS Co-Owner Eric Pleska had to figure out ways to get Sabu to do…well….his job. I knew that if I dealt with this situation myself, it would of ended up in a brawl that I would be happy to partake in, but I didn’t want to ruin everyone’s night. He buried me, said I knew what the deal was, and put up a hissy fit. He refused to speak to Fallah also, which makes the match suffer. Eric found a happy medium. The solve was a “Dusty Finish” which should we’re now calling a “Sabu Finish” because we’re finished using Sabu.

Sabu demanded that he wanted to be introduced as he got into the ring. I thought Sabu didn’t talk, but apparently Sabu’s new persona is he just doesn’t stop talking. Even though he was introduced going to the ring, he wanted a second introduction which was weird. Personally, I think he was high and didn’t realize they intro’d him. The match was what it was. Fallah has been tearing up PWS, Reality of Wrestling, and anywhere else he’s been working. Sabu was literally just talking and yelling the entire match at his Genie. It was weird. It wasn’t good and fans could tell.

I didn’t want to put this out, but more drama happened this morning. My CC bill was hit pretty hard for weird charges at the hotel Sabu stayed at. Oh, I should also mention that Sabu took a booking in Philly the next day to which they paid nothing to PWS nor did Sabu inform us of this. PWS covered his trans from Detroit to and fro. In wrestling world, someone (Sabu) piggy backed and took a booking the next day and presumingly took trans money from them, while we fronted a hotel bill.

Anyway, the hotel had a smoking charge of 250.00 on each night. I was pretty pissed, because it’s irresponsible but mostly because I’ve had a similar situation happen before. I always make sure (promoter note) to be responsible for just room and tax just in case this issue arose. Normally, the talent has to put their CC down for incidentals. I was told by the hotel that they did put a CC down and it was declined. Sabu made such a commotion that they unlawfully put the incidentals on my card to avoid his tantrums. I’m fighting this charge right now, but there’s more to the story. The hotel wanted to inform me that there were a few other issues. Apparently, they had a dog stay with them, and within the hotel room on the walls, towels, sheets, there was blood and feces everywhere. They showed me horrifying pictures. They also found several syringes/needles. Truly disturbing. I really hope a dog was not involved.

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Guest bernardblack

Just watched the new episode of Total Divas, some wee mutant b*****d tried to roundhouse kick Tamina at a bar. Big mistake, she was ready to burst the c**t like!

Glad I'm not the only one to watch Total Divas

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Great to see the Brits/Europeans doing well in PWG at Battle of Los Angeles. Will Ospreay vs. Mark Andrews seems to have impressed a lot of people, and the main event was The Young Bucks and Roderick Strong vs. Tommy End, Marty Scurll and Zack Sabre Jr., and that was apparently "insane", which is about standard for a Bucks six man tag, but hey, they still impressed.

Drew Galloway joins the field tomorrow as well.

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