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Mo Wonderboy

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Except that in professional wrestling, like movies, music and other forms of entertainment, it's all subjective. It's not subjective between Celtic and Clyde because Celtic are two leagues above Clyde in something that involves actual competition.

Someone can turn around and say Big Daddy V is the best in the world and that's entirely up to them. I might not agree with it but I won't go calling them idiots because of it.

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Except that in professional wrestling, like movies, music and other forms of entertainment, it's all subjective. It's not subjective between Celtic and Clyde because Celtic are two leagues above Clyde in something that involves actual competition.

Someone can turn around and say Big Daddy V is the best in the world and that's entirely up to them. I might not agree with it but I won't go calling them idiots because of it.

Their is competition though, it's in the execution. Like movies, in general, the people who make the best movies or hit more moves correctly get pushed.

I guess that's how we differ then.

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It's not about execution of moves. It's about marketing. Paul London failed miserably in WWE even though he was absolutely incredible and still is actually.

And Smackdown has a roster which is capable anyways. Who's to say that people don't like the Swagger stuff ? What about those who are into the Drew McIntyre/Teddy Long fued ? That'd be the same number of interesting things on both RAW and Smackdown right there, and then you have the Kane stuff which people might like.

It's all subjective. RAW is mostly terrible with a couple of redeeming factors.

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TNA Impact

I suppose it'd make sense for me to watch this before I dive head first into the PPV wouldn't it ? Would be nice to know where the inevitable overbooking comes from.

Kazarian vs. AJ Styles ( *1/2 )

Daffney vs. Angelina Love ( 1/4* )

Samoa Joe vs. Rob Van Dam ( **1/4 )

Douglas Williams vs. Jeremy Buck, Ladder Match ( **1/2 )

Beer Money and Matt Morgan vs. MCMG and Hernandez ( *** )

Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy ( ** )

Opening promo from Mr. Anderson. He hit Jeff Hardy with a chair and he is out here to say he didn't mean it because if he DID mean it, he'd have said to everyone because he's an asshole. He says that tonight Anderson and Jeff have a match and Anderson will have the chair with him. He says that if he uses it, Jeff will know there's a problem. If Jeff uses it, Anderson will have a problem with Hardy. Decent promo set up for the main event.

Backstage and with AJ Styles. He doesn't like that he has to prove himself by facing Kazarian. Tough shit laddie.

Kazarian vs. AJ Styles

I thought both of these guys were in Flair's faction ? Oh right, he's proving someting to Kaz as well. Styles in pissed off mood is great as he just walks into the ring and starts kicking ass immediately. Not a horrible match but I wonder if there is some sort of set up for a future match here. LOADS of stuff held back and a terrible ending. *1/2

Ric Flair gets involved now as both guys want to keep continuing to brawl. Flair tells them "quit dickin' around". Flair makes a cracking comment about the fans. "They've admitted they're nothing but assholes !". Flair said that Styles and Kazarian have a match on Sunday. We don't know who against though. More simple build up before Victory Road. When did TNA start keeping things simple ?

Daffney vs. Angelina Love

The fans chant for Daffney. Why ? She's shit. A pretty simple back and forth match, but since both women in the match aren't actually very good, this match wasn't very good either, but at least they kept it short and botchless. 1/4*

Angelina Love says she will become the first ever 4 time Knockouts champ and here comes Madison Rayne. It's gonna be career vs. title.

We then see a video of the awesome stuff going on between Jesse Neal, Brother Devon and Brother Ray. Devon is in the ring with Ink Inc. Devon talks up Neal to Ray who is now on the rampway. Quite an impassioned promo from Devon actually. How did Ray become the mouthpiece for Team 3D ?!?! Ray tells Devon that he's the leader of Team 3D. Devon says that his loyalty is with both Ray and Neal. At Victory Road it's Devon vs. Ray vs. Neal. Oh for f**k sake. It should be at least well booked. Good promo here.

Samoa Joe vs. Rob Van Dam

Probably features the most brutal Spin Kick RVD has ever done. Come to think of it, this match is pretty hard hitting stuff. Would have been nice to see a proper match between the two but it's free TV so you can't complain too much. There's a spell once the ECW guys turn up when the match takes a really bad turn, but then the match finds it's way back on course and is a decent outing. RVD also seems to have gotten his bad tendencies away in this one. Solid match. **1/4

After the match, Samoa Joe takes his frustrations out on the referee with a Muscle Buster.

We have Kurt Angle backstage and he talks about working his way up the rankings. He then says Jeff Hardy should be careful.

Douglas Williams vs. Jeremy Buck, Ladder Match

Williams is "scared of heights", which should lead to some Regal/Taylor moments in this match. Taz knocks the size of the X with amuses me a bit. Had good fun watching Williams climbing the ladder, wiping the sweat from his head. Highly enjoyable match here. Don't see the point in giving Jeremy Buck such a clean win in this one, but I enjoyed the match so what the hell. **1/2

We now have a silly promo with Alex Shelley. It's an educational video from the Beer Money are a Couple of Tools Corporation. :lol: Basically Beer Money are bad, but it's fun stuff.

Beer Money and Matt Morgan vs. MCMG and Hernandez

As always with the MCMG, you see all sorts of fluent tag team wrestling and as always it's brilliant to watch. I can't wait for the match on the Victory Road PPV. Match is all sorts of good fun as they don't get ages, but they get a decent amount of time to put together a fun match. No complaints. Extra points for a stunning little counter for the finish. Love it. ***

The Pope is now backstage and he basically says he's bringing his A game to Victory Road.

We now have Kevin Nash backstage waiting on Eric Bischoff. Hogan then says to Nash that he can't help him out with the situation with Waltman and Hall.

We have an in-ring promo with Jay Lethal. Lethal is actually not too bad on the microphone without all of the goofy impressions. He has words for his mother, so thankfully Ric Flair comes out and puts a stop to that. Ric Flair goes on to cut what can only be described as a stunner of a promo basically describing where he has come from.

Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy

Very decent match between the two, even if it was a bit short for a TV main event. Nothing else to be said other than that really. **

Abyss now heads for the ring. I forgot about him. Abyss has got a big club with nails on it. That's pleasant. The referee takes the club from him and then Anderson and Hardy attack. RVD hits the ring when Abyss takes control of things. Anderson comes in and saves the day and we go off.

Well, I'll be damned. That was a fun show and better than most episodes of wrestling TV that I have seen this year. Particularly since Wrestlemania. When did TNA start keeping things simple ?!?!

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Nah nobody is in Fortune, Flair's new Four Horsemen like stable. Everyone's got to prove themselves. Eventhough Wolfe, AJ, Kazarian and Beer Money have lost their qualifiers for the stable. AJ and Kazarian had to win at Victory Road against

Joe and Rob Terry

to get in. Flair is also not limiting the membership to those 5 competitors. Matt Morgan claimed he had been offered a spot.

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TNA Victory Road 2010

Okay, some decent looking stuff here.

Douglas Williams © vs. Brian Kendrick, Ultimate X Submissions Match - TNA X Division Championship ( ***1/4 )

Brother Ray vs. Jesse Neal vs. Brother Devon ( *** )

Madison Rayne © vs. Angelina Love - TNA Knockouts Championship ( DUD )

AJ Styles and Kazarian vs. Rob Terry and Samoa Joe ( *** )

Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez, Steel Cage Match ( ***1/2 )

Jay Lethal vs. Ric Flair ( ***3/4 )

Beer Money vs. Motor City Machine Guns - TNA Tag Team Championships ( ****1/2 )

"The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero vs. Kurt Angle ( *** )

Rob Van Dam © vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Abyss vs. Jeff Hardy - TNA World Heavyweight Championship ( ***1/4 )

Douglas Williams © vs. Brian Kendrick, Ultimate X Submissions Match - TNA X Division Championship

They're using red white and blue ropes here. Cool. Taz sells Kendrick wanting to win by submission just to make sense of why he isn't going for the X right away, and this is good because it allows the match to build nicely rather than just become a spotfest. Williams does all sorts of cool stuff, like the desperation climbing and then the gloves he uses to go along the ropes. It's all good. The ending was a wee bit sudden but we shouldn't have expected much flying so that's my own fault. It's a good wee match. ***1/4

Rey is backstage with Hemme, and he cuts a promo. Has anyone STILL not realised that this guy is fucking terrible on the mic ? Fire this cunt already.

Brother Ray vs. Jesse Neal vs. Brother Devon

Great start to the match as Ray hides on the aisle and then attacks Neal from behind. Devon doesn't show up initially because Devon has been locked in the dressing room. laugh.gif At least Ray is a better wrestler in this way than he is a talker. Ray looks good as the big bullying b*****d and Neal takes a big beating. Once again the ECW lot show up. I think they might actually do something here, but I suspect they'll just stand around making me not care as usual. Moore hits the ring and that didn't help as he basically gave Ray a chair. It's at THIS point that Devon heads for the ring. Hey, well booked shit going here. I thought Devon was gonna join Ray. Loving this. Right that ending was way too sudden, but awesome booking for the whole match. ***

Ray leaves in a rage. It turns out all the ECW lads did was stand there.

Madison Rayne © vs. Angelina Love - TNA Knockouts Championship

Why did I even expect anything from this match ? It's absolutely shit with a hilarious ending. Of course it had to have a shit ending because they booked themselves into a corner. Horrible match. DUD

AJ Styles and Kazarian vs. Rob Terry and Samoa Joe

So much for the one facial expression arguement made of Rob Terry unless cocky, disdain, angry and surprise all count as one. This was a good wee tag match. Good booking having Terry and Joe in there. I was afraid it'd be Generation ME. Joe whipped the crowd into a frenzy any time he was in there. Would have been better if there a proper team but I think they did the best they could. ***

Samoa Joe batters Desmond Wolfe afterwards for getting involved.

Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez, Steel Cage Match

I absolutely love Morgan's them music. I can only hope that these two guys have a better match than their previous works of mediocrity. The cage doesn't look like it has much give which makes it look good when it gets used as a weapon. Nice. I hate that spot when someone looks like they're gonna leave the cage and then go back in to inflict more punishment. Especially when they've made such a big deal about wanting to leave. The same methodical stuff as before but they used the cage pretty well and they paced it well too, so fair play for that. Fucking mental ending. I thought it lacked after the big spot, but it's good. ***1/2

Jay Lethal vs. Ric Flair

Is it wrong that since I watched Impact, I've really been looking forward to this match ? I want to see what Flair brings to the table because he seems pissed off. Good match here. Flair looked pretty good on offense which was a pleasant surprise. I could have sworn he looked worse against better opposition than this in WWE. The good thing about Flair is that his style is such that he can do the same shit at age 60 as he did at age 30. He also looked good for the time he was in there so the cardio is clearly still there too. Lets also give points for the psychology of the match too with Lethal mocking Flair quite a bit. Best match of the show so far which says more for this match than it does for the show. Good stuff. ***3/4

Beer Money vs. Motor City Machine Guns - TNA Tag Team Championships

The commentators do an amazing job of making this match sound special. It actually feels like a big match. Since they became more badass than before, BMI seem to have lost a bit of the fluidity, but I think I like this badass muthafuckas version of them a wee bit more anyways. I love that the MCMG have a trademark tag. I didn't see the need for the false ending when you consider what came after it. That took away from the match. It's still the best match that MCMG have had in TNA though, but would have been a real contender for 2010 Match of the Year if it had a proper ending to it. ****1/2

"The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero vs. Kurt Angle

I honestly didn't imagine that this match would be used to calm the fans down before the main event but it seems like that's the path they decided to take. A fairly decisive victory for Kurt Angle which is a shame because I do have high hopes for Dinero and such a decisive loss for him isn't going to help anyone, even if it is against Kurt Angle. Good match here but should have been better. ***

Rob Van Dam © vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Abyss vs. Jeff Hardy - TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Watching this match makes me even more confused about why the previous match was booked as it was. These guys clearly weren't going out there to put on some sort of great match. It was purely a fun four way with all four guys just keeping things from getting boring for the most part, which is fair enough as that was about as much as I was actually expecting from it. ***1/4

Consistant PPV on a crazy level and definately the front runner for the best PPV of 2010 at the moment. One truly brilliant match added to a show which is mostly 3* or other, outside of one match of course.

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Consistant PPV on a crazy level and definately the front runner for the best PPV of 2010 at the moment. One truly brilliant match added to a show which is mostly 3* or other, outside of one match of course.

I haven't seen it but a VIP source has told me it was pretty poor.

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Someone told me that Drew McIntyre was born and bred in Paisley and not Ayr, but there doesn't seem to be any mention of this on his Wiki page. Anyone know if this is true?

It's bullshit. I suspect the person telling you this was trying to sound like a smartarse.

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Cant agree with Doms opinion that it was a good PPV, overbooked crap again from TNA.

Not sure these are spolers as such, more a list (from the top of my head) of the overbooking that tried its damnest to spoil the PPV.

Match 1 - An Ultimate X AND a submission. Why use 1 stipulation when you can have 2, eh? Typical TNA.

Match 2 - interefernce form Moore, interference from D-Von, locking D-Von in a room, the double swerve by the Dudleys (or was it a treble, I couldnt keep up, not to mention the ECW guys hanging around in the crowd doing, erm, well nothing really.

Match 3 - WTF? The knockouts title could have its own worst title switch of the year competition all by itself. Can it be devalued anymore?! Watched a replay on Bravo the other day of an 8 woman tag from 6 months ago, 6 of the undoubtedly talented and highest rating wrestlers are no longer with the company.

Match 4 - win due to outside interfence.

Match 5 - handcuffs. Oh and cage.

Match 6 - 2 guys fighting, Hurrah.

Match 7 - 2 refs, double pin, false finish hence a momentum slowing, tainted win for the MCMG. You could see them hang around the outside of the ring waiting on their cue for the double pin, so contrived you could see it coming a good 30 seconds away.

Match 8 - 2 guys fighting - Hurrah.

Match 9 - I dunno, I had stopped paying attention. Just saw Abyss with the chib at the end. Seemed a really short match.

No suprise that the 2 best bouts were Flair/Lethal and Angle/Pope.

Dont get me wrong, I love a good gimmick match as much as the next person but theres a time and a place. They should be the exception rather than the rule. TNA have got it TOTALLY back to front.

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Victory Road

I have re-watched it and posted my thoughts.

Doug Williams beats Brian Kendricks via submission retaining the X-division Title. I don't see the point in the Ultimate X part of this, they went up it, properly, once. After watching it again, Kendricks' fall does look bad, I think they might've been trying for Kendricks to slap the cobra clutch on Williams when they were both on the ropes of Ultimate X, Williams couldn't hold on and they kinda fucked it up. Kendricks looked like dead weight, so Williams just ended the match there and then. If this is the case then Williams will probably lose the title on impact soon.

It was a good match nonetheless.

Bubba's promo is actually pretty good, reminds me of their old ECW days when they got a lot of heat. This match will probably end up being shit. Bubba has locked D'von in their room, there's a cameraman sitting there but he doesn't decide to let D'von out, bit strange. My first impressions of the match were perhaps a bit harsh. Bubba looks good, really "schooling" Jesse. Some pretty rough looking chops and slaps, I wouldn't like to be on the receiving end of any of those. The ECW guys come down, Raven looks surprisingly "normal", for him anyway. D'von comes down, looks like 3D might double team Jesse, but the square off and exchange punches. Jesse spears D'von, he gets Bubba bombed for his troubles and Ray takes the win and quickly leaves.

Decent match.

Angelina Love(unsurprisingly) beats Madison Rayne by outside interference. She wins the belt because the ref ruled that it was one of the Beautiful People, eventhough it was someone in a motorbike helmet in full leather. Not a bad match by any means, just wasn't grabbing my attention.


AJ and Kaz beat Rob Terry and Samoa Joe. The opponents don't exactly look like they'll click. Terry starts off, properly, against Kazarian. The latter quickly ends up outside, Joe unleashes lefts and rights on him, before delivering a kick right to AJ. When Joe gets in, and continues to work over Kazarian.Terry dispatches both AJ and Kazarian over the ropes and then whips Joe, who performs an "Air Samoa" as Tazz puts it. Joe runs splashes AJ, then hits him with a Pelé like kick. AJ rakes the eye of Joe, then spits at Terry, who tries to enter but Slick prevents him, which allows AJ to capitalise with a bit of double teaming with Kazarian. Nice slingshot DDT by Kazarian. AJ does the clap which sounds like a tag behind Johnson's back, but he had turns around an both competitors are in the ring :lol:. Kazarianand AJ get the double team on Joe. AJ tries to wear Joe out, Joe eventually gets AJ up on his shoulder. Kazarian, smartly, comes in and hits Terry to the floor and spins AJ, while he's up on Joe's shoulder, so that AJ hits a tornado DDT. AJ is (over) confident now, tries for the Styles Clash but Joe reverses twice. AJ hits his Pelé. Joe changes the momentum with a Rock Bottom. Terry comes in and does some overpowering, a couple of powerful whips and a backdrop. Terry seems to be getting better, hits a suplex into a powerslam, with a taunt before it :o. First sign of a decent gimmick from him. Desmond Wolfe comes down and holds Joe and he goes outside the ring, Kazarian hits him with a double axe handle.Tazz says it correctly "Johnson has lost all control in this match." Wolfe goes in the ring, while the ref is outside it, and gets hit with a clothesline. AJ hits a springboard forearm, Kazarian hits a springboard dropkick both on Terry. Kazarian hits a spinning legdrop from the top rope, AJ hits a springboard 450 splash. They pick up the win. Joe hits Wolfe with a mean muscle buster, I think he's pissed that he lost.

Great match.

Hernandez beats Matt Morgan. Hernandez hits Morgan off the cage a couple of times. He then splashes him into the cage, twide. Misses the third time. Morgan replies with a few bounces off the cage of his own. Morgan hits him with the elbows in the corner, Hernandez flips up onto the top of the turnbuckle. Morgan hits him with the Carbon Footprint. Morgan puts one foot out of the cage but decides to step back in and beat on Hernandez some more. At this point, Hernandez looks more likely to win, just for the irony here. Morgan grates his already busted open forehead across the steel. Couple of clothesline, either side of a corner splash, puts Hernandez on top. Hernandez tries to pick Morgan up, presumably for the Border Toss, but drops him allowing Morgan to capitalise. Tries for a second time, and still can't do it. Hernandez misses the splash from the top of the cage. Ouch! Morgan handcuffs Hernandez to the ropes. Morgan scales the cage. Hernandez breaks the handcuffs and dives through the door as Morgan tries to climb down the cage in time.

Good enough match.

Flair's interview was good. Call Chrissy Hemme blonde for saying Lethal might win. Another solid mic-ing from Flair.

Jay Lethal beats Ric Flair via submission. Lethal starts out on top. Throws him outside. Flair comes back in. Classic Flair moves like the eye rake and the chop block to the back of the knee. Stomps away at the knee aswell. He slap on the figure four. Using the ropes for leverage, Earl eventually catches him and breaks the hold. Damage seems to have been done anyway. Lethal swings the momentum with a handspring elbow. Lethal attempts to sunset flip him, Ric stands up and walks away but Lethal grabs his trunks exposing the bottom of Space Mountain. Lethal nails Flair's knee off the top, chop blocks him then slaps on his very own figure four. Flair taps. Flair performed well, for him being quite old.

Good match.

Motor City Machine Guns beats Beer Money Inc. winning the Tag Team Championships. I was disappointed that Storm didn't come down on his Beer Scooter. His cowboy hat was cool though. Opening exchanges are decent. Shelley hits Storm with a few fast-paced moves, head scissor take-down and a leg sweep. Eye rake turns the tide. Sabin uses the back of Shelley to dropkick both of Beer Money. The Guns using quick tags and double teams to really go at Roode. Impressive. Another messed up blind tag, at least the ref tried to insist on it, eventhough Roode came in, illegally anyway. Quick tags from Beer Money now, grounding Shelley. Shelley manages to get Sabin in, he unleashes all his frustration on Beer Money. Kicking Roode in the mid-section. Sets him up for a DDT, as he's spinning he catches Storm on the back of the head with a kick and plants Roode. Good move there. Springboard forearm gets a near fall. Sabin tries a hurricanrana on Roode but he prevents it and puts him on Storm's back who hits the Eye of the Storm. Beer Money hit a catipult into double knees. Shelley kicks out at like 2 and 9/10. Bit of double teaming before Storm is thrown outside. Roode hits a crossbody, I've never seen him hit one of those before, on Sabin and Shelley hits him with a suicide dive. Storm spits the beer in the face of the ref, it was meant for Sabin. Earl runs down while his son is blinded. Two more very near falls. Ends up with a dusty finish as Storm and Sabin cover at the same time, while both refs count. Earl and Brian argue before Earl decides to restart the match. Storm misses with the run into the turnbuckle, Shelley kicks Roode "right in the mush" before backcracking Storm. Sabin hits the neckbreaker while Shelley crossbodies Roode and gets the three count.

The restart bit was a bit shit but the match was brilliant.

Kurt Angle beats The Pope via submission. 5 or 6 reversals ends with Angle grounding Dinero in a headlock, a series of hip tosses and a flying shoulder sends Angle out of the ring. Strong powerbomb into the corner. Angle really dominating with a back drop and a headlock. Pope puts on a sleeper, only to be bounced off the ropes and Kurt puts him in a sleeper. To his credit, Dinero counters with a backdrop. When they get up, they exchange punches. Angle hits him with a belly to belly and gets a two count. Nice move by the Pope. Hits a suplex, but holds on a looking to be going for more than one, but he turns it into a wristlock and tries to hit a German suplex. All without breaking the hold on Kurt. Dinero looks for the DDE but Angle moves and hits him with three German suplexes. Dinero's slowness on the top ropes allows Angle to hit the belly to belly off the top. Float over and Pope gets hit by the Angle slam. Near fall and the straps come down and an ankle lock is applied. He reverses it and a series of quick pin attempts from both wrestlers comes up. Angle eventually hits his Angle lock and gets the legs in, which proves too much for Dinero who taps.

Great match.

Rob Vam Dam beats Abyss, Jeff Hardy and Ken Anderson to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Starts off with Abyss outside the ring. They other three decide to team up against Abyss. They hit him while he enters. Shots in the corner come from each competitor. Anderson tries the cover but it's broken and Hardy tries to cover. Abyss escapes. RVD provides the back for Hardy to spring off of and he hits Abyss outside. Anderson takes this moment to try and roll up Van Dam. Two count. RVD starts on Anderson, as he goes for the rolling thunder, Abyss grabs his legs and drags him outside. The Enigmatic Assholes do a bit of double teaming on Abyss and knock him down. Double leg drop to boot. Anderson again betrays Hardy and tries the pin. Hardy hits the front suplex. Two count. Couple of shots for Hardy and RVD dives over the ropes and hits Abyss. Hardy follows suit. Anderson hits Abyss with a double axe handle. RVD hits the split-leg moonsault on Anderson. Hardy breaks the count at two and three quarters. Anderson tries to superplex RVD, Hardy joins him but Abyss comes in and adds to the double superplex on RVD. Abyss receives some signature RVD kicks. As he ascends to the top rope, Anderson pushing him out and he hits the ramp corner. Anderson hit the mic-drop on Abyss, Hardy breaks the count. Hardy then attempts the twist of fate but Abyss pushing him against the ropes and hits the black hole slam. The count stopped because Anderson pulled the ref out, wotta an asshole! A series of reversals involving Hardy and Anderson, quiet riveting. Finally Hardy hits his twist of fate followed by a swanton bomb. As he gets up Abyss chockslams him on top of Anderson. As he pins them, RVD hits the five star frog splash on Abyss. He pins Anderson. Abyss starts a beatdown, post match. He picks up his Nailed 2x4. Misses RVD with it.

Good match.

For me, the Tag Team Championship match was better than the World Heavyweight. Good PPV nonetheless.

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I'm going to take this into spoilers as I WILL be referring to results when I reply.

Match 1 - An Ultimate X AND a submission. Why use 1 stipulation when you can have 2, eh? Typical TNA.

Actually, those stips made PERFECT sense. The two stipulations were there to give each man an advantage. If it was a ladder ultimate X I'd see your point. But the way that Douglas Williams has been put over as some sort of anti-flying guy meant that they gave him an option to win without having to go for the X. The only thing that didn't make sense was him going for the X when he had other options.

interference from D-Von, locking D-Von in a room, the double swerve by the Dudleys (or was it a treble, I couldnt keep up, not to mention the ECW guys hanging around in the crowd doing, erm, well nothing really.

The ECW thing was pointless I agree.

Interference from Devon ? You do realise you can't interfere in a match if you're actually in it, right ? Oh and it was one double swerve, done solely by Devon to get Ray away from Neal. As I said, it was perfectly booked.

Match 3 - WTF? The knockouts title could have its own worst title switch of the year competition all by itself. Can it be devalued anymore?! Watched a replay on Bravo the other day of an 8 woman tag from 6 months ago, 6 of the undoubtedly talented and highest rating wrestlers are no longer with the company

I'd be interested to know the 6 you refer to here.

As for the match it was shit and badly booked into the bargain, and you won't find me arguing with that.

Match 4 - win due to outside interfence.

Probably could have done without the interference in all honesty, but it made sense in a way with Samoa Joe going mental and also with Wolfe wanting to prove a point to Ric Flair.

Match 5 - handcuffs. Oh and cage.

Handcuffs in the cage worked as Morgan had tried everything else and it wasn't working. So he went to the extremes, but even THAT didn't work. It showed the determination of Hernandez.

Match 7 - 2 refs, double pin, false finish hence a momentum slowing, tainted win for the MCMG. You could see them hang around the outside of the ring waiting on their cue for the double pin, so contrived you could see it coming a good 30 seconds away.

Gonna agree with you here, and I think you're being kind with the 30 seconds estimation. I seen it coming as soon as the other referee came down. There was no need for that false finish.

The match was still worth watching though regardless. Would have been an absolute classic had it not been for the poor ending. The quality of the match means I'm not going to have it as a negative. It's all good here.

Oh, and Angle/Pope was nowhere near the best match on the card. Nowhere near at all. How can you complain about the booking and then not mention that match, which basically made The Pope look like absolute shit ?

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Match 4 - win due to outside interfence.

Match 7 - 2 refs, double pin, false finish hence a momentum slowing, tainted win for the MCMG. You could see them hang around the outside of the ring waiting on their cue for the double pin, so contrived you could see it coming a good 30 seconds away.

Match 8 - 2 guys fighting - Hurrah.

Desmond Wolfe didn't really influence the match ending. Considering he came in and got beat up. I would think that'll be for a future match.

The Tag Match's sting was taken out of it slightly but the moves and pace of it before the dusty finish was sublime.

That Pope Angle match was also amazing. Just two great wrestlers, hitting moves on time and not fucking them up. It wasn't "Two guys fighting" It was Two Guys Wrestling. And if that's not the reason why you watch wrestling then go watch WWE, :P.

I also don't care if i'm called "ignorant"

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