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Mo Wonderboy

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WWE Royal Rumble 2001

Time to get going with the proper PBPs again as this was a year that was littered with all sorts of awesome matches which are going to find their ways into my archive of ratings.

Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boys ( ***3/4 )

Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho, Ladder Match ( ****1/2 )

Ivory vs. Chyna ( N/A )

Kurt Angle vs. Triple H ( ***1/2 )

Royal Rumble Match ( ****1/4 )

Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boys

My memory tells me that this is a really good opening match. The match kicks off right away. Edge and Christian head for the floor and the Dudleys follow them out and lay in the right hands. Into the ring and a Neckbreaker from Devon gets a two count. Spinning Back Elbow gets a two count for Devon and in comes Ray. Double Tackle from the Dudleys and an Elbow Drop gets a two count for Ray. Jabs in the corner from Ray. Christian into the ropes and a Flapjack from Ray and Christian gets into the corner. Christian with the Head Scissor Takedown, but Ray with a Sidewalk Slam for a two count. In comes Devon again. Right hands to the gut and then a Knee in the stomach from Christian. Edge tagged in but he runs into a Powerslam for a two count. Christian with a cheap shot to the back of the head of Devon. Stomps to the head from Edge. Back Drop Suplex from Edge and then in comes Christian. Devon blocks a Hiptoss, but Christian with the Russian Legsweep and then he batters the head of Devon into the canvas. Into the corner and then Edge gets in some shots as well. In comes Edge again and Devon with a fightback, but Edge just clubs him down. Edge with another Neckbreaker and that gets a two count. Christian now tags back into the match. Christian now stands on the head of Devon. Devon with a fightback, and then Edge with a Snapmare and a Chinlock. Devon is making a comeback, but Christian puts an end to that and that gets a two count. Christian now back into the ring and he goes to work on the back of the head of Devon. Edge gets in some shots on Devon behind the back of the referee and then he's tagged into the ring again. Piledrvier is blocked and then Edge gets Catapulted into Christian. O'Connor Roll gets a two count for Devon and then we have both men colliding in the middle of the ring. Devon is going for the tag. The referee doesn't see Ray tagging into the match and the fans don't like that. Edge and Christian have the chairs. CON-CHAIR-TO ... MISSES !!! Double Clothesline from Devon and he has another chance to make the tag. HOT TAG !!! Ray goes to work on the champs. Back Body Drop from Ray and then the Stun Gun. BUBBA BOMB FROM RAY !!! Body Slam on Edge and the next move is coming. THE WASSUP HEADBUTT FROM THE DUDLEYS !!! The Dudley Boys want to see tables brought into this match and Devon goes under the ring and gets a table. Christian stops that from happening. SCHOOL BOY FROM RAY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! UNPRETTIER ON RAY ... stopped. 3D ON CHRISTIAN ... STOPPED BY A SPEAR FROM EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! WASSUP HEADBUTT FROM EDGE AND CHRISTIAN ... stopped. HE HITS HIS OWN PARTNER !!! 3D ON EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was great fun right there. The fans were MENTAL for this stuff. They kinda enjoyed the majority but after the missed Con-Chair-To, they REALLY kicked things into another gear. There was some real effort here. ***3/4

Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho, Ladder Match

Right hands from Jericho gets this going and then he lands a Running Forearm and then again. Into the corner and Jericho lands some chops. Kicks to the stomach from Jericho and then he gets sent into the corner. Benoit runs into a boot, but then goes for the Crossface, but Jericho rolls through and tries for the Walls of Jericho and that fails too. Right hands from Benoit this time. Jericho then gets launched into the ringpost. Chops in the corner from Benoit. Shoulder Breaker from Benoit and he's really going to work on that shoulder. Shoulder Breaker is blocked and then Jericho into the ropes and he lands a Flying Clothesline. Springboard move misses and Jericho is now on the floor. Benoit now goes for the ladder and Jericho is going over to deal with him. Jericho gets sent shoulder first into the ringpost. Jericho misses a baseball slide and then gets sent into the ringsteps. Benoit is now going for the belt and Jericho stops him. Electric Chair Drop from Jericho. Clothesline from Jericho in the corner and then Jericho hits Benoit with the ladder right on the head. Now chops from Jericho and he moves the ladder about. Ladder is then sent into the gut of Benoit. Kicks to the stomach from Jericho. Knees to the stomach follow that and then Jericho gets sent into the ladder. Jericho is on the floor. SUICIDE DIVE FROM BENOIT ... HE JUMPS INTO THE CHAIR SHOT FROM JERICHO !!! Kicks to the stomach and then Jericho drops Benoit stomach first on the barrier. Jericho tries to drop the ladder on Benoit and he gets out of the way. Benoit then hits Jericho in the head with the ladder. Chair to the back. Back Elbow from Benoit and then he sends the ladder back into the ring. Benoit then rams Jericho into the ladder in the corner. Jericho reverses that and sends Benoit into the ladder. Dropkick from Jericho. He then sets it in the corner again. Jericho then sort of sets Benoit on the ladder. JERICHO BRINGS THE LADDER DOWN WITH BENOIT IN IT !!! WOW !!! Benoit Dropkicks the ladder into the face of Jericho. Back Drop Suplex from Benoit. Benoit now sets the ladder horizontally on the ringpost/top buckle. Benoit gets whipped face first into the ladder and now Jericho heads for the top rope. SLINGSHOT SENDS THE LADDER SPEEDING INTO THE FACE OF BENOIT !!! Jericho now heads for the top rope again. Missile Dropkick sends the ladder into the face of Benoit. Jericho now heading for the gold and Benoit stops him. BENOIT DROPS JERICHO OVER THE TOP ROPE WITH THE BACK DROP SUPLEX !!! Benoit now heading for the top rope. Jericho stops him. They do battle. WALLS OF JERICHO ACROSS THE TOP RUNG OF THE LADDER !!! Jericho now sends down Benoit. JERICHO'S BIG CHANCE HAS ARRIVED ... BENOIT PUSHES THE LADDER DOWN AND JERICHO CRASHES OFF OF THE TOP ROPE !!! Jericho is now first up and he hits Benoit with the ladder and he climbs. JERICHO JUMPS RIGHT INTO THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM BENOIT !!! Jericho gets sent into the ringpost. FLAPJACK SENDS BENOIT FACE FIRST INTO THE LADDER !!! Jericho is down. BENOIT WITH A FLYING HEADBUTT OFF OF THE TOP OF THE LADDER ... MISSES !!! JERICHO IS NEARLY AT THE TOP ... BENOIT PUSHES THE LADDER DOWN AND JERICHO WINDS UP ON THE FLOOR !!! Chairs to the back of Benoit. Benoit gets pushed over the top rope now and Jericho is going for the belt. JERICHO GRABS IT !!!

The anticlimatic ending ensures that the match loses 1/4* from what I originally rated it since I'm not caught up in the whole thing this time. It's still an amazing match though. The key here is that you could tell both guys wanted to hurt each other badly and just went out there to inflict the maximum damage with every move. They ignored innovation in favour of intensity. Great stuff. ****1/2

Ivory vs. Chyna

Chyna just ragdolls Ivory to get the match going. Into the corner and Chyna then whips Ivory from corner to corner. Chyna then beats down Ivory in the corner. Chyna then set Ivory on the top rope and sends her to the floor. Ivory wants to do a runner and Chyna follows her. Gorilla Press Slam sends Ivory over the barrier back to the ringside area. Back into the ring they go. Brutal Body Slam from Chyna and then she takes Stevie out of the match. Chyna does her cartwheel and she's out of the match.

Ivory didn't even get a move in. Next. N/A

Kurt Angle vs. Triple H

Lockup and HHH goes to the arm of Angle. Arm Ringer from HHH and then he continues the work. Angle with a nice escape and then a Fireman's Carry. HHH forces Angle into the corner and the referee wants a break. HHH into the ropes and he charges Angle down, but runs into a Hiptoss. Big "Angle Sucks" chant breaks out and HHH wants to get back in. Knee to the stomach and then club across the back from HHH. Into the corner and HHH lands some right hands on Angle. Back Body Drop from Angle and then he goes back to the Arm Ringer and grounds him with it. HHH with a knee and then Angle avoids a Suplex. Angle with a Suplex of his own and then he lands a second. The third gets a two count for the champ. HHH is now heading for the aisle to take a breather. Angle now goes out to deal with him and lands a series of right hands. Angle then sent into the barrier and then dropped on the barrier. Angle gets sent into the ringsteps. More right hands from HHH and then into the ring they go. Right hands now from Angle. Angle runs into the Drop Toe Hold and then the Indian Deathlock from HHH, or at least a modified version of it. He then kicks the leg of Angle. Dragon Screw from HHH and he continues to work over the leg of Angle. Kicks to the leg from HHH and then Angle lands an Enziguri. That gets a two count for Angle. HHH now works over Angle in the corner and lands some more right hands. HHH is whipped into the corner and he goes over the top rope. HHH then gets sent into the ringsteps. Angle charges and misses a Clothesline. HHH takes Angle to the ringpost and slams the knee into the ringpost. He does this a second time. Chair to the knee from HHH. That came behind the back of the referee. Solid wrestling match thus far between these two guys. Back into the ring they go and HHH is seemingly trying to sneak around Angle. He then lands the chop block. HHH then with more kicks to the leg. Angle has his leg put on the bottom rope and HHH lands an elbow on the leg. HHH then lands another Elbow Drop to the leg and he's really working over Angle here. Into the middle of the ring and then a Leg Drop to the leg. HHH then with some form of the Figure Four. Angle manages to battle his way out of the match and then he lands some right hands. Knee 2 Face from HHH and that gets a two count. HHH then slams the knee of Angle into the canvas. HHH then with a BRUTAL Knee Drop to the back of the leg of Angle. Figure Four Leglock is then the next move used. HHH then uses the ropes for leverage and Trish gets into the ring and Steph goes over. They slap each other and now we have the catfight between the two ladies. Steph and Trish then do battle on the announce table. Vince McMahon is now heading for the ring. Vince gets in between Steph and Trish and the fans want to see them do battle a wee bit more. You'd be forgiven for forgetting that there's a match going on. Vince is carrying Trish, but Steph brings down the two of them and she tries to get some more of Trish. Both of them are brawling and Vince is getting Trish away again and now Steph catches up again. The brawl now heads for the back. HHH now goes back to the leg and Angle gets a Small Package and that gets a two count. HHH goes back to the leg of Angle with Elbow Drops. HHH is kicked into the ringpost and now Angle and HHH are exchanging right hands. Knee to the stomach from HHH but he then charges into a DDT from Angle and that gets a two count. More right hands from Angle and now a Manhattan Drop from Angle. German Suplex gets a two count for the champ. Russian Legsweep from Angle and now he heads for the top rope. MOONSAULT FROM ANGLE ... HHH blocks that with a blatant low blow. HHH WITH THE RAZOR'S EDGE ON ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! PEDIGREE ... countered but that gets countered and we get an undeliberate low blow from Angle. Angle to the top rope. MOONSAULT FROM ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! They brawl on the floor a bit where HHH gets the best of things. Into the ring and HHH to the top rope. ANGLE POPS UP AND LANDS A SUPER ARM DRAG !!! There's no referee as he took a bit of a bump on the floor. Angle isn't a happy man. HHH goes over and grabs Angle. Angle now with right hands. The ref has his head sent into the ringsteps. HHH then goes around the ringside area. Into the ring and Angle lands the Belly 2 Belly Suplex on HHH. Kick to the stomach. PEDIGREE IN THE RING FROM HHH !!! There's no referee though. AUSTN TURNS UP !!! BELT SHOT TO THE HEAD OF HHH !!! STONE COLD STUNNER ON HHH !!! ANGLE IS MAKING THE COVER AND HE CRAWLS OVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Rumour has it that these two guys worked relentlessly and actually rehearsed the match big time knowing that they had bad chemistry, and it worked as well as they really went and delivered and it's a shame that the match had to suffer the major overbooking which meant that a lot of the hard work was for nothing. ***1/2

Royal Rumble Match

I am actually really looking forward to seeing all of the guys who come into this match to give me a real look at the roster at the start of 2001. #1 for this match is going to be Jeff Hardy. #2 is Bull Buchanan. On the other hand, does someone else mind doing this? Bull sends Jeff to the apron and he jumps over Bull and lands a Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors, but Bull lands a Clothesline. Gorilla Press Slam from Bull misses as Hardy gets behind him. Right hands from Bull in the corner, and then Jeff lands some of his own. Jeff now tries to get Bull out but can't. Right hand from Bull and now he tries to get Hardy out of the match. Hardy into the corner and #3 is Matt Hardy. Matt attacks Bull from behind. Bull misses a charge and the Hardys land Poetry in Motion and then throw Bull out. The Hardys then lockup and do battle. Matt now tries to get rid of Jeff. Jeff kicks his way out of the corner. Right hands from Jeff and then right hands. Matt with the Back Drop Suplex on Jeff. Sitdown Jawbreaker from Jeff. Jeff now tries to send Matt over the top rope. #4 is going to be Farooq. Simmons into the ropes and he lands a Double Clothesline on the Hardys. Right hands from Simmons and then he tries to dump Matt. Poetry in Motion and then we have a bit of a mess. TWIST OF FATE ON SIMMONS !!! SWANTON BOMB !!! Farooq is now out of the match and then Matt almost dumps Jeff. Jeff accepts that this sort of thing happens and they go at it again. Right hands from both men now. WHISPER IN THE WIND ON MATT !!! Drew Carey is now coming out as #5. Jeff and Matt do their battle in the ring. Matt lands a Leg Drop on Jeff. Drew decides to let them go. Drew is getting into the ring. Both men crash to the floor and Drew Carey does a bit of celebrating. The fans like that as well. #6 is Kane. He's suddenly a little bit less happy. Kane is now in the ring and amazingly, Drew is still in there. Drew wants a handshake. Drew then offers a bribe. Raven is now heading for the ring and he lays in with the weapons. Drew climbs over the top rope and gets the hell out of there. Raven is #7 anyways. Raven puts up a fight, but runs right into a Sidewalk Slam. Raven heads for the floor and gets a fire extinguisher. He sprays it in the face of Kane and then brings some weapons out. Al Snow attacks now. Raven then gets sent into the barrier. Raven gets back into the ring and hits Kane with a bunch of stuff. #8 is now Al Snow. I guess he knew that. Snow is landing some trashcan lid shots to everyone. Snow then heads to the floor again and brings out more junk. SNOW SWINGS A BAG WITH A BOWLING BALL AT KANE !!! HE THROWS IT AT THE BALLS OF RAVEN !!! Kane then with the Big Boot on Snow and he lands some right hands. Raven tries to get involved and that doesn't work. Trashcan shots to the head from Snow to Kane. Raven joins Snow. Double Drop Toe Hold from the ECW alumni. #9 is Perry Saturn. Saturn drags Kane to the apron and works on his leg and then lands a Slingshot Splash. He then drops his weight on the leg of Kane and then he locks in the Leg Grapevine and Kane escapes from that. Raven now mounts the back of Kane and gets thrown off. Right hands from Saturn. Gorilla Press Slam from Kane to Saturn. Everyone tries. The ECW alumni are all working on Kane realising that they have a better chance with him out of the match and now the #10 is going to be Steve Blackman. Blackman has those sticks and he goes to work on Snow. The match is breaking down a fair bit now. Lots of nothing going on. Spin Kick from Snow to Raven. Trashcan shots to the heads of Snow and Raven and now #11 is coming and it's Grandmaster Sexay. Sexay joins in the weapon filled fun with trashcan shots to the head and then he tries to get rid of Snow. Kicks from Saturn to Sexay. Blackman and Kane are now doing battle. Kane unloads with the trashcan and dumps Blackman. Kane has decided he's had enough and gets rid of Raven as well. Bye Saturn. Honky Tonk Man is #12. He wants to do a bit of singing. He seems to be a bit oblivious to the fact that Kane is standing behind him. KANE CROWNS HONKY WITH THE GUITAR !!! He then shakes his head. :lol: Nah, I didn't like it either. #12 is The Rock. Rock goes to work on Kane with big right hands. Flying Clothesline from Rock and then he tries to dump Kane, but Kane with a big right hand. Kicks to the chest from Kane to Rock. Into the corner and Kane with big right hands. Clothesline from Kane. Rock now comes back with right hands and then he runs into a boot. #13 is The Goodfather. He's not going to last long in there. Kama hits the ring and Rock lands big right hands. Rock sends him over the top rope and Kane then lands a big right hand on The Rock. Kane then with a Suplex and then he chokes Rock. Rock sent into the ropes and then he comes back with more right hands. Sidewalk Slam from Kane. #14 is going to be Tazz. He runs right into the big hands of Kane, who sits him on the top rope and then punches him to the floor. Kane then chokes Rock over the middle rope. Kane tries to eliminate Rock. Rock now comes back with right hands and tries to eliminate Kane. Rock into the corner and Kane misses a charge. Kane and Rock now exchanging. Samoan Drop from Rock and the next man is coming. #15 is Bradshaw. He comes in and lands some chops on Kane. Rock is getting back to his feet and then he helps Bradshaw. Clothesline on Kane and then Bradshaw hits a big Clothesline on Kane. Into the corner and Bradshaw with a knee to the gut. Right hands from Bradshaw. Spinebuster on Bradshaw, but then Kane lands a Clothesline on Rock. Looks like they might start breaking this thing down. #16 is Albert and he goes right after Kane and The Rock. Kane wasn't happy with that though and he lands a big right hand. Bradshaw helps him. Double Back Elbow on Albert and then Bradshaw gets taken down. Albert tries to eliminate Bradshaw. Kane is trying to dump The Rock. Bradshaw is VERY close, but he manages to stay in the match. Knees to the stomach from Bradshaw. Big Boot from Bradshaw and now #17 is Hardcore Holly. He starts to beat on Bradshaw and Kane just gets a big shot in on him. BALDO BOMB ON BRADSHAW !!! Right, so we're back to the action now. Holly and Bradshaw are looking at getting rid of The Rock. The Rock avoids that. Rock with a Clothesline on Bradshaw and then Kane is almost on the way out, but that gets stopped. Kicks to Kane who is on the apron. #18 is K-Kwik. AW f**k !!! Truth hits the ring and he goes after Albert. We're now back to the "Whole Lot of Nothing" stage of the match. POWERBOMB ON TRUTH !!! Powerslam from Kane to Holly and then Bradshaw with big kicks to Kane and now #19 is going to be Val Venis. Venis goes over and kicks the chest of Holly and then lays a beating on Kane. Kane with a Running Spinebuster on Venis. Holly with big kicks in the corner to The Rock and then he chokes him. Bradshaw Spears Truth. Kane works on Venis in the corner. #20 is going to be William Regal who gives some wee waves to the audience on the way to the ring. It should be noted that this guy is OVER. Back Drop Suplex on Truth. Somebody get rid of that p***k. Regal works over Bradshaw in the corner. Venis with right hands to Rock. Spinebuster on Venis from Rock. Kane now with big stomps to the chest. Bradshaw with a kick to the stomach and then Short Arm Clotheslines on Venis. Bradshaw now wants to get rid of Val. #21 is going to be Test. Regal is dumped from the match. Been a while since there's been anything really worth noting in this match. Test beats on Albert in the corner. Holly now wants to get rid of Rock again. Test is now working on Albert in the corner. #22 is The Big Show. Show takes out a bunch of poor folk. CHOKESLAM ON ALBERT AND THEN BRADSHAW !!! Loads more for everyone. He then grabs Kane. CHOKESLAM ON KANE !!! CHOKESLAM ON THE ROCK ... low blow. Right hands from Rock to Show. ROCK GETS RID OF THE BIG SHOW !!! #23 is Crash Holly. The Big Show brings The Rock to the floor. CHOKESLAM THROUGH THE US ANNOUNCE TABLE !!! #24 is The Undertaker. Taker lands a bunch of stuff on a bunch of guys. Taker is now dumping a bunch of guys. He's left in the ring with Kane. #25 is going to be Scotty 2 Hotty and he's not exactly up for getting into the ring. He's a gamer though and he gets in there and goes for it. Good on ya lad. Big Boot from Taker. Body Slam from Kane. DOUBLE CHOKESLAM ON SCOTTY !!! Scotty gets sent to the floor over the top. The Rock is crawling towards the ring. #26 is Steve Austin. HHH attacks Austin from behind and then sends him into the barrier and that is returning the favour from earlier. The Rock now comes back with right hands on Kane. Taker then goes to him. Austin then gets sent into the barrier. #27 and Bully Gunn heads for the ring to join the shenanigans. There's six referees dragging HHH off of Austin. Kane with a Clothesline in the corner. Rock with big right hands to Taker. Jumping DDT from Taker to The Rock. Haku is now heading for the ring as #28. He goes right after Kane and he unloads all sorts of shit on Kane and The Undertaker. Haku is one bad b*****d, I'll tell you that. Kane and The Undertaker take the advantage of this battle. Haku fights back because he's a right nasty b*****d. Billy Gunn is now helping. Taker goes and helps Kane out against Haku. Rikishi is now heading for the ring. Did we miss numbers? Anyways, Rikishi is the last man. Austin with right hands to Rikishi as he heads for the ring. Stomps in the stomach in the corner from Austin. Right.

So with everyone out, we have the last section. CHOKESLAM ON RIKISHI FROM TAKER !!! Rock with right hands on Taker. Rock holds on for dear life. Austin then with stomps to the chest again on Gunn. Taker gets sent out of the match with a Superkick. Rock with right hands on Rikishi. Avalanche in the corner and then a right hand from Rikishi. Rikishi goes for the Banzai Drop, but Rock moves and sends him over the top rope. Billy Gunn is one of the final four. The Undertaker heads away. FAME ASSER FROM GUNN TO AUSTIN !!! Gunn gets dumped though. Kane with a right hand on The Rock. DDT from Rock to Kane. Rock and Austin are looking across the ring at each other. They exchange right hands and the fans are excited about this. Rock comes back with right hands. THE ROCK BOTTOM FROM ROCK ... stopped. STONE COLD STUNNER FROM AUSTIN !!! Austin now with right hands on Kane. Thesz Press on Kane and some right hands. Rock with right hands. ROCK BOTTOM ON AUSTIN FROM THE ROCK !!! Kane gets sent through the middle rope and he's still in the match. Rock gets dumped from the match. Austin is still in there. Right hands from Austin. CHOKESLAM ON AUSTIN !!! Low blow from Austin. Kane has a chair. Kick to the stomach from Austin and then he comes back with right hands. STUNNER FROM AUSTIN !!! CHAIR SHOTS TO THE HEAD FROM AUSTIN !!! OUT GOES KANE !!! IT'S OVER !!!

This match is probably the very definition of "whole lot of nothing" most of the way, so it says a lot for the talent of those involved that the match still managed to be brilliant. ****1/4

Well, isn't that good. Two matches at 3*, two at 4* and a squash match which isn't around long enough to be shit, this really is a brilliant PPV.

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I have to say, I think RAW is at an all time low at the moment. The writing is terrible. There is a lack of wrestlers who are good on the mic and it shows. I reckon other than the miz at the moment there is nobody worth any entertainment.

I'm sorry that the Nexus have gone from a real dominant force to a squabbling group being owned by the now ever so tiresome John Cena.

Cena is the Hogan of today and I alwas hated Hogan too.

I think the PG tv is choking the show and feel personably they should punt Cena to smackdown and have that pish there and get the edgy good entertainers on RAW. I think on last nights show the best two potentials on the mic were Edge and Christian. Would love to see a need for a faction led by them to take on a venomous Nexus who are like the McMahon HHH faction of old which the Rock battled (can't remember the group name?)

Edited by Whitswit
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Well considering all the stats WWE come out with, longest running weekly show etc. is down to Vince. Although he allowed them to go through, he didn't write them. That's like saying it's Dixie Carter's fault for TNA continually using the ref bump. WWE is a mammoth compared to other wrestling companies, the praise lies at the feet of Vince.

Don't get me wrong I to believe he is a genius but there are things or decisions he has made in the past that were not made for the wrestling fan. Put it that way.

If we're allowed to praise Vince for the successes, we should also be able to criticise him for the failures.


WWE Royal Rumble 2001

Probably my favourite Rumble, I can't decide between 98, 00 and 01. For me it was always the highlight of the year.

JR's commentary is plastered all over the climax of the event. "Kane is out, Stone Cold! Stone Cold!"

I have to say, I think RAW is at an all time low at the moment. The writing is terrible. There is a lack of wrestlers who are good on the mic and it shows. I reckon other than the miz at the moment there is nobody worth any entertainment.

I'm sorry that the Nexus have gone from a real dominant force to a squabbling group being owned by the now ever so tiresome John Cena.

Cena is the Hogan of today and I alwas hated Hogan too.

I think the PG tv is choking the show and feel personably they should punt Cena to smackdown and have that pish there and get the edgy good entertainers on RAW. I think on last nights show the best two potentials on the mic were Edge and Christian. Would love to see a need for a faction led by them to take on a venomous Nexus who are like the McMahon HHH faction of old which the Rock battled (can't remember the group name?)

Cue Marshmallo and his fellow "Cole Miners" to come rushing to the scene...

Although I disagree on Hogan, I always have and always will love Hulk Hogan, Terry Bollea is a different story however.

I'd have Christian win the Royal Rumble next year personally, after you are talking about entertainers and in my opinion Captain Charisma can do just that.

And I'm sure it was just simply the "McMahon Helmsley regime"

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Cue Marshmallo and his fellow "Cole Miners" to come rushing to the scene...


I'd have Christian win the Royal Rumble next year personally, after you are talking about entertainers and in my opinion Captain Charisma can do just that.

Not sure I'd have had him win the Rumble but Edge vs Christian for the SD title should have been a great WM main event. They wasted that with their first match against each other being a throwaway on Raw a few of months ago.

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Talking of the Rumble, who will win it? Very hard to see a standout contender here. I desperately hope they won't go with Cena, but it must be a possibility. If it was to facilitate a heel turn then it would be good though.







Outside chance;




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