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Mo Wonderboy

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Ric Flair will be included apparently. That's what WO are reporting.

Even though his finances are fucked (he should have taken advice from Ric Flair Finance and put those debts in a figure four leg lock), I still don't see him going to TNA - though I suppose if the cheque is big enough then he might not have much choice...

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Its doing the rounds that Ricky Hatton will be the guest host on the UK Raw in a couple of weeks.

Yup, The Sun confirmed it.

And Ric Flair has no choice as his finances are beyond fucked. He was confirmed for Hogan's tour of Australia.

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WWE Superstars 30/10/2009

Jack Swagger vs. Primo

Primo Colon must be delighted like some of the great WWE stars of the past, he can't be found doing anything of note anywhere other than Superstars. I never did buy Primo Colon as a winner of this match as Swagger seems to be getting pushed a bit right now, but this still managed to be an entertaining match thanks to Swagger's stiff as hell offense knocking Primo senseless every chance he got. **3/4

Kelly Kelly vs. Alicia Fox

Michael Cole tries to convince us that Kelly Kelly is smart. I'm just not getting it. Kelly Kelly continues to improve in the ring, even managing to draw something decent from the dire Alicia Fox. Although I'd pay good money to never hear her shout "come on !" ever again. *1/2

Zack Ryder vs. Tyler Reks

Tyler Reks has some crappy ripoff of the Pulp Fiction music. I'd kill for these two guys to get the opening match slot on ECW one week so as they can just tear it up. What these guys fit into the time they had was incredible. They crammed so much into a short amount of time and made it decent that you can't help but be impressed. The fans still aren't buying into Reks though. **1/2

R-Truth and Cryme Time vs. The Hart Dynasty and Mike Knox

I can only assume that they have given up on the McIntyre fued. Knox doesn't work for me I'm afraid. He's like a Snitsky with hair. This wasn't too bad. The Harts and Cryme Time have developed quite a good chemistry in the ring, and Truth didn't seem to be dragging down things at any level which was a relief, but Knox is just a problem for any match that he might compete in. **1/2



A good episode of Superstars this week. It's amazing to think of the roster of guys at the disposal of WWE at the moment.

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I've been a fan of Jack Swagger for quite some time. He has a brilliant look about him, and he didn't take long at all to get used to the WWE style of things, and has been involved in a couple of cracking fueds.

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I've been a fan of Jack Swagger for quite some time. He has a brilliant look about him, and he didn't take long at all to get used to the WWE style of things, and has been involved in a couple of cracking fueds.

Indeed, he's pretty good on the mic too. None more so than on Raw when he interupted The Miz's match with Bourne.

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Indeed, he's pretty good on the mic too. None more so than on Raw when he interupted The Miz's match with Bourne.

Thats where I disagree, I'm not a fan of his mic skills. I am a big fan of his in ring ability but theres still something missing about him. He's still relatively young though , 26 or 27 I think, so I can see him improving and becoming really big in a year or two.

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TNA Impact 30/10/2009

Desmond Wolfe is opening the show tonight. He calls the fans wankers. I don't doubt him for a second. The guy can certainly carry himself on the microphone. He even goes as far as to say Kurt Angle got his gold medal because the judges felt sorry for him. Wowzers. Kurt Angle has had enough of Big Des. Angle says Wolfe will be leaving TNA tonight. How does he know ? He says nobody comes in his backyard and pisses in it. This is actually the best promo he's cut for a while. Angle wants a street fight with Wolfe tonight.

Backstage with AJ Styles and Lauren, and Styles doesn't know who attacked him last week. That's gonna be Daniels. Samoa Joe turns up and says he'd attack face to face, and claims it was Daniels. Styles doesn't believe it.

Awesome Kong is ripping up her dressing room.

Alissa Flash vs. Tara

This might actually be bloody good. I hope it is anyways. Nothing was sloppy, but that's only the least you'd expect. The match itself wasn't actually very good. Felt like a bunch of big moves thrown together untill the final stretch. *

Awesome Kong heads for the ring. Implant Buster on top of Flash on Tara.

Team 3D are backstage and they are laughing about the MCMG. Rhino turns up. He continues to be paranoid as he has been put up against Matt Morgan. Although he has a point, Ray is having none of it and call him insane. "Thanks for the heads up Lee Harvey.".

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Team 3D

This is sort of like a warm up for MCMG as they are heading for Turning Point as the #1 contenders. They couldn't make a match which makes sense for this one ? Sabin takes a NASTY bump from a Rock Bottom from Ray. I mean he got dropped right on his head and that looked horrific. Easy to say "work", but looking at that replay, I can't see how that's the case. The ending adds to the paranoia. Good considering the limitations given to it. **

Scott Steiner is backstage, and he apologizes to Crystal Lashley. He's sorry that she doesn't have a real man. He then continues to want Crystal. He'll be there for Lashley's match.

Eric Young vs. Bobby Lashley - TNA Legends Championship

They could not given such an obvious match if they tried. It's not as if Young can beat Lashley, is it ? Steiner continues his Crystal related shenanigans, which allows Young to get some cheap shots in. That isn't enough and it needs the DQ. Shame. Would have been good to get a pinfall over Lashley. A nothing match here. N/A

Scott Steiner with the Recliner after the match. World Elite are in the ring now. They're wearing spiffing white suits. The British Invasion are suspended untill Turning Point, becuse Brutus decked the ref. They think it's a holiday and then Eric Young gets the mic. Eric Young then retires the Legends Title, and he calls it the TNA Global Title. I like that name. He says he doesn't defend the belt on US soil, and he won't defend against an American wrestler. Kevin Nash comes out. He's none too amused. Beer Money hit the ring. They clear the ring. That was a real fun segment.

Daniels enters the dressing room of AJ Styles. He is getting annoyed at Styles thinking Daniels is responsible, so he's gonna find Joe.

The Beautiful People vs. ODB, Hamada and Christy Hemme

That babyface team is about one knockout out away from being a complete DUD of a team. The match wasn't a complete washout though. It was a bit of a clusterfuck, so it remained entertaining. 1/2*

Awesome Konh heads for the ring, and then Tara attacks from behind. The brawl is on and security are getting in there. One man stops Tara. Five fail to hold back Kong. :lol: It kicks off again. The brawl has gone backstage.

Dr. Stevie vs. Abyss - No DQ Match

This is not a bad match. Stevie brings the strategy to the match and brings method to the madness that takes place in the match. There's also some really brutal weapon stuff which is worth a look. I hate how trademark moves win on Impact though. They wouldn't win on PPV. Why should they do so on TV ? Ugh. Decent stuff though. *

Dr. Stevie chokes Abyss with a kendo stick, and then Mick Foley hits the ring. Foley then crowns Stevie with the kendo stick. Foley then leaves before anything happens.

Jeremy is with Foley. No comment.

Rhino vs. Matt Morgan

I fucking hate Rhino. I don't ever want to watch his matches, but I'll do so anyways. It's almost depressing to see what Rhino has become as a wrestler. Morgan looks terrific in comparison. He has such a superb way of carrying himself in the ring. Morgan makes this watchable. Just. 1/4*

Rhino with the Gore after the match. Hernandez hits the ring. Rhino gets out of there. Rhino has been good in this fued. That makes me miss the old Rhino even more when it comes to what he could do in the ring.

Daniels is with Joe. Joe tells Daniels that AJ trusts him, but then uses that to drive the wedge, and says that AJ thinks Daniels isn't in his league. Only honesty there people.

Backstage and Kurt Angle. He basically has a moan about Wolfe taking a cheap shot at him to get to the top.

Desmond Wolfe vs. Kurt Angle - Street Fight

You want to see a move get put over as a killer ? Watch this match. One lariat from Big Des. That's all it took. Suddenly Angle is on a stretcher. The match itself was decent, and seemed like the first few minutes of a really good long match. Then the Lariat was hit. You can have no complaints about this as it achieved everything that I could have wanted from it. **3/4

We see the Hogan press conference, and it's just the basics really. He has signed and will wrestle, but it's strange.



This was a cracking episode of Impact. It's amazing how hit and miss this program can be. On their game, you get a refreshing two hours of action and storylines.

Edited by DomDom
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I'm heading for Oxford tomorrow morning. :D

There was a wee bit in the Daily Star today about the Dragon Gate show coming up. It says it's more hard hitting, but it isn't really outside of a couple of guys. Dragon Gate is about crazy speed, agility and big moves.

CIMA and The Young Bucks vs. PAC, Naruki Doi and BxB Hulk is going to be godly.

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Just caught some of Impact. Brief thoughts...

Foley's 'crazy man' act sucks. When he does something 'unpredictable', I just roll my eyes. I think I've seen him shill his book one too many times to take this kinda stuff seriously from the guy. Just be Mick Foley and do the odd hardcore match.

lol at the intro. "Let's see what's on the show tonight... nah screw that - HOGAN!". And why did they keep on saying "Hogan, TNA and Dixie Carter"? It's not like she's a star who's just come in to shake things up. Her involvement got mentioned more than Eric f'n Bischoff's. :lol:

I've taken to Morgan a lot. The guy looks threatening and a genuinely impressive athlete - and for a big guy, he connects with the crowd well.

Joe talks much better than I remember. Nothing incredible, but he was believable in that backstage exchange with AJ.

The Beautiful People aren't half as great as they were now they've lost Angelina. And Lacey's chokeslam attempt was cringeworthy.

Rhino going from the Big F'n Deal who'd piledrive women through tables and threaten to murder Sandman's kids to that paranoid guy who always wears a baseball cap makes my heart cry.

I'm a mark for Desmond.

Also, class quote from PowerSlam regarding the 'Taker/Punk situation :D

"I think Punk should just start travelling everywhere wearing a tux and act like nothing's changed".

Edited by RB-Scotland
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Also, class quote from PowerSlam regarding the 'Taker/Punk situation :D

"I think Punk should just start travelling everywhere wearing a tux and act like nothing's changed".

What is the 'Taker/Punk situation?

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History of the World Heavyweight Championship DVD

Daisc 1: Documentary & NWA matches


- Origins of wrestling

- "An American hero" Frank Gotch

- Ed "Strangler" Lewis

- National Wrestling Alliance

- Lou Thesz

- Buddy Rogers

- New Breed of Champions

- 1970's world champions

- A Flair for the gold

- Crocketts world champion

- NWA to WCW

- WCW withdraws from NWA

- Revolving WCW Champions

- The Undisputed Championship

- World Championship returns

- Legacy Lives


- Chicago 1961, 2 out of 3 Falls: Pat O'Connor vs Buddy Rogers

- Florida 2/11/69: Gene Kiniski vs Dory Funk Jr.

- Florida 12/10/75: Jack Brisco vs Terry Funk

- Florida 8/21/79: Harley Race vs Dusty Rhodes

- AWA Superclash: Ric Flair vs Magnum TA

- Great American Bash 1990: Ric Flair vs Sting

Disc 2: WCW

- Clash of Champions XIV: Ric Flair vs Scott Steiner

- Great American Bash 1991: Lex Luger vs Barry Windham

- Baltimore 8/2/92: Vader vs Ron Simmons

- WCW Saturday Night 10/16/93: Vader vs Ricky Steamboat

- Halloween Havoc 1994, Career vs Career Steel Cage Match: Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair

- Superbrawll VIII: Sting vs Hollywood Hogan

- Nitro 7/6/98: Hollywood Hogan vs Goldberg

- Bash at the Beach 2000: Jeff Jarrett vs Booker T

- No Mercy 2001: The Rock vs Chris Jericho

Disc 3: WWE

- Unforgiven 2002: Triple H vs RVD

- Taboo Tuesday 2004: Triple H vs Shawn Michaels

- No Way Out 2006: Kurt Angle vs The Undertaker

- Smackdown 4/7/06: Rey Mysterio vs Randy Orton

- Armageddon 2007: Batista vs The Undertaker vs Edge

- Survivor Series 2008: John Cena vs Chris Jericho

- Extreme Rules 2009, Ladder Match: Jeff Hardy vs Edge

Vader vs fucking Steamboat~~~

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I thought Smackdown was fairly low key this week.

Firstly it seems that Dolph Ziggler is in contention for the IC title once more, hopefully he actually wins it this time.

The Batista and Mysterio face off was fairly low key and Batista's "attack" on Matt Hardy was nothing more than a shove! :lol: However it will be interesting to see Batista acting as a heel in the ring next week.

Finally, it's good to see that Y2J was added to the World Heavyweight championship match although it would have been nice to see Kane interact with Taker once more. I really really hope that Jericho wins the championship...imagine him with 3 titles? would be absolutely awesome, however i really do see Cena and Taker retaining the title in both matches.

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What is the 'Taker/Punk situation?

'Taker advised Punk to wear suits while travelling due to the fact he was representing WWE as World Heavyweight Champion, and when Punk answered back by asking why he has to while John Cena doesn't, word got around and it lead to Punk having the belt taken off him.

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'Taker advised Punk to wear suits while travelling due to the fact he was representing WWE as World Heavyweight Champion, and when Punk answered back by asking why he has to while John Cena doesn't, word got around and it lead to Punk having the belt taken off him.

Bit odd and unfare in a way. I doubt Taker wears suits when World Champion because of his Gimmick, dont see why Punk should.

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Christian © vs. Yoshi Tatsu - ECW Championship

ECW did a good job of making Tatsu look credible by giving him a cracking wee music video and stuff earlier in the show. Lets hope he can look just as credible when it comes to challenging in there. The crowd seemed to be solidly behind Yoshi when they headed into the final stretch of the match. Yoshi Tatsu had his best match here and both men provided a match well worthy of making it onto a PPV. It's matches like this that make me wish that ECW would get more time on PPV. Christian has been on a sensational run this year since returning to WWE. ****

I'm just watching through ECW the now having Sky+ it. I keep finding myself watching a certain bit of Christians entrance over and over again, camera cuts to shot of fans, one of which is a stunning blonde with huge tatas doing an Eddie Guerrero style wiggle motion to the camera :D

I would advise anyone who has this Sky+ or download etc to keep an eye out for it if watching. I think I'm in love :wub:

Edited to say I just went and found it on youtube, its 5:31 into this video.

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I'm just watching through ECW the now having Sky+ it. I keep finding myself watching a certain bit of Christians entrance over and over again, camera cuts to shot of fans, one of which is a stunning blonde with huge tatas doing an Eddie Guerrero style wiggle motion to the camera :D

I know who you're talking about, i think i seen her on Smackdown or Raw as well! :D

Some pair i must say. :wub:

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